- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Department

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
Epidemiology was taught at the Department of Microbiology and the head of this course was Tynalieva T.A. In connection with the opening of the sanitary and hygienic faculty in 1958, epidemiology was allocated to a separate department and the first head was T.L. Proreshnaya (1958-1980).
Subsequently, the department was headed by: professor Tynalieva T.A. (1980-1991), associate professor Akmatov K.A., (1992-1995) In 1997. united the departments of epidemiology and hygiene and institutions professor Shpirt M.B. (1996-1997) and professor Kasymov O.T. (1997-2001), associate professor Sydykov Zh.S. (2002-2006). united the departments of epidemiology and social medicine, economics and health care with the heads of associate professor V.S. and professor Rysaliev D.D. In 2009, an independent department of general and clinical epidemiology was formed, headed by Professor D.D. Rysaliev. In subsequent years (2014-2015) SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS PURPOSE Dr. med. Abdikarimov S.T. in 2016 senior Assistant Zh.A. Belekov and since 2017 Professor V.S. Toigombayeva. Since 2021, the head of the Department of General and Clinical Epidemiology is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dzhumaliyeva G.A.
-Evidence-based medicine
-Medical geography
The department conducted research on the study of the regional epidemiology of natural focal diseases (Q-fever, leptospirosis, psittacosis, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis), parasitic diseases (protozoa, helminthiasis,), problematic infectious diseases (OKI., VG, zoonoses).
Based on the results of scientific research, 4 doctoral dissertations were defended (Proreshnaya T.L., Tynalieva T.A., Toygombaeva V.S., Taichiev I.T.) and 13 candidate dissertations (Erokhina S.G., Zelenaya S.N., Genis ) E.A., Guzairova R.K., Toygombaeva V.S., Taichiev I.T., Akmatov K.A., Dzhuzenov A.A., Bayyzbekova D.A., Usenbaev N.T. Yrysova M.B., Bekturdiev K., Isakova Zh.T.).
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dzhumalieva Gulmira Artykbaevna Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiological features of rotavirus infection in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/03/02- Virology. 1992.
Topic of doctoral dissertation: “Organization of infection control in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology.02/14/03. Public health and healthcare" 2011.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Yrysova Mirgul Bakirbaevna
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiological features of parenteral viral infections (viral hepatitis, HIV infection) among medical workers (using the example of Bishkek). Code: 02/14/02.- Epidemiology 2011.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Isakova Zhainagul Turganbaevna
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiological assessment of various factors of transmission of intestinal infections and invasions in Bishkek.” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology. 2017.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Temirgalieva Begaim Kudusovna
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiological features of hepatitis E in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology. 2003.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Karagulova Saliykan Tabaldievna
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “An accelerated method for identifying Salmonella by their specific thermostable O-antigen in people and from environmental objects.” Code: 02/03/03 - Microbiology. 1984
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Abdikarimov Sabyrzhan Toktosunovich
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Achievements and prospects for the fight against measles in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/14/30 - Epidemiology. 1999.
Topic of the doctoral dissertation: “Epidemiology of waterborne infections in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology. 2013
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Bogdanov Emil Rashitovich
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiological features of nosocomial infections in newborns.” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology. 2011
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Toygombaeva Vera Sadvakasovna Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Field study of the immunogenic activity of cultural rabies vaccine.” Code: 02/03/02 - Epidemiology. 1987
Topic of doctoral dissertation: “Parasitic diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic (epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic and rehabilitation aspects).” Code: 02/14/02 - Epidemiology. 2013
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Omuraliev Kurmanbek Toktonalievich
Topic of the candidate’s dissertation: “Epidemiology and prevention of salmonellosis in the Kyrgyz Republic.” Code: 02/14/30 - Epidemiology. 2003.
Currently, the department is conducting the following scientific research:
- - “The effectiveness of vaccine prevention of COVID-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic”, (assistant of the department Urmatova Asel Urmatovna),
- - “Epidemiological characteristics of childhood autism in Bishkek” (assistant of the department Stamkulova Nurzina Kamilzhanovna),
- - “Epidemiological analysis of acute cerebrovascular accidents in various climatic and geographical conditions of mountainous areas” (department assistant Toichibaeva Rakhat Ismailovna),
- - “Epidemiological aspects of cerebrovascular diseases and optimization of preventive measures” (Associate Professor Yrysova Mirgul Bakirbaevna)
- Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Address: Frunze street 535, Bishkek
- Bishkek Center of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance Address: Baytik Batyr st., 36a, Bishkek