- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior lab Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
The department was organized in 1942. The first head of the department (until 1944) was prof. M.A. Goldenberg, a legend of Soviet psychiatry, already at that time widely known in the professional environment for his works. A key stage in the development of Kyrgyz psychiatry is associated with the name of a brilliant scientist and teacher - prof. N.V. Kantorovich, who headed the department from 1944 to 1969. His ideas are reflected in over 120 publications and 3 monographs. Prof. Kantorovich was the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic for over 20 years. Then, until 1989, the head of the department was prof. AI Durandina, who for many years was also the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the KSMI. From 1990 to 2006 she headed the department and the association of psychiatrists of the Kyrgyz Republic. Prof. V.V. Solozhenkin - the founder of his own scientific school, a world-renowned scientist, made an invaluable contribution not only to the reform of kyrgyz psychiatry, but also to the development of psychiatry in the CIS countries. Currently, associate professor Galako T.I. heads the department and the association of specialists.
- Psychiatry and Narcology;
- Child psychiatry and narcology;
- Psychology;
- Medical psychology
According to the calendar plan, the department teaches such disciplines as “Psychology”, “Medical Psychology”, “Psychiatry and narcology” for students of all faculties. Since September 2024, a new subject “Adaptation of students to studying at HEI” has been introduced for 1st -year students of the Faculty of Medicine. It should be noted that students are very interested in the elective courses: “Effective communications in the medical environment”, “Providing psychological assistance in emergency situations”, “Providing psychological assistance in pandemics”, “Algorithm for providing emergency care for acute mental and drug conditions by general practitioners”.
Experienced teachers give lectures and conduct consultations, take transfer and final state exams, help young specialists. Much attention is paid to the independent work of students.
In connection with the introduction of the state language into the education and practice system, over the past few years, acting Associate Professor Beshkempirov E.B. a number of clinical guidelines, manuals and reference books in the Kyrgyz language have been compiled and published: “Darygerler uchun koldonmo” (2013), “Psychiatric termder zhana psikhikalyk phenomender zhyinagy” (2014), “Sottuk psychiatry boyuncha koldonmo” (2015), “Medical communication” (2017), “Psychiatriyadagi zhana narcologydagy kechiktirilgis zhardam abaldary” (2024), “Meditsinalyk psychologyn negizderi” (2024).
Together with representatives of the mental health service, the department staff developed 24 clinical guidelines on the most common mental disorders, which were introduced into practical health care and into the educational process for students of 4, 5, 6 courses of all faculties
At the postgraduate level, the department trains residents in the following specialties: “Psychiatrist”, “Narcologist”, “Child Psychiatrist”, “Psychotherapist”.
The Department of Medical Psychology, Psychiatry and Narcology throughout the history of its development has been and remains one of the leading departments of the KSMA in the implementation of innovative methods in education, modernization of the educational process, the use of new scientific achievements in mental health protection. The staff of the department participate in the implementation of projects, present their research at many regional and international forums. So, in 2017-18 academic year. scientific reports were presented at 22 scientific congresses, congresses, conferences, incl. 7th international level. Publications and interests in the field of psychiatry are broad, include the epidemiology of mental disorders, psychosomatic medicine, the integration of psychiatry into primary health care, the problem of rational use of psychotropic drugs, ethnocultural aspects of psychiatry, the problems of stigmatization and destigmatization, suicidology and psychiatric education. The student scientific circle is actively working.
Republican Center for Psychiatry and Narcology (RCPN)
Address, telephone: Baytik Batyr 1, 0312 57-09-38