- infection@kgma.kg - Telegram link: t.me/infection_kgma
- +996 (312) 59 00 17
- Bishkek, St. Leo Tolstoy 70

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the department

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Lab Assistant
The Department of Infectious Diseases was organized in 1942 by docent Flanchik S.I. (1942-1945). From 1946 to 1961 the chair was headed by: doc. Goldfeld P.G., Prof. Rubinstein B.N., Prof. Shvarts N.I., Prof. A.M. Gubinsky, who made a lot of efforts for the formation of the Department of Infectious Diseases.
The staff of the department under the leadership of Prof. Alexeev P.A.
From 1961 to 1991 the department was headed by Prof. P.A. Alekseev, who made a great contribution to the organization of the educational process and scientific activity of the department, to the development of the infectious disease service of the republic. A whole pleiad of outstanding infectious diseases physicians and scientists was trained: docent R.K. Suranchieva. Suranchieva R.K., docent. Glazunova M.G., docent. A.B. Sydykova, A.B. Baigeldieva, K.D. Janov, P.A. Abdikaimova, V.I. Emelyanova and others.
The main directions of scientific activity of the department were the study of regional and age specific features of the course of intestinal and zoonotic infections, the influence of natural-climatic and social factors on their course, the study of biocenotic and autoimmune shifts and their pathogenetic role in the infectious process. During this period, 2 doctoral dissertations and 10 candidate theses were defended.
The staff of the department under the leadership of Associate Professor V. E. Tyo.
From 1992 to 2005 the department was headed by Associate Professor V.E. Tyo. The exceptional talent of a teacher and doctor allowed Tyo V.E. to bring up a friendly and efficient team: Prof. Alymbayeva D.B., Prof. Kutmanova A.Z., Associate Professor A.B. Sydykova, Aitkuluev N.S., Abdykerimov M.M., Murzalieva G.A., Rusin A.I., Kolesnik O.N. Tyo V.E. created and formed a certain scientific direction of the department staff, arising from practical prerequisites in the field of infectious pathology of our republic. Under his leadership the researches on pathogenetic, immunological aspects of brucellosis, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, etc. were carried out. During the period of his chairmanship 2 doctoral and 4 candidate dissertations were defended, including 2 candidate dissertations under his direct supervision. Employees of the department carried out a lot of work to assist the health authorities in combating outbreaks of infectious diseases.
The staff of the department under the leadership of Prof. Kutmanova A.Z.
From 2005-2010 the department was headed by Prof. Kutmanova A.Z. Modern innovative teaching methods were introduced, research work was actively conducted, state programs to combat infections (HIV infection, malaria), as well as clinical protocols and guidelines were developed. The chair made a great contribution to the preparation and organization of the 1st International Congress of Central Asia on infectious diseases, where scientists from Turkey, Russia, Germany, USA, Kazakhstan participated (Bishkek, 2006). Under her leadership at the department defended 3 candidate theses.
Since 2010 the department has been headed by docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences Dzhumagulova A.Sh., and during this period the department was formed into one of the successful subdivisions of KGMA with a high level of educational, methodological, scientific and therapeutic work. At present, the department employs highly qualified specialists and experienced teachers. Among them, Professor, Dr. Suranbaeva G.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences Anarbaeva Zh. Fesenko N.V., Sarkina A.K., Mukanbetkerimova G.M., Sholpanbay u. M, Ergeshova A.B., Makembaeva J.I., Abdybachaeva M.M., Omonov I.K., Sagyndykova A.K.
The staff of the department under the leadership of Dzhumagulova A.Sh.
Since 2010 the department has been headed by docent, Candidate of Medical Sciences Dzhumagulova A.Sh., and during this period the department was formed into one of the successful subdivisions of KGMA with a high level of educational, methodological, scientific and therapeutic work. At present, the department employs highly qualified specialists and experienced teachers. Among them, Professor, Dr. Suranbaeva G.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences Anarbaeva Zh. Fesenko N.V., Sarkina A.K., Mukanbetkerimova G.M., Sholpanbay u. M, Ergeshova A.B., Makembaeva J.I., Abdybachaeva M.M., Omonov I.K., Sagyndykova A.K.
On December 8, 2023 the Department of Infectious Diseases held the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Infectious Diseases" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the department.
At the department of the discipline "Infectious Diseases", students of all faculties are trained, including in English:
1.5 course "Medicine" (9-10 semester, exam)
2.6 course "Medicine" (11-12 semester, credit)
3.5 course "Medicine with English as the language of instruction" (9 semester, exam)
4.5 course "Pediatrics" (9-10 semester, exam)
5.5 course " Faculty of Preventive Medicine" (9-10 semester, exam)
6.4 course " Dentistry" (7 semester, credit)
7.2 course "Higher Nursing" (4 semester, credit)
The department also trains clinical residents in the specialty "Infectious Diseases" (2 and 3-year training) and annually graduates up to 10-12 residents.
During this period there were published - 1 textbook on infectious diseases in the Kyrgyz language (republished with an addition in 2019), 18 textbooks and methodological recommendations for students, including in Kyrgyz and English languages.
Department members in the educational process
The department has significantly expanded the scientific direction, including a comprehensive study of scientifically based approaches to the evaluation of pathogenetic, immunologic, age specifics in the diagnosis and treatment of the most relevant infectious diseases in the Kyrgyz Republic: natural focal tick-borne infections (A. Dzhumagulova), North Asian tick-borne rickettsiosis (Ass. Mukanbetkerimova G.M.), measles (Ass. Makembayeva J.I.). Sh.), North Asian tick-borne rickettsiosis (Ass. Mukanbetkerimova G.M.), measles (Ass. Makembaeva J.I.), rye (Ass. Abdybachaeva M.M.), HIV infection (Ass. Sholpanbay u. Melis, Omonov I.K.), COVID-19 (Ass. Ibrayeva J.B., Omonov I.K.), and other infectious diseases, Dzhakypbekova G.Z.), meningococcal infection (Ass. Fesenko N.V.). For 10 years the department published more than 60 scientific articles, including in the journals indexed by RINC-18, Scopus-2.
At the department the scientific-student circle "Conclave-Galena" is organized and in 2019 was awarded the Diploma for the "Best Presentation of Scientific Circle". Every year students make reports at international scientific-practical conferences and take prize-winning places.
"Days of Science of KGMA", 2021:
- I-prize place and Prize of Akhunbaev I.K. Fund: Dosmatova A.M.-student of 5th year of pediatric faculty.
- II- prize-winning place: Askerova B.N., Toigonbaeva S.A.-students of the 5th year of medical faculty.
- II- prize-winning place: Ulanbekov T. - student of 5 course of pediatric faculty.
"Days of Science of KGMA", 2022:
- I-prize-winner: Daniyarova Aizhanat - student of 5th year of MPD.
- II-th prize-winning place: Batyrbek kyzy A.- student of 5th year of pediatric faculty.
"Days of Science of KGMA", 2023:
- II- prize-winning place: Babadjanov N - student of 5th year of pediatric faculty
And also students of the circle took 4 prizes for participation in the International Conference "Ivanovo Readings. Actual issues of infectious diseases in children and adults. Vaccine prophylaxis", 2023 (Saratov):
- Diploma of 1 degree: Syydalieva A.K. - student of 5 year of medical faculty.
- Diploma of 1 degree: Turdalieva A.T - student of 5 year of medical faculty
- Diploma of the 2nd degree: Daniyarova A.D. - student of the 6th course of MPD
- Diploma of the 2nd degree: Mirulanova H.- student of 5th pediatric faculty
Presentation of the Scientific Circle of the « Conclave-Galena»Chair
Winners of the "Days of Science of KGMA"
The department actively participates in international scientific conferences and internships (France, Great Britain, Brazil, Russia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, etc.). And also cooperates with international organizations such as Green Shoots Foundation "Medical Assistance and Medical Education" (Great Britain) on HIV infection; with USAID M-RITE project on vaccination against COVID-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic; with FBUN "Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focal Infections" Rospotrebnadzor. Exchange of experience, consultative and methodological assistance, joint scientific developments contribute to the enrichment and improvement of the educational, methodological and research process.
Internship on HIV infection. London, UK
World Summit on Viral Hepatitis, Sao Paulo, Brazil. São Paulo, Brazil
Assistant G.M. Mukanbetkerimova with Prof. Y.V. Lobzin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of medical sciences
Members of the department at the International Seminar on HIV Infection (Green Shoots, UK, 2023).
The department provides a huge therapeutic and consultative assistance not only to RKIB, but also to other institutions of OZ of the republic, including sanaviation.
Members of the department at the consilium (RCIDH)
Regularly holds clinical and pathological anatomical conferences, takes part in the attestation of doctors - infectious disease specialists of the republic, in forensic medical examination and other commissions of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. The department staff participates in the development of national clinical guidelines and protocols for diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases (HIV infection, COVID-19, viral hepatitis, etc.), orders of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic on surveillance and prevention of many infectious diseases (plague, anthrax, rabies, etc.).
The Department together with the Center for Continuous Training and Distance Education of KGMA conducts courses of specialization and advanced training for doctors of the republic on infectious diseases.
With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the department staff actively participated in the fight against the new coronavirus infection. Dzhumagulova A.Sh. and members of the department were among the first volunteer doctors sent to eliminate COVID-19 outbreaks in Ala-Buka, Alai, At-Bashi districts. And during the whole period of COVID-19 outbreak, the staff continued to work in the "red zone" with patients with coronavirus infection (2020-2022), consulted and trained doctors throughout the country.
Departure of Jumagulova A.Sh. to the "red zone" COVID-19 (Naryn )
The work of departmental staff in the "red zone" COVID-19
The department pays much attention to social and educational work. The staff of the department are supervisors of students of medical, pediatric faculty and faculty "Medicine with English language teaching". Teachers are engaged not only in the control of academic performance, but also in the spiritual and moral education of students, attend together with students cultural and mass events, prepare them for performances, cheer for them at sporting events.
The department actively organizes events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly, "State Language Day", "State Flag", "Day of celebration of the Manas epic", Nooruz and others.
Traditionally, the department holds events dedicated to AIDS Day on December 1: quizzes, Olympiads, debates, exhibitions, informational lectures.
Event dedicated to the State Language Day
Assistant Sarkina A.K. with the supervised group in the Historical Museum
Assistant G.M. Mukanbetkerimova at sports competitions
Intellectual QUIZ dedicated to HIV/AIDS Day
Department assistants at a charity event at the Residential Home for the Elderly
For great successes in pedagogical, scientific and medical activity the staff of the department were awarded:
- Medal for "Merits before KGMA": head of the department Dzhumagulova A.Sh. (2020);
- Medal "For loyalty to profession": Ass. Sarkina A.K. (2023)
- Diploma of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev: head of department Dzhumagulova A.S., assistants Mukanbetkerimova G.M., Sholpanbai u. M., Ergeshova A.B., Sarkina A.K. (2021-2023);
- Badge "For Successes in Research and Development": Professor Suranbaeva G.S. (2023);
- Badge "El syylagan daryger": Prof. Suranbaeva G.S. (2021);
- "Gratitude of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan" for joint effective work and high professionalism in the fight against COVID-19: Ass. Makembaeva J.I., Sarkina A.K., Sholpanbay u. М. (2021);
- "Gratitude of Zhogorku Kenesh": head of department. Dzhumagulova A.Sh., Prof. Suranbaeva G.S., Assoc. Anarbaeva J.A. (2023), Ass. Sarkina A.K., Sholpanbai u. Melis (2020)
- Badge "Excellent Health Care Worker of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic": Ass. Makembaeva J.I., Mukanbetkerimova G.M. (2023).
Presentation of A.Sh. Dzhumagulova Medal "For Merit to KGMA"
Presentation of Ass. Sholpanbay u. M. "Diploma of KGMA".
In the annual rating of departments of I.K. Akhunbaev KGMA, the Department of Infectious Diseases occupies the 4-6th position. In 2021 academic year the Department of Infectious Diseases was the winner of the competition "The Best Department of KGMA" in the nomination "International Activity" and "Assistance to Practical Health Care".
Rector of KGMA Kudaibergenova I.O. presents the Diploma of the winner of the competition "The best department of KGMA, 2020-2021"
Diploma "Best Department of KGMA, 2020-2021"
Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital (RCID)
Lev Tolstoy 70, +996 312 59 01 54