Department of Propaedeutics of Сhildhood Diseases
Department staff
Chernysheva Elena Alekseevna
Chernysheva Elena Alekseevna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
acting Associate Professor
acting Head of the Department
Ishaeva Elmira Shakeevna
Ishaeva Elmira Shakeevna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Head teacher of the department
Bektursunov Tynybek Makilovich
Bektursunov Tynybek Makilovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Abdyldaeva Zaina Esenkanovna
Abdyldaeva Zaina Esenkanovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Kakeeva Aigul Askarovna
Kakeeva Aigul Askarovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Asanbekova Zhanara Asanbekovna
Asanbekova Zhanara Asanbekovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Ryspekova Chinara Darbekovna
Ryspekova Chinara Darbekovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Academic title:
Assistant Professor
Boronbaeva Elnura Kochkonovna
Boronbaeva Elnura Kochkonovna
Academic title:
acting Associate Professor
Urmatova Begaim Kubanychbekovna
Urmatova Begaim Kubanychbekovna
Adylbekova Alina Adylbekovna
Adylbekova Alina Adylbekovna
Adylova Aisuluu Eduardovna
Adylova Aisuluu Eduardovna
Galdybaeva Burulai Galdybaevna
Galdybaeva Burulai Galdybaevna
Zhusupbekova Abatkan Zhusupbekovna
Zhusupbekova Abatkan Zhusupbekovna
Akelbaeva Begimai Berdibekovna
Akelbaeva Begimai Berdibekovna
Chirkina Maria Andreevna
Chirkina Maria Andreevna
Rusakov Leonid Andreevich
Rusakov Leonid Andreevich
Khojanova Burul Davletbekovna
Khojanova Burul Davletbekovna
Sabyr kyzy Aiperi
Sabyr kyzy Aiperi
Bure Alla Arkadyevna
Bure Alla Arkadyevna
Aseeva Vera Nikolaevna
Aseeva Vera Nikolaevna
Zhapekova Shynar Tolegenovna
Zhapekova Shynar Tolegenovna
Senior laboratory assistant
Brief history

The Department of Childhood Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine was the founder of all pediatric departments, where propediatrics was taught as a section from 1943 to 1951, and since 1960 as a full course.The heads of the department were: prof., doctor of medical sciences Finkelshtein L.O.; docent, candidate of medical sciences Balmagia A. G; docent, candidate of medical sciences Margolis R.N.; prof., doctor of medical sciences Maretskaya M.F.; docent, candidate of medical sciences Meyerson B.T.; prof., doctor of medical sciences B.F.Shagan.  We deservedly call Boris Fabianovich Shagan the father of Kyrgyz pediatrics. From 1959 to 1970, the head of the propedopaediatrics course was T.I. Pokrovskaya, who is deservedly and lovingly called the Mother of Kyrgyz Pediatrics.Under her leadership, 3 doctoral and 28 candidate dissertations were completed. In 2020, the Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases was named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Pokrovskaya T.I. From 1970-1976, the Department of Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Afanasenko P.P.. From 1976 -1995 it was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Mirshakirov O.M.

In 1995, the department was headed by the Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Bokonbaeva Syrga Djoomartovna. Bokonbaeva S.D. She was the founder of the scientific school “Ecopathology of Children of Kyrgyzstan”, registered in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation, where she raised 18 candidates of medical sciences and one doctor of sciences. From 2002-2005 the department was headed by doctor of medical sciences, Professor Batyrkhanov Sh.K. From 2005-2008 the department was headed by candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic Z.E. Abdyldaeva. Since 2008 he has been acting as head of department, doctor of medical sciences T.T. Abdyldaev, candidate of medical sciences, acting assistant of docent T.M. Bektursunov, candidate of medical sciences, acting assistant of docent Ishaeva E.Sh.


Since August 2019, the department has been headed by candidate of medical sciences, acting assistant of docent Elena Alekseevna Chernysheva, pediatrician of the highest category, healthcare organizer “Excellence in Healthcare”, who has worked in practical healthcare for more than 35 years, author of more than 40 scientific articles, 6 textbooks on pediatrics. Transformations have taken place at the department: the teaching staff has increased, the classrooms and lecture hall have been reconstructed and renovated, a mock-up office has been equipped, modern equipment has been purchased, and information technology has been introduced, in the process of teaching and monitoring knowledge.Students from India, Pakistan, and the UAE study at the department. Teaching is conducted in 3 languages, in six faculties. As part of academic mobility, teaching staff give lectures and exchange experiences with colleagues abroad.Research work is being carried out in the field of neonatology and pulmonology. Employees of the department have published more than 120 scientific articles, 30 of which are included in the RSCI database, 3 in the Scopus database.The department has developed more than 10 teaching aids and methodological recommendations. Research work is carried out by three graduate students.

Educational work

For pre-graduate education:

  • 3 years of General Medicine faculties in the discipline “Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases”.
  • 3rd year of the Faculty of Pediatrics in the discipline “Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases”.
  • 3 years of the Faculty of General Medicine, including at the Faculty of Foreign Citizens with English as the language of instruction in the discipline Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases.
  • 3rd year student at the Faculty of “Medical and Preventive Care” in the discipline “Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases”.
  • 4th year student at the Faculty of Dentistry in the discipline “Children’s Diseases”.
  • 3rd year faculty of “Higher Nursing” in the discipline “Children’s Diseases”.

For postgraduate education:

  • Residency in Neonatology
  • Residency in Pediatrics
Scientific activity

The scientific potential of the department originates from the student scientific circle. Club members have repeatedly won prizes for participating in international competitions for young scientists and Olympiads in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.Students and residents annually take part in the “Days of Science of KSMA named after I.K.Akhunbaev”, conferences in the Kyrgyz Republic and abroad. More than 20 student articles were published in the KSMA Bulletin and neighboring magazines. The teaching staff conducts daily medical and advisory work in 14 departments of the State Children's Clinical Hospital, conducts training seminars and conferences for doctors of the Kyrgyz Republic.In order to improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment, young doctors and residents regularly conduct reviews of complex patients, as well as reviews of fatal cases.

Currently, on the basis of the department, scientific research work is being carried out on the topic “Risk factors and clinical and laboratory features of respiratory distress syndrome in premature infants” in the State PC Center in Bishkek. and “Adaptation capabilities, heart rate variability and physical development and external respiration functions in school-age children in high and low mountain conditions” in Naryn and Bishkek. Employees of the department constantly improve their professional level, undergo training at seminars, participate in scientific and practical conferences organized by international organizations and research institutions near and far abroad.

The department is currently preparing 1 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertations.  Students and residents of the department annually participate in the conference of young scientists “Days of Science of KSMA” and take prizes.

Scientific achievements

In order to improve the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of practicing doctors, familiarize them with modern materials on the diagnosis and treatment of childhood diseases, on November 22, 2023, an international scientific and practical conference “PEDIATRICS: PAST AND PRESENT” was held on the basis of the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA. CHALLENGES OF MODERN TIME”. The conference took place within the framework of the International Pediatrician Day and was dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist and professor T.I. Pokrovskaya. Leading pediatric scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Kazakhstan took part in the conference program.

At the sectional sessions, examples of the use of high technologies in medical research and practical medicine, interactive discussions and debates, and round tables with representatives of the private medical sector were presented.

As part of the conference, among young scientists, doctors, clinical residents, interns and students of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev and KRSU the following were held:

* Medical startup competition - “innovations in practical training of students”, in which 10 teams of students from the Faculty of Pediatrics took part

  • Master classes on spirometry in children, the algorithm for providing medical care for anaphylactic shock, when a foreign body enters the respiratory tract, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, in which residents and interns of the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA took part.

* Olympiad in fundamental disciplines among 1-3 year students of the pediatric faculty of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev, in the organization of which the younger generation of the department took the most active part.

Leading pediatric scientists from Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Kazakhstan took part in the conference.

The conference was held in mixed mode. More than 300 practicing pediatricians took part in the discussion of the most important issues in pediatrics.

On April 25, 2024, a scientific and practical conference “Current Issues in Pediatrics” was held jointly with the NGO “Association of Children's Doctors of the Kyrgyz Republic” and the State Children's Children's Hospital of the Kyrgyz Republic, where professors of the KSMA Sulaimanov Sh.A. acted as lecturers. and Mamyrbaeva T.T.

On May 17-18, 2024, together with the NGO "Association of Children's Doctors of the Kyrgyz Republic" and the National Center for Children's Medicine, an international scientific and practical “Motherhood and Childhood: Ways to Solve Problems of Health and Quality of Life” was held dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the National Center for Children's Medicine and Children. The department was included in the executive committee, whose activities are aimed at preparing the conference. Leading professors from the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Germany, Turkey and Qatar spoke at this conference.

Department staff, together with students, conduct charity events, visiting and providing assistance to children from orphanages and elderly people from nursing homes. The staff of the department does not stand aside even in days of difficult trials for the country. During the Covid pandemic, department workers did not leave their workplaces for days, admire sick children, and providing advisory assistance to the population of the country. Residents took an active part in the volunteer movement. The teaching staff of the department tries to educate the younger generation of doctors on the principles of humanism, patriotism and academic honesty and openness.

Clinical bases

1) Children's City Clinical Hospital of Emergency medical care

2) Address, telephone: Bishkek, st. Baytik Batyra 8 “a”, 0 (312) 88 70 86