Choleva Kymbat Turdubaevna
Choleva Kymbat Turdubaevna
History teacher of Kyrgyzstan . "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Contact information
Brief history

The Lyceum of the KSMA I.K. Akhunbayev is:

In 2000, the lyceum was established. The first director was Taalaibek Egemberdievich Umetov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences of the Russian Federation, academician of the International Academy Ch. Aitmatov.

  • 24 years of successful work, an established team of like-minded people;

high learning outcomes, confirmed by external expertise;

  • preparation of NRT exams according to the state Curriculum;
  • choice the language (Kyrgyz or Russian); - special subjects are biology and chemistry; a certificate granting the right to enter not only the I. Akhunbayev KSMA, but also other universities in the country and abroad; a good atmosphere combining high quality education with achievements ;
  • The Golden Fund of the Lyceum is the holders of the NRT Gold Certificate and honor students.
  • The Lyceum at KSMA was established in September 2005 with the aim of achieving a high level of fundamental pre-professional training for students. The main purpose and objectives of the lyceum is to provide the most optimal opportunities for obtaining training that increases the level of mandatory requirements of general education school programs, targeted training for admission to KSMA and other universities of the chemical and biological branch. The content of the educational process is aimed to the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students that busied on planed with a medical sphere.  The main subjects (chemistry, biology) are conducted.

Graduates successfully pass the National testing and become students of the budget and contract departments of the KSMA and other universities of the country and abroad. Lyceum students can use the electronic library, library, lecture and sports halls, and the KSMA special, medical rooms. There are a total of 45 teachers working at the lyceum, of which 30 are main, 8 are internal, and 7 are external. These are highly qualified specialists who are well versed in teaching methods and are well aware of the specifics and psychology of adolescence. Many of the teachers have the highest category, "Excellence in Education of the Kyrgyz Republic", and there are also candidates of sciences.

The admission of students to the lyceum is carried out on a competitive basis (based on the results of the entrance test). Competitive selection is carried out in the form of testing in subjects (chemistry, biology).

The students who have passed the competitive selection submit the following documents:

  • Application addressed to the Director of the Center for Pre-University Training;
  • a copy of the birth certificate; student's personal file;
  • a copy of the certificate of incomplete secondary education;
  • a medical record of vaccinations; a certificate of residence;
  • 6 photos (size 3 x 4);

Parents (or persons replacing them) conclude an agreement with the management of the lyceum in accordance with the requirements of the state educational standard, subject to timely payment of tuition fees.

Staff of the Center

The are 45 teachers working at the lyceum, of wich 30 teachers are the main, 8 are internal and 7 are part-time teachers.  These are highly qualified specialists who have excellent


owledge of teaching methods, many of whom are candidates of Sciences, "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".

Shamshiev Altynbek Turabyevich
Shamshiev Altynbek Turabyevich
Director of the Center for Pre-University Training
Bolotova Cholpon Mukanbetovna
Bolotova Cholpon Mukanbetovna
Deputy Director of the Lyceum for educational work, teacher of Russian language and literature."Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Kachkynova Nurisa Aiazbekovna
Kachkynova Nurisa Aiazbekovna
Teacher of Math. Organizer of extracurricular and extracurricular activities. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Juiko Tamara Mihailovna
Juiko Tamara Mihailovna
Teacher of Chemistry. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Jumabaeva Gulzar Akunovna
Jumabaeva Gulzar Akunovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Chemistry
Teacher of Chemistry. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Osmoieva Jypargul Satarovna
Osmoieva Jypargul Satarovna
Teacher of Chemistry."Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Eralieva Nurgul Muktarovna
Eralieva Nurgul Muktarovna
Academic degree:
Doctor of Biology
Teacher of Biology. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Smailbekova Jyldyz Smailbekovna
Smailbekova Jyldyz Smailbekovna
Teacher of Biology. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Baitokova Roza Junushevna
Baitokova Roza Junushevna
Teacher of Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz literature. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Kalygulova Burul Bolotovna
Kalygulova Burul Bolotovna
Teacher of Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz literature. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Musakeeva Cholpon Mansurovna
Musakeeva Cholpon Mansurovna
Teacher of Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz Literature. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Djumabaeva Aizada Djoldoshbekovna
Djumabaeva Aizada Djoldoshbekovna
Teacher of Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz Literature."Diploma of the Ministry of Education".
Vasbeeva Dilara Rafaelovna
Vasbeeva Dilara Rafaelovna
Teacher of Math. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Aitmuhambetova Almagul Djeksenbekovna
Aitmuhambetova Almagul Djeksenbekovna
Teacher of Russian language and Russian literature."Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Kurmanalieva Albina Djekshenovna
Kurmanalieva Albina Djekshenovna
Teacher of Russian language and Russian literature.
Stepanova Oksana Nikolaevna
Stepanova Oksana Nikolaevna
Teacher of Russian language and Russian literature."Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Niazalieva Mira Baktybekovna
Niazalieva Mira Baktybekovna
Teacher of English language.
Botoeva Gulkaiyr Suiunbekovna
Botoeva Gulkaiyr Suiunbekovna
Teacher of English language.
Mukanbetova Ainura Ishenalievna
Mukanbetova Ainura Ishenalievna
History teacher of Kyrgyzstan . "Diploma of the Ministry of Education".
Choleva Kymbat Turdubaevna
Choleva Kymbat Turdubaevna
History teacher of Kyrgyzstan . "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Balbakova Cholpon Jolomanovna
Balbakova Cholpon Jolomanovna
Physics teacher. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Sokolova Elena Vasilevna
Sokolova Elena Vasilevna
Physics teacher. "Diploma of the Ministry of Education".
Ergeshov Esenaly Momunovich
Ergeshov Esenaly Momunovich
Techer of pre-conscription training.
Kumarbaev Kubanych Karabaevich
Kumarbaev Kubanych Karabaevich
Physical education teacher. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Abdybek kyzy Taty
Abdybek kyzy Taty
Geography teacher
Mukashov Kuanysh Ganievich
Mukashov Kuanysh Ganievich
Physical education teacher.
Karymbaev Almazbek Kalyevich
Karymbaev Almazbek Kalyevich
Techer of pre-conscription training.
Satybaldieva Medina Uzenovna
Satybaldieva Medina Uzenovna
Teacher of Chemisrty
Baktybekova Kunduz Baktybekovna
Baktybekova Kunduz Baktybekovna
Teacher of Math

Kukeev Adylbek Karaevich
Kukeev Adylbek Karaevich
Physical education teacher. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Kalilov Kurmanbek Jakypovich
Kalilov Kurmanbek Jakypovich
Techer of pre-conscription training.
Hodakova Irina Leonidovna
Hodakova Irina Leonidovna
Physical education teacher. "Excellent Students of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic".
Yktybekova Nazik Yktybekovna
Yktybekova Nazik Yktybekovna
Physics teacher
Sulaymanova Myrzayim Elisovna
Sulaymanova Myrzayim Elisovna
History teacher
Sooronbaeva Asel Omurbekovna
Sooronbaeva Asel Omurbekovna
History teacher

Lesson schedules

  1. 8:00-8:45


  1. 9:40-10:25
  2. 10:30-11:15
  3. 11:35-12:20
  4. 12:25-13:10
  5. 13:15-14:10


  1. 14:55-15:40



Educational and methodical work

Educational and methodical work in the lyceum is aimed at enhanced training of Lyceum students in the following subjects: chemistry, biology, mathematics, Russian and Kyrgyz languages.

  • Our teachers will help you:
  • quickly and efficiently pass preparatory courses for ORT;
  • learn how to get the maximum score by following certain rules;
  • avoid technical errors and reduce scores based on them;
  • learn all about the chosen profession, to determine the degree of readiness for a conscious choice of profession;
  • to gain knowledge and skills of higher education, organization of cultural leisure.
Lyceum of the KSMA is:
  • 19 years of successful work, a team of like-minded people has formed:
  • high learning outcomes, confirmed expert testymony;
  • preparing for exams according to the state Curriculum;
  • choice of the language of instruction (Kyrgyz or Russian);-in-depth  study of biology and chemstry:
  • the certificate granting the right is received not only by the I.Akhunbaev KSMA, but also by other musucians from countries and abord:
  • a unique atmosphere comining responsibility education and intensefull victory and achievements of lytceum life;
  • Golden Lyceum-holders of the ORT Gold Certificate and excellent students.

 The Lytceum at KSMA was established in September 2005 with the aim of achieving a high fundamental level of pre-professional training for students. The  main goal and objectives  is to provide the most optimal opportunities for obtaining, increasing the level of mandatory requirements of general education school programs, targeted lyceum training  for admission to KSMA and other  universities of the chemical and logical direction. The content of the educational process is aimed at logical direction. The content of the educational process is aimed at restraining the solid knowledge, skills and abilities of lyceum students that go beyond the basic plan whith a medical oriention.Specialized classes in core subject ( chemstry, biology) have been conducted, extracurricular activities are carried out.

Graduates of the lyceum successfully conduct republican studies and become students of budget and contract departments of KSMU and other universities in countries and abroad. Lyceum students can use the electronic library, libraries, assembly and sports halls, and the KSMU sofa room. There are 24 teachers working at the lyceum. These are highly qualified specialists who are well versed in teaching methods and are well aware of the specialization and psychology of adolescence. Many of the teachers have the highest category of

"Excellent students of education of the Kyrgyz Republic", candidates of sciences.


Recruitment of students in lyceum events on a competitive basis (based on the results of the second test). Competitive selection is carried out in the form of testing in core subjects (chemistry, biology).


The students who have passed the competitive selection submit the following documents:


  1. Application addressed to the Director of the CDP;
  2. Fixing the sunset certificate;
  3. Student's personal file;
  4. restoration of the certificate of incomplete secondary education;
  5. A small map about vaccinations;
  6. a certificate from the place of residence;
  7. a certificate of family composition;
  8. 6 photos (size 3 x 4);
  9. information from the schools where the student is studying;

Parents (or persons replacing them) conclude an agreement with the management of the lyceum in accordance with the requirements of public education standards with a constant increase in tuition fees.

 Graduates of the lyceum successfully conduct republican studies and become students of budget and contract departments of KSMU and other universities in countries and abroad. Lyceum students can use the electronic library, libraries, assembly and sports halls, and the KSMU sofa room. There are 24 teachers working at the lyceum. These are highly qualified specialists who are well versed in teaching methods and are well aware of the specialization and psychology of adolescence. Many of the teachers have the highest category of "Excellent students of education of the Kyrgyz Republic", candidates of sciences.

 Recruitment of students in lyceum events on a competitive basis (based on the results of the second test). Competitive selection is carried out in the form of testing in core subjects (chemistry, biology).

 The students who have passed the competitive selection submit the following documents:

  1. Application addressed to the Director of the CDP;
  2. Fixing the sunset certificate;
  3. Student's personal file;
  4. restoration of the certificate of incomplete secondary education;
  5. A small map about vaccinations;
  6. a certificate from the place of residence;
  7. a certificate of family composition;
  8. 6 photos (size 3 x 4);
  9. information from the schools where the student is studying;                                                                                                                                                             Parents (or persons replacing them) conclude an agreement with the management of the lyceum in accordance with the requirements of public education standards with a constant increase in tuition fees. There are 45 teachers working at the lyceum, of which 30 are permanent teachers, 8 are internal, and 16 are part-time teachers. These are highly qualified specialists who are well versed in teaching methods, many of whom are candidates of sciences, "Excellent students of education of the Kyrgyz Republic."12 years of successful work, a team of like-minded people has formed;
Admission of documents to the lyceum

Admission of documents to the lyceum at the I.K.Akhunbayev KSMU for the2023-2024 academic year will begin from June 1 to June 22, 2023.

Contact phone:

+996705414611; whatsapp


Documents for admission are accepted at the address:

92 I.K.Akhunbayeva str., 4- KGMA building, 3rd floor, 310- officeList of documents:

1. 2 3X4 photos (2 pcs.);

2.Application from parents (or guardian);

3.a copy of the birth certificate;

4.Receipt of payment for paperwork (Main building ILBIRS OAO, RSK of the bank, : 350 SOM.);

5. file - 1  pc.


KSMA name of Akhunbaeva bank of taker^ main building Ilbirs OAO RSK bank

Receip of paymaent ro paperwork 1290523230413134

BIK 129052

INN -02512199610050

ADRESS Akhunbaeva 92

payment :14232600

Sample application

                                                                                                                                                                                  To the Director of the Central   

                                                                                                                                                                                               Department of KSMUnamed after                                                                                                                                                                                                      I.K.Akhunbayev to                                                                                                                                                                                                                A.T. Shamshievfrom the parentof the                                                                                                                                                                                               full nameof the resident at the                                  addressof the contact. tel.


         I ask you to accept my (y) son (daughter)into the 10th grade of the lyceum at the KSMUF.I. studentnamed after I.K.Akhunbaev.We guarantee payment.Student's Watsap number:Language of instruction:Russian



List of documents:

1. 2 3X4 photos (2 pcs.);

2.Application from parents (or guardian);

3.a copy of the birth certificate;

4.Receipt of payment for paperwork (Main buildingKGMA, branch of the bank "Kyrgyzstan", amount: 350 SOM.);

5. file - 1 pc.

6. Folder-1 pc.