- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of Department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Biology
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Head teacher

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Associate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Biology
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Associate Professor

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior Lab Assistant, Assistant

- Position:
- Lab Assistant
The Department of Medical Biology, Genetics and Parasitology was founded in 1939. The organizer and first head of the department was Associate Professor D.V. Shaskolsky.
From 1940 to 1948, the department was headed by Honored Scientist, Professor N.P. Kevorkov. Scientific direction: distribution of parasitic worms. Under the guidance of Professor N.P. Kevorkov completed 6 candidate dissertations.

Honored Scientist and professor N. P. Kevorkov
From 1949 to 1961, the department was headed by Professor M.I. Efimov. The main scientific problem of the department at that time was the issues of regeneration and transplantation of organs and tissues in mammals. On this problem, under the guidance of the professor, 4 candidate and one doctoral dissertations were defended.
Professor M.I. Efimov
Professor M.I. Efimov was one of the first to use the method of adaptation of the recipient to the allograft and the graft to the recipient using medicinal sleep. With peripheral nerve alloplasty in rabbits, true engraftment was achieved in most cases. Also, with alloplasty of the peripheral nerve in rabbits, in most cases a positive result was obtained.
In order to clarify the issue of adaptation of the skin graft to the host, M.I. Efimov and Sh.V. Musin conducted experiments on white laboratory rats. Thanks to these experiments, it was found that it is possible to obtain artificial resistance of the body to an allograft of skin taken from newborn rat pups.
From 1962 to 1974, the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ida Adolfovna Gontar.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ida Adolfovna Gontar
Under her leadership, the department studied two problems: natural focal human diseases and major parasitic diseases, their prevention and treatment. 4 candidate's theses were defended.
From 1975 to 1995, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Health Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic Aimanbetov Minbay Aimanbetovich.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Health Worker of the Kyrgyz Republic Aimanbetov Minbai Aimanbetovich
He continued the scientific problem of his teacher, Professor M.I. Efimov. M.A. Aimanbetov and some of his students dealt with the issues of nerve trunk allotransplantation in an experiment. Another direction that Professor Aimanbetov M.A. worked on. there were questions related to human parasitic diseases. Under the guidance of Professor Aimanbetov M.A. 1 doctoral and 3 candidate dissertations were defended.
From 1995 to 2023 The Department of Medical Biology, Genetics and Parasitology is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Omurbek Tashybekovich Kuttubaev.
Employees of the Department of Medical Biology, Genetics and Parasitology, who have worked at different times since the organization of the department.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Musina Shahida Vakhidovna - Skin homoplasty in rats under various experimental conditions.
- Ph.D. Associate Professor Sokurenko Anna Efimovna
- Ph.D. Associate Professor Abdyldaeva Kenzhe Abdyldaevna – Study of foci of arbovirus infections in some regions of Kyrgyzstan.
- Ph.D. Associate Professor Shekekov Asker Shekevich – Peculiarities of the epidemiology of teniarinhoz in northern Kyrgyzstan, currently working at the Faculty of Biology of the Kyrgyz National University.
- Candidate of Medical Sciences, assistant Aina Musaevna Kenenbaeva – Biological properties of tick-borne encephalitis virus strains isolated in Kyrgyzstan.
- Ph.D., assistant Kerimkulov Ashymaly Kerimkulovich - Growing walnuts in northern Kyrgyzstan.
- Ph.D. Associate Professor Abdyrasulov Sabit Abdyrasulovich – Comparative study of the ultrastructural organization of representatives of the Bordel genus.
- Ph.D. Associate Professor Anara Zhaparovna Muratalieva - Organization of pharmaceutical business, now Associate Professor, head of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemical Medicine of KSMA.
- Assistant Plishkin A.A. - Study of the components of midges in the high mountain valleys of the inner Tien Shan.
- Assistant Bublikova L.I. - Current state of malaria mosquito populations in the Chui Valley of Kyrgyzstan.
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Ibraimov Abyt Ibraimovich
- Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aitbaev Kubanych Aitbaevich - biochemical genetics, head of the biochemistry laboratory of the National Center for Therapy and Cardiology.
- Assistant Kydyralieva Asylkan Makenovna, then deputy director of the BMK, teacher at the Kyrgyz State Institute of Physical Culture.
- Assistant Maksimova Valeria Sergeevna.
- Assistant Mukhamedzhanov Algaday Zhumakadyrovich.
- Grach Bronislava Borisovna is now a resident of Israel.
- Abdyzhaparov Temirbek Abdyzhaparovich – associate professor of the department, now on a well-deserved rest.
- Kalimova Nurima Madzhitovna is now a senior lecturer at the Department of Medical Physics, Informatics and Biology of the KRSU named after. B.N. Yeltsin
- Karaeva Rosa Raimbekovna - then head. Department of Medical Physics, Informatics and Biology KRSU named after. B.N. Yeltsin, now dean of the medical faculty of KRSU named after. B.N. Yeltsin.
The department trains 1st and 2nd year students from all faculties.
Medical biology in all faculties
Medical parasitology in the SFO (evening department)
Nursing (Accelerated Course)
Medical biology with the basics of parasitology at the Faculty of Nursing. Bachelor
Biology with the basics of medical genetics at the Faculty of Medical Engineering
Elective courses
Tropical parasitology at the faculty of “LDNAO”
Poisonous animals and parasites of tropical climates in all faculties.
Plant genetics at the faculties “General Medicine, Pediatrics, Pharmacy, Medical and Preventive Care, Nursing”
The main direction of the department's scientific activity is currently studying the characteristics of the biology and ecology of echinococcus and alveococcus among domestic and wild animals, features of the distribution, manifestation, transmission routes of echinococcosis and alveococcosis among the population, issues of optimizing high-altitude adaptation, prevention and correction of disadaptation, population genetic and genetic and demographic studies of the populations of the Kyrgyz Republic, study of environmental factors (digitalization, iodine deficiency, poor-quality water, the influence of parasite toxins) on human health and heredity.
Research financed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic
“Digital mapping of echinococcosis and alveococcosis in various environmental conditions of the Kyrgyz Republic and justification for the fight against invasion”
The department has completed and defended:
1) Doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Optimization of intermittent (“Fluctuational”) high-altitude adaptation, prevention and correction of its disorders”;
2) PhD thesis on the topic: “Immunogenetic risk factors for the development of echinococcosis”;
3) PhD thesis on the topic: “Population genetic study of the rural population of the Kyrgyz Republic”;
4) PhD thesis on the topic: “The role of rodents in the formation of natural foci of alveococcosis in the territory of high-mountain pastures of the Kyrgyz Republic.”
5) PhD thesis on the topic: “Natural and synanthropic foci of alveococcosis in the northern regions of Kyrgyzstan.”
SSC “Heredity and Environment” deals with issues of genetic-demographic and population-genetic research, problems of distribution, risk of infection with parasitic diseases, iodine deficiency and research of iodine sources, etc.