- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the course of food hygiene and nutrition

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the course of hygiene of children and adolescents

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Course on general, military, radiation hygiene and medical ecology

- Position:
- Senior lecturer, Head of the course on communal hygiene

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Head of the course on occupational health

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Teacher

- Position:
- Senior Laboratory Assistant
In 1953, the sanitary and hygienic faculty was organized at KSMI, and therefore, there was a need to create a profile department, where the first head of the hygiene department of the sanitary and hygienic faculty was Professor F.S. Okolov.
During his work in Kyrgyzstan, he trained a staff of hygienists among the students of the KSMI. For the first time hygienists from Soviet Kyrgyzstan Candidate of Medical Sciences Gudzovsky G.A., Ryspaev S.R., Kozhomkulov T.A., Mamytov B.M. Pukhov B.I., Nedviga R.A., Dooronbekov D.D., Shpirt M.B., Dzhumabaev A.J., Esenamanova M.K. and others were trained. They conducted educational and scientific work. During 1941-1958, the staff of the Department defended 1 and 7 candidate dissertations.
After prof. Okolov F.S. left Kyrgyzstan, from 1956 to 1958 the Department was headed by Associate Professor Gudzovsky G.A.
From 1982 to 1998, Shpirt M.B. headed the department. In 1982, he defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: "Hygienic analysis of production factors when working with technical agricultural raw materials and prevention of their adverse effects."
Prof. Kasymov O.T. became a head of the department after Shpirt M.B. He united three departments of the sanitary-hygienic faculty: epidemiology, general hygiene and hygiene - and named the department “Hygiene and epidemiology”. During the period of his management (1998-2002), he prepared 2 candidates of medical sciences and 1 doctor of sciences.
Shpirt B.M.
Kasymov O.T.
In the period from 2003-2008, the department was headed by associate professor Sydykov Zh.S. After him the head of the department was Associate Professor Burabayeva A.A. (2008-2009).
In 2007, the department was renamed to the Department of Hygienic Disciplines
Sydykov Zh.S.
Burabayeva A.A.
From 2009 to 2017, the department was headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Esenamanova M.K. She prepared 3 Candidates of Medical Sciences in food hygiene. During her management, a lot of work was carried out on the educational, methodological and research activities. In addition, the staff of the department performed social works.
Esenamanova M.K.
From 2017 to the present, the department is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Atambayeva R.M.
Atambayeva R.M.
- Medical ecology
- General hygiene
- Communal hygiene
- Occupational health
- Food hygiene
- Hygiene of children and adolescents
- Military hygiene
- Radiation hygiene
Lectures and practical classes are given at the department for students of 1-6 courses of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine in the following subjects:
- Introduction to the specialty
- Medical ecology
- General hygiene
- Communal hygiene
- Occupational health
- Food hygiene
- Hygiene of children and adolescents
- Military hygiene
- Radiation hygiene
For students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Higher Nursing Education, the subject is taught and lectures are given on food hygiene, for students of the 4th year of the pediatric faculty, the subject is taught and lectures are given on the hygiene of children and adolescents, for students of 2-3 courses of medical sciences, when studying in English, this subject is taught and lectures are given on general hygiene.
The staff of the department work together with foreign companies: WHO KR, MercyCorps KR, USAID, Swiss Red Cross. Also provide practical assistance: 1) to the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in the development of physiological nutritional norms for certain groups of the population; 2)to the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic in the development of a minimum consumer basket, nutritional standards for citizens, living in social stationary institutions of the Ministry; 3)to the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic on the development of technical regulations on the quality and safety of food products.
The department has defended 6 doctoral and 25 PhD theses. 4 monographs, 3 collections, 1 textbook, 1 reference book, 2 textbooks in Russian and 5 textbooks in Kyrgyz have been published. More than 60 methodological recommendations have been developed and approved by the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and other departments.
A laboratory for determining the quality and safety of food products has been opened at the specialized Department of Hygiene Disciplines, Faculty of Medical and Preventive Medicine, with the grant support of the Japanese Embassy. The laboratory is equipped with modern devices from Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Japan and America, such as Kjeldahl devices (protein determination), Soxlet (fat determination), a refractometer (carbohydrate determination), a spectrophotometer and an electric microscope with software and other equipment that allow high-quality research and guarantee accurate results of the analyses carried out.