Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery
Contact details
Department Staff
Academician of National Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Science
Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich
Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Head of Department
Atakulov Nurbek Asylbekovich
Atakulov Nurbek Asylbekovich
Head Teacher
Member-correspondent of NAS
Sulaimanov Dzhanysh Dairovich
Sulaimanov Dzhanysh Dairovich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Рrofessor of the department
Anarkulov Bektur Suiorkulovich
Anarkulov Bektur Suiorkulovich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Head of the department in traumatology №1 Сlinical emergency hospital
Isakov Bakytbek Dzhalidinovich
Isakov Bakytbek Dzhalidinovich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Рrofessor of the department
Usenov Asan Seydakhmetovich
Usenov Asan Seydakhmetovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assosiate Professor
Kubatbekov Almaz Anarbekovich
Kubatbekov Almaz Anarbekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery, Clinical Emergency Hospital
Imanaliev Arstanbek Bekbosunovich
Imanaliev Arstanbek Bekbosunovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Head of traumatology department №4 Clinical Emergency Hospital
Dzhamalbekova Elina Dzhamalbekovna
Dzhamalbekova Elina Dzhamalbekovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Head of pediatric orthopedics in Bishkek Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Kalchaev Bakyt Nurdinovich
Kalchaev Bakyt Nurdinovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Head Department of residency and advanced training of doctors in Bishkek Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Borukeev Azamat Kirzhibekovich
Borukeev Azamat Kirzhibekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Head of (НОО БНИЦТиО)
Kuluev Taalaibek Mamasaitovich
Kuluev Taalaibek Mamasaitovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Sulaimanov Baktiyar Janyshovich
Sulaimanov Baktiyar Janyshovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Subanbekov Ermek Mirzabekovich
Subanbekov Ermek Mirzabekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Tashmatov Almaz Turatbekovich
Tashmatov Almaz Turatbekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Nurmatov Ulan Kenzhetaevich
Nurmatov Ulan Kenzhetaevich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Rakmatov Bakyt Akylbekovich
Rakmatov Bakyt Akylbekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Sheraliev Azat Aydarbekovich
Sheraliev Azat Aydarbekovich
Research fellow of the department
Izabekov Chynybek Nurdinovich
Izabekov Chynybek Nurdinovich
Niyazbekov Abay Cholponovich
Niyazbekov Abay Cholponovich
Aitymbetov Maksat Anataevich
Aitymbetov Maksat Anataevich
Ermatov Beksultan Shaybekovich
Ermatov Beksultan Shaybekovich
Kabylbekov Elmirbek Kelsinbekovich
Kabylbekov Elmirbek Kelsinbekovich
Karmyshbekov Mederbek Attokurovich
Karmyshbekov Mederbek Attokurovich
Research fellow of the department
Brief history

The department was established in September 1959. The first head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Labok D. M. (1959-1962). From March 1962 to June 1963, acting head of the department, Associate Professor Natalia Konstantinovna Studentsova.

In June 1963, Lev Yefimovich Rukhman, a participant in the Second World War, a surgeon on the front line during the siege of Leningrad, defended his doctoral dissertation on arthrodesis of large joints in injuries and inflammatory processes, was elected to the post of head of the department. Under his leadership, 15 doctors defended their PhD theses.

From June 1969 to December 1972, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sh. A. Aliev. Under his leadership, 3 PhD theses were defended. In 1971, the charter was established and the Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of the Kyrgyz SSR. Sh. A. Aliev was the first chairman of this society.

From 1973 to 1979, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Li A.D. During the head of the department, A.D. Li paid much attention to training doctors and employees of the department in methods of compression-distraction osteosynthesis by the Ilizarov apparatus.

From August 1979 to July 1990, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist Rozhinsky Mark Mikhailovich. Under his leadership, 14 PhD theses were defended. Rozhinsky M. M. paid great attention to the work of the Republican Society of Traumatologists-Orthopedists, under his leadership, "Days of the traumatologist" were held in various regions of the republic.

Team led by Professor M. M. Rozhinsky

Delegates of the V-Congress of Traumatologists and orthopedists of the Republic.

From 1990 to 2001, the department was headed by Satyndy Kozhokmatovich Kozhokmatov, MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, laureate of the I. K. Akhunbayev Prize. He was the President of the Association of Traumatologists-Orthopedists of the Republic, the chief traumatologist-orthopedist of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. He published more than 160 scientific papers, including 6 monographs, 11 methodological recommendations for students and doctors. He had 15 copyright certificates and patents for inventions and 18 certificates for innovation proposals. Professor Kozhokmatov S. K. He was awarded a certificate of Kyrgyzpatent. He has trained 10 candidates of medical sciences and one Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Professor Kozhokmatov Satyndy Kozhokmatovich

The team, led by Prof. Kozhokmatovym S. K.

Professor S. K. Kozhokmatov with his student B. Imanbekov, PhD.

(Davos, Switzerland)

Professor Kozhokmatov S. K. with colleagues at the Congress of traumatologists and orthopedists of Kazakhstan (Astana)

Professor Kozhokmatov S. K. with a student from India Anil Mahazhan 

(Indore, India, 1992)

Professor Kozhokmatov S. K. with his friend Maksimbekov I. N. and colleagues from the southern region of the Republic.

Presentation of the State award of the Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic to Professor S. K. Kozhokmatov (2007).

From 2001 to 2015, the department was headed by Djumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich-Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic. Author of more than 205 scientific papers, including 30 inventions and patents, 25 innovation proposals; prepared 20 Ph. D. s, 3 doctoral and 22 PhD theses are being completed; author of 3 monographs.

From 2015-2017, he was acting Head of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Sulaimanov Zhanysh Dairovich

Since May 2017, the head of the department is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kozhakmatova Guliya Satyndyevna.

The main directions of her research work: prevention and treatment of the consequences of gunshot injuries of the limbs, treatment of multiple and combined injuries

Kozhakmatova G. S. is the initiator of the creation of the Department of Disaster Medicine in Kyrgyzstan on the basis of KSMIR and AT in 2001, where not only doctors, but also military personnel are trained. From the day of the organization of the department until 2017, she was its head.

In 2003, under the leadership of Professor G. S. Kozhakmatova, with the support of the Department of Defense and Security under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, a review competition “First medical and sanitary assistance in emergency situations” was held with the involvement of all law enforcement agencies of Kyrgyzstan. It proved that such events can reveal the level of training of military departments to carry out measures to eliminate the consequences of disasters.

Under her leadership, 2 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences were completed and defended. Currently, he is the head of one scientific work for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences and 2-for the candidate of Sciences.

Author and co-author of 101 printed scientific works, including 1 monograph, 2 textbooks, 4 methodological recommendations, 9 a. s. and patents for inventions.

Kozhakmatova G. S. was for a number of years an expert of the National Academy of Sciences, Chief Scientific Secretary of the Association of Surgical Societies of the Kyrgyz Republic, Deputy Director.Chairman of the Republican Union of Afghanistan Veterans. Currently, he is an academician of the Engineering Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic, a corresponding member. International Academy of Engineering, member of the Academic Council, the Scientific and Technical Council of the KSMA and the Bioethics Committee

From October 2021 Dzhumabekov Sabyrbek Artisbekovich is Acting  Director of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery department in KSMA; Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic; laureate of the "Gold Medal" of the World Intellectual Property Organization; laureate of the International Prize "Stars of the Commonwealth" awarded by the Council of the CIS Member States; laureate of the State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of quality; laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of the Kyrgyz Republic; laureate of the youth award of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic; Doctor of Medical Sciences; Professor; Head of the Department of Traumatology, orthopedics and extreme surgery of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy; President of the Association of Traumatologists, Orthopedists of Kyrgyzstan; member of the Presidium of the World Orthopedic Association; chief orthopedist-traumatologist of the Kyrgyz Republic;     

Degree and title: Doctor of Medical Sciences; Professor; Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic; Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic.  


Education and employment:


1981 - 1987

Student of the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute 

1987 - 1995

Clinical resident, postgraduate student, assistant, doctoral student of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Crimean Medical Institute, Simferopol (Crimea, Ukraine)          

1995 - 1996

Head of the Scientific Department of Orthopedics of the Kyrgyz Research Institute of Balneology and Rehabilitation (KNIIK and VL).    

1996 year

Completed an internship at the University of California (USA) in management and        healthcare organizations , implementation of the development of insurance medicine. 

1996 - 2002

Deputy Director of the Kyrgyz Research

 Institute of Balneology and Rehabilitation.

Since 1997

Professor of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.                                                                    

Since 1999

Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery, Kyrgyz State Medical Academy.                                                                        

2002 - 2004   

Director of the Department of Healthcare and the Mandatory Medical Insurance Fund under the Mayor's Office of Bishkek.

Since 2003

Chief Orthopedist and Traumatologist of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Since 2004 Until now

Director of the Research Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics. 


Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic

Since 2011

Director of the Bishkek Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics


Scientific activity:

1991 26 y.

Defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics, Moscow        

( Russia).

1995 30 y.

He defended his doctoral dissertation at the Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow (Russia). 



Corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic was elected 

Elected a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic

1997 - 2007


Presented scientific papers at international congresses, symposia and conferences in cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, St. Louis, Hawaii, Las Vegos, Chicago (USA), Paris, Marseille (France), Berlin, Bochum , Tuttlingen, Branche Vine, Dusseldorf (Germany), Moscow, Kurgan, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara (Russia), Kiev (Ukraine), Beijing, Luoyan (China), Istanbul (Turkey), United Arab Emirates, Astana, Karaganda, Aktau , Almaty Atyrau (Kazakhstan), Turin, Milan (Italy), Marakesh (Morocco), Brussels (Belgium), Gothenburg (Sweden)         


For the first time in Central Asia and Kazakhstan introduced methods     microsurgical treatment of spinal pathology , endoprosthetics of large joints with world-class prostheses .                                  

1999 year

He made three reports at the World Congress of Orthopedics - Traumatology in Sydney (Australia).


Member of the World Scientific Society of Orthopedic Traumatology.

2007 year

He made two reports at the World Congress of Orthopedics - Traumatologists in the city of Morocco (Marrakesh).

2007 year

 Made two presentations at the Eurospain congress in Brussels (Belgium). 

2008 r.

9 reports from Hong Kong (PRC) SICOT

    Author of over 496 scientific papers, 109 inventions and 28 rationalization proposals. 

    Prepared 7 doctors of science, 40 candidates of science; 25 Ph.D. and 6 doctoral dissertations are under completion. 

    Author of 4 monographs "Hip lengthening with intraosseous distractor" - 2003, "Microsurgical discectomy and treatment of secondary cicatricial adhesions of the epidural space in hernias of the lumbosacral spine" - 2004, "Surgical treatment of injuries, their consequences and degenerative lesions of the thoracolumbar spine "- 2008; "Sөөk skeletinin sonyktaryn zamanbap daryloo" -2014  

v       For the first time, the features of reparative regeneration of long tubular bones in high altitude conditions during fixation and distraction of bone fragments with the apparatus of transosseous compression-distraction osteosynthesis in an experiment were studied . The experimental work was carried out on dogs (lane Tooashuu, 3200 m). When fixing and distraction and bone fragments.       

v       New devices and methods for surgical treatment of fractures of the proximal femur have been developed and implemented (3 patents). 

v       A new method of surgical treatment of osteomyelitis has been developed and implemented (3 patents).

v       New methods of surgical treatment of diseases and consequences of spinal injuries have been developed and implemented (12 patents). 

v       Microsurgical discectomy and treatment of secondary cicatricial adhesions of the epidural space for hernias of the lumbosacral spine have been developed and implemented (2 patents).     

v       Post-traumatic regeneration and microelement composition of bone tissue in high-altitude conditions have been studied . 

v       Surgical treatment of Perthes disease in children has been developed and implemented (2 patents).    

v       A device and method for the surgical treatment of compression fractures of the calcaneus has been developed and implemented (1 patent).  

v       New methods of surgical treatment of humeral head fracture have been developed and implemented (1 patent). 

v       New methods of surgical treatment of fractures of the elbow joint bones have been developed and implemented (1 patent). 

v       New methods of surgical treatment of deforming arthrosis of the knee joint have been developed and implemented (4 patents).

v       A new method of surgical treatment of congenital clubfoot has been developed and implemented (1 patent).     


Distinctions and awards:

1990 - Second place in the All-Union competition of young scientists and      specialists,          Donetsk city (Ukraine)

1991 - Winner of the competition for young inventors and innovators                                   Republic of Crimea (Ukraine)

1995 - Awarded the medal "1000 years - the epic Manas" (Kyrgyzstan)    

1995 - 2007 - Recognized as "Person of the Year" in the field of medicine by the newspapers "Kyrgyz                                          Tuusu "," Word of Kyrgyzstan "," Asaba "," Kyrgyz Ruhu ", " Respublika "(Kyrgyzstan) and" Agym "," Apta "," Erkin too "," Ordo ",                                                             

                 "Bishkek times", "Zamandash" magazine 

1996 - Honorary Citizen of Santa Cruz, (USA)    

1999 - Laureate of the International Prize "Namys" (Kyrgyzstan)  

2000 - Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Kyrgyz Republic    

2000 - Laureate of the Youth Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in the category "Science and New Technologies"                                                                                                                                                                                    

2005  Laureate of the competition "Aikol-Manas - Person of the Year" in the field of medicine, in the nomination "Best Surgeon of the Year" (European project)              

2005 Announced as "Person of the Year" in the nomination "Best Doctor of the Year" by the international magazine "Zamandash" 

2006 - Elected Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic   

2006 - Awarded the title of "Honored Doctor" of the Kyrgyz Republic.     

2006 - Awarded the Rukhaniyat international prize 

2007 - Awarded the Pirogov Order (Russia)  

2007 - Member of the editorial board of the international journal "Osteosynthesis"    

2008 - Order of the Parliamentary Center (Russia) "For Merit" 

2008 - Laureate of the international prize Mustafa Kamal Ataturk Gold medal "Surgeon - golden hands" in the field of science and technology

2008 - The International Institute of Planetarism named one of the stars "Sabyrbek Dzhumabekov" (USA, Illinois)    

2008 - St. Louis University was awarded the title of Honorary University Professor and issued a Visitor Professor diploma with an invitation to work in the United States.

2008 - Laureate of the Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of quality - "SAPAT" 

2008 - Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2008 - Awarded the Order of the Cambridge Biographical Center for Distinguished Service in the field of orthopedics

2009 - Honorary Member of the Association of Orthopedic Traumatologists pcs. Missouri USA.   

2009 - Awarded the Gold Medal of the American Biographical Institute for his outstanding contribution to the world of orthopedics and traumatology.

2010 - Great Gold Medal World Intellectual Property Organization at the United Nations (Geneva)

2010 - was elected a full member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2011 - Laureate of the Interstate Prize "Stars of the Commonwealth" awarded by the Council of the CIS Member States in the field of science and education. 

2011 - Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

2012 - Awarded the medal of the All-Russian Organization "Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans" "For services in military medicine." 

2012 He was awarded a badge by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan "For his contribution to the development of health care in the Republic of Kazakhstan."  

2013 Awarded by the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of China with the Silk Road Gold Medal for his contribution to health promotion.   

2013 By the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev was awarded the Dostyk order of the II degree.   

2015 With the resolution of the Bishkek City Council, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of Bishkek City" 

2016 Winner of the "Altyn Iine" nomination for the "Dariger + 2016" project

2017 - Laureate of five silver medals at the "Ninth International Exhibition of Inventors" in Kuwait 

2017 - By the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic awarded the State Order "Manas II degree"  

2017 - Awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Talas region";

2018 - Laureate of the state prize for the work “Skeletin uzun sөөk synyktaryn zamanbap daryloo”. 

2019 - Elected a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the Department of Medical Sciences   

January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2022 - Appointed Medical Development Advisor to the People's Government of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (PRC).

2020-Doctor of the Year-2020

2020 - “Scientist of the Year” award in the field of traumatology and orthopedics. Selection Committee of the Center for the Study of International Achievement, headquartered in Chicago.

2020 - By the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the publication "Hip lengthening with an intraosseous distractor" was awarded the "Gold" medal of a participant in an international book exhibition, as well as an exhibition catalog with an annotation. 

2021 Acting Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Extreme Surgery, KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva  

Member of American Academy orthopaedic surgeons

International cooperation with Hebei Medical University (PRC)

Master class of academician Dzhumabekov S.A. (Kyrgyzstan) and Professor E. Gering (Germany)

Academician Dzhumabekov S.A. with the staff of the department in the operating room

Academician Dzhumabekov S.A. during surgery

The clinical base of the BSRCTO, as well as the professional training of scientific personnel, make it possible to conduct scientific and medical research at the level of international standards. The method of diagnostics and treatment of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, established in clinical departments , as well as the equipment of medical equipment in general, serves as an optimal model for the implementation of the main goals of the ongoing scientific program.    

Providing highly specialized care for trauma and orthopedics Provo - ditsya on the basis of 18 clinical departments with a total bed capacity 469 beds. 

For many years, a highly qualified scientific and medical team has been formed. Currently , the center employs 5 doctors and 38 candidates of medical sciences, 118 doctors, including 50 with the highest qualification category.

In the first days after the opening of the Institute, the Academic Council was formed, which is an advisory and advisory body for scientific, clinical and educational activities.

It consists of 26 employees, including 5 doctors (including 5 professors) and 23 candidates of medical sciences.

In their daily work is guided by the Scientific Council of the regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz REPUBLIC - faces of regulating the activities of scientific organizations, as well as the position BSRCTO. 

The staff of the department developed standards for examination and treatment of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, polytrauma, thermal burns and poisoning at various stages of medical care.

The results of the implementation of scientific and technical programs were reflected in 482 printed works, 10 monographs, textbooks and statistical collections, 24 methodological recommendations, 55 patents and 74 rationalization proposals were received . 37 Ph.D. theses have been prepared and defended .   

The department coordinates the priority directions of scientific activity of the center, approves scientific and technical programs. The meetings of the department are held in accordance with the plan of its activities for the year. They discussed the results and prospects of scientific research and individual researchers, examines reports of major the results - tatah scientific, organizational and medical activities department, discusses inter - International Cooperation postgraduate research training and publication of scientific labor - poisons are approved dissertation topic.

Since the beginning of its activity, the center, within the framework of a scientific and technical program, has been actively developing new methods of diagnosis and treatment for injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Scientific field

The main directions of scientific research of the department are:   

- multiple and combined injuries of the musculoskeletal system;

- solving the problems of organizing trauma care in the mountainous conditions of Kyrgyzstan;

- congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Educational and Scientific activities

Клиническая база БНИЦТО, а также профессиональная подготовленность научных кадров позволяют  проводить научно-медицинские исследования на уровне международных стандартов. Налаженный в клинических отделениях   метод диагностики и лечения повреждений и заболеваний опорно-двигательного аппарата, а также оснащенность медицинского оборудования в целом служит оптимальной моделью для реализации основных целей проводимой научной программой.

Оказание высокоспециализированной медицинской помощи по травматологии и ортопедии прово­дится на базе 18 клинических отделений с общим коечным фондом 469  коек.

За многие года сформирован высококвалифицированный научный и медицинский коллектив. В настоящее время в центре работают 5 доктора и 38 кандидатов медицинских наук, 118 врачей, в том числе 50 с высшей квалификационной категорией.

В первые дни после открытия института был сформирован Ученый совет, являющийся консультативно-совещательным органом по научной, клинической и образовательной деятельности.

В его состав входят 26 сотрудников, из них 5 докторов (в том числе 5 профессоров) и 23 кандидатов медицинских наук.

В своей повседневной работе Ученый совет руководствуется нормативно-правовыми актами Кыргызской Респуб­лики, регулирующими деятельность научных организаций, а также  положением БНИЦТО.

Сотрудниками кафедры были разработаны стандарты обследования и лечения, больных с повреждениями опорно-двигательной системы, политравмой, термическими ожогами и отравлениями на различных этапах оказания медицинской помощи.

Результаты выполнения научно-технических программ нашли отражение в 482 печатных работах, 10 монографиях, учебных пособиях и статистических сборниках, 24 методических рекомендациях, получено 55 патентов и  74 рационализаторских предложений. Подготовлено и защищено  37 кандидатских диссертаций.

Кафедра координирует приоритетные направления научной деятельности центра, утверждает научно-технические программы. Заседания кафедры проводятся в соответствии с планом его деятельности на год. На них обсуждаются итоги и перспективы научно-исследовательских работ и отдельных научных работников, рассматриваются отчеты о важнейших резуль­татах научной, научно-организационной и медицинской деятельности отделов, обсуждаются вопросы меж­дународного сотрудничества послевузовской подготовки научных кадров и опубликованием научных тру­дов, утверждаются темы диссертаций.

С начала своей деятельности центр в рамках научно-технической программы активно разрабатывает новые методы диагностики и лечения при повреждениях и заболеваниях опорно-двигательной системы.

Members of the scientific circle of traumatology and orthopedics department

Members of the scientific circle of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and EH at the Olympiad in Surgery dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Academician K.R. Ryskulova (April, 2018)

Sixth All-Russian Student Olympiad "Golden MedSkill", Moscow, 2018

International Olympiad "Traumatology", Novosibirsk 2018

Fair of student scientific circles, Rector I.O. Kudaibergenova, Vice-rector G.A. Dzhumaliev, KSMA named after I. K. Akhunbaeva, 2021

Clinical basis

Clinical Emergency Hospital

Address: 206 Krivonosova str.