- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of department

- Position:
- Head teacher of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior laboratory assistant
The Department of Ophthalmology was organized by order of the rector of the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute No. 226 dated December 10, 1941. The department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dudinov Olimpiy Avramievich. He headed the department from 1941 to 1955. During these years, the first ophthalmological personnel for practical health care and science of the republic were trained.
From 1956 to 1981, the department was headed by Professor S.M. Dobrova. During this period, with the active participation of the staff of the department, eye microsurgery was introduced.
From 1981 to 1994, the department was headed by Professor A.N. Medvedev.
During these years, active development of modern technologies in the treatment of diseases of the organ of vision began.
From 1994 to 1997, the department was headed by associate professor M.K. Dikambaeva. Starting from 1996, for the first time in the history of the ophthalmological service of the Kyrgyz Republic, cooperation began with the International Ophthalmological Organization Orbis, USA. The flying microsurgical hospital stayed at the Manas airport for a month. On board the liner, operations were performed on patients with various diseases of the organ of vision. In the evening, in the eye clinic, leading specialists gave lectures to ophthalmologists who arrived from all regions of the republic.
The stay of the flying hospital "Orbis" aroused great interest among the public of the republic: the First President of the Republic A. Akaev, the Minister of Health N. Kasiev visited the aircraft.
From 1997 to the present, the department has been headed by Professor O.D. Dzhumagulov. Since 2001, ophthalmologists of the republic have become members of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Turkic-Speaking Countries.
The department teaches clinical discipline - ophthalmology, students of medical, pediatric, stomatological and medical-prophylactic departments.
Multimedia lectures on ophthalmology have been prepared with the introduction of the principles of evidence-based medicine with the possibility of online learning.
Practical classes are conducted using modern technologies (video presentations, LED - screen).
Evaluation of progress is carried out according to the point-rating system.
In recent years, textbooks for students have been developed and published: "Collection of tests in ophthalmology", "New in the treatment of macular degeneration of the retina", "Selected sections of neuro-ophthalmology in the clinic of eye diseases", "Role-playing games in ophthalmology", "Injuries of the organ of vision", " Contusion of the eye”, “Glossary on Ophthalmology”, “Eyes speak”, “Keratoconus”, “Basics of Optical Coherence Tomography in Ophthalmology”, and “Russian-Latin-Kyrgyz Dictionary of Ophthalmological Terms”.
The scientific activity of the department is aimed at studying glaucoma,
diseases of the optic nerve, age-related macular degeneration of the retina, manual cataract surgery, primary disability due to pathology of the organ of vision, pathology of the lacrimal ducts.
Since 1998, 8 Ph.D. theses have been defended at the department, among them one dissertation of a citizen from Jordan. 35 inventions and 40 rationalization proposals were issued.
In 2023, two graduate students successfully defended their doctoral theses – Ostroverkhov A.I., on the topic: 'Crosslinking in the Treatment of Corneal Ectasias,' and Maralbaeva A.A., on the topic: 'Prevention of Myopia Progression in the Postpartum Period.' Additionally, there are five more graduate students currently studying in the graduate program.
For a series of works on the topic: “Modern high-tech methods in ophthalmology. Theoretical developments and practical experience in eye microsurgery of Kyrgyz scientists” - Professor O.D. Dzhumagulov in 2018 was awarded the State Prize in the field of science and technology.
For achievements in scientific and pedagogical work in 2022, Associate Professor Saidakhmetova Ch.T. was awarded the Honorary Certificate of the Zhogorku Kenesh.
For accomplishments in pedagogical and scientific activities in 2023, Dzhumagulov O.D. was elected as an Honorary Academician of the Aitmatov Academy.
Together with the medical center "Dordoi Ophthalmic Service", within the framework of a public-private partnership, the Department of Ophthalmology held 5 International Central Asian Conferences on Ophthalmology.
As part of the conferences, training courses are organized on topical issues in ophthalmology. Well-known ophthalmologists from Russia, USA, Germany, Japan, Italy, Turkey acted as lecturers.
The Fifth Anniversary International Central Asian Conference was held in 2018 on the shore of Issyk-Kul Lake at the Rukh Ordo Center.
The conference was opened by the Deputy Minister of Health M. Karataev and the Ambassador of the Republic of India to Kyrgyzstan, Mrs. H.E. Ms. L. Savitri. Her speech was preceded by a teleconference - India (Chennai) - Kyrgyzstan (Issyk-Kul) - "Live Surgery". Within the framework of such an event, the XI meeting of the Interethnic Expert Council on the problems of glaucoma of the CIS countries, Georgia and the Baltic States was held. Well-known scientists from Japan, India, and South Korea took part in the conference for the first time.
In 2023, in collaboration with the Medical Center 'Dordoi Ophthalmic Service,' the Department of Ophthalmology organized the International Symposium of the Society of Ophthalmologists of Turkic Republics on the topic: 'Modern Tactical and Technological Aspects of the Treatment of Eye Diseases and Eye Injuries.'
The Department of Ophthalmology patronizes the At-Bashi district, Naryn region. Employees of the department regularly visit the region and conduct preventive examinations of the population.
Two employees of the department T. Asizbekov and A.U. Tultemirov, in 2018 and 2022, in order to provide humanitarian assistance to the people of the Republic of Mali, as ophthalmologists, they performed operations - cataract phacoemulsification. More than 1000 patients have been operated on.
In December 2023, a staff member of the Department, N. Kubanychbekov, participated in the annual GLC 2023 program (Global Leadership Challenge 2023) organized by the University of Oxford and the University of St. Gallen. Within the framework of this program, he successfully represented KSMA as part of an international team dedicated to SDG3, in alignment with the goals of the United Nations. As a result of active participation and demonstrated professionalism, N. Kubanychbekov earned the status of an honorary graduate of this prestigious organization.
National Hospital, Departments of Eye Microsurgery No. 1 and No. 2
Togolok Moldo, 1 str. Tel#: (+996 312) 66 32 56; 66 10 19