- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Office

- Position:
- Head of the sector of the educational process

- Position:
- Head of the sector of the organization of industrial practice

- Position:
- Head of the sector of planning and implementation of methodological support of educational programs

- Position:
- Leading specialist

- Position:
- Leading specialist

- Position:
- Specialist

- Position:
- Specialist

- Position:
- Leading specialist

- Position:
- Specialist

- Position:
- Specialist

- Position:
- Specialist
- nurperirisd@gmail.com
- 0312 54 58 09
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, main building, room № 82

- Position:
- Multimedia technician
- Sector of planning, implementation and methodological support of educational programs (PRiMO)- plans and implements methodological support of the main educational programs in the specialty according to the State Standard in accordance with international criteria and the focus of the graduate's competencies on priorities in the health system of the Kyrgyz Republic based on the study of the principles of higher professional education.
- The sector of the organization of the educational process (OUP) - makes the schedule, the schedule of the educational process, organizes and controls the educational process, forms the examination commissions, ensures the conduct of examination sessions and state certification.
Industrial Practice Sector- organizes the passage of industrial practice by students in order to master practical skills and prepare for independent professional activity in their chosen specialty and computer testing of students.
- Sector of technical means of training-provides technical support for the educational process
The Educational and Methodological Department Educational and Methodical Officeis a structural subdivision of the I. K. Akhunbayev KSMU and manages the educational and methodological work, organization and conduct of the educational process, control over its content and quality.
The main functions of the department are: to provide advisory assistance to departments in determining the content, forms, methods and means of teaching; to promote the improvement of the visibility of teaching, the use of technical teaching tools and museum funds in the educational process, the organization of independent work of students; to develop local, methodological and informational materials to ensure the educational process; to control and analyze the point - rating system of student performance and the rating activities of teachers.
The head of the Educational and Methodological Department since 2019 is Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Isakova G. B. Currently, 16 employees work in the Educational and Methodological Department.
Educational and Methodical Office carries out educational activities in close connection with the Educational Coordination Council of the KSMA and the chairs of the Educational and Methodological profile committees, which monitor the curricula of the faculties, as well as coordinate and monitor the timely introduction of changes to the curricula in all disciplines.
Educational and Methodical Office organized under the auspices of the first Vice-rector. Since the establishment of the KSMU and at various times, the educational process has been led by: O. V. Mokeeva; A. L. Brodsky; G. F. Ivanov; L. V. Frolova; A. A. Arbuzov; N. I. Mikhailova; N. V. Tkachenko; D. K. Mambetalieva; Ph. D., Associate Professor S. A. Abdurasulov; D. M., Professor R. D. Alymkulov; D. M., Professor A. Z. Kutmanova; D. M., N. E. Davletalieva; D. M., Professor Alymbayev E. Sh.and Ph. D., Associate Professor Stambekova K. N. Currently, the head of the educational and methodological department is associate professor Isakova G. B.
According to archival materials, unfortunately, it was possible to restore the photos of not all the heads of academic work and at one time these positions were filled by Daniyarov S. B., Associate Professor Semenov B. M., associate professor Arbuzov, etc.
Order No. 12 of February 4, 1943:
The order of the People's Commissariat of Health of the Kyrgyz SSR No. 45 is announced for information:
- 1: The deputy director for the educational part of the KSMI, Professor G. F. Ivanov, in connection with the transfer to work at the I-th Moscow Medical Institute – to be dismissed from his post from January 12, 1943
- 2: for the position of deputy.to appoint the director of the educational part of KSMI profes., Doctor of Biological Sciences-Utevsky A.M. from January 20, 43.
p / p People's Commissar of Health of the Kyrgyz SSR / Lobyntsev/
Order No. 164 of October 16, 1944 on the KSMI (Frunze)
- 1: Due to the end of registration of students who have started classes, the following contingent of students should be considered for 15/x this year: medical faculty – 1008 and dental faculty-212.
- 2: The responsibilities between the employees of the training unit are divided as follows:
- Assistant Dean T. Shestopalova conducts and prepares the relevant documentation accounting of academic performance of students and attendance of their classes. Stores, keeps records and gives students credit books and student cards. Working day from 15 to 23 hours.
- Secretary T. Kanygina performs the work of the dean's office on the instructions of the deans and their assistants. Working day from 8 to 12 am.
- The secretary for student frames T. Bobkova draws up and keeps in due order the personal files of students; makes reports, information and reports on the movement of students; keeps alphabetically detailed lists; issues the necessary reports. Working day from 15 to 23 hours.
- The secretary of the educational part draws up draft orders for the educational part: on the enrollment of students for a scholarship; on the release of students from tuition fees; on admission to the institute and expulsion.
- Secretary T. Zadorina conducts general correspondence on the academic part from 13 to 17 hours.
- Secretary T. Dyachenko makes the schedule of training sessions and monitors their exact implementation of the reports on the examination session for the Higher School of Economics. Supervises the work of the technical staff of the training unit.
- The head of the preparatory courses, T. Savrutskaya, conducts recruitment for the courses and draws up their orders for the institute; directs the educational process at the courses; carries out, in coordination with the directorate of the medical institute, activities for cultural and household services for cadets..
- The course secretary performs all technical work as directed by the Head of the Department. courses.
Signed in words Director: KGMI /Petukhov/
Order No. 21-a of February 17, 1943:
According to the paragraphs, decisions are made on the rational use of educational premises, in No. -6:
а) Temporarily select one room at the Department of Forensic Medicine and one at the Department of Pathophysiology and transfer it to the Department of VSP;
б) Due to the large number of groups at the VSP department, the academic part should allocate free rooms for this department at any other departments, preventing the doubling of study groups due to the lack of premises.
Order No. 184 of 14/12-1943:
For the systematic damage to the power grid by students living in the Toktogul 64 hostel and the shelter of the perpetrators, turn off the lights for 2 days in the entire hostel.
Signed by Director: KSMI / Associate Professor Shupik/
At the end of Order No. 100 of July 2, 43, the appeal of the People's Commissariat of Health to the first issue of doctors of the KSMI:
The People's Commissariat of Health of the Kyrgyz SSR welcomes the doctors of the first issue, wishes them fruitful and successful work and expresses confidence that the young doctors of the first issue of the KSMI will honorably bear the honorary title of a Soviet doctor.
We are confident that young doctors will continue to improve their knowledge and practical skills, and that they will continue the best traditions of Soviet doctors.
We are sure that the young doctors will justify the dear and honorable title of medical workers for us with their further growth, their attention and care for the wounded soldier, the sick worker and the collective farmer.
The People's Commissariat of Health is confident that young doctors will perform their duty to the motherland and the Party in a friendly and skilful manner during the decisive days of the Patriotic War.
People's Commissariat of Health of the Kyrgyz SSR / Lobyntsev/