Grading system

Grading system of I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy is specific. It has different rating methods for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD levels of study.

For undergraduate and postgraduate levels there are used the total score of 100 points for each discipline, which is allocated as following:

Fail: 0-59

Pass: 60-75

Good: 76-85

Excellent: 86-100

PhD students are evaluated by the total score of 5 points for each discipline:

Fail (Unsatisfactory) – 2

Pass (Satisfactory) – 3

Good – 4

Excellent – 5

A discipline is considered as passed from "Pass" (60 points for UG/PG or 3points for PhD)

ECTS: 30 working hours = 1 credit; 1 semester = 30 credits; 1 academic year = 60 credits.