- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Position:
- Head of the Department

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Head teacher

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Senior lab assistant

- Position:
- Lab assistant
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of KSMI was founded in 1941. A great contribution to the development of obstetrics and gynecology was made by the first scientists of this profile, Professors who headed the department: M.I. Vydrin (1941-1944), L.E. Gurtovoi (1944-1948), S.L. Kaylin (1948 - 1954), M.N. Lechtman (1954-1976).
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.M. Lebedeva headed the department from 1976 to 1992. Under her leadership, one doctoral and 18 candidate's dissertations were completed on the problem of high-mountain perinatology:
- M.S. Musuraliyev, 1984;
- B.A. Ryskulova, 1985;
- K.K. Karymshakova, 1985;
- A.Ya. Shamenova, 1989;
- G.D. Beishembieva, 1990;
- Sh. Mederbekova, 1990;
- Ch.K. Kalkanbaeva, 1992;
- E.B. Shabykeeva, 1992, etc.).
She has published more than 100 scientific works.
From 1992 to 2021, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Independent Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 1992), Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic M.S. Musuraliev. He has published more than 290 works, including monographs, manuals - 28, 31 textbooks for students and doctors and get 12 patents. Prepared 6 doctors of medical sciences (A.K. Sharshenov, 2001; B.A. Kakeev, 2007; Beishembieva G.J., 2011; Khushvakhtova E.Kh., 2012; Baygazakov A.T., 2017; F.S. Dzhamankulova, 2021) and 11 candidates of medical sciences.
During the time of heading the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev since 1992 Musuraliev M.S. conducted more than 50 clinical training courses for doctors under the international program together with the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic and international organizations. Also as an experienced clinician Musuraliev M.S. provided emergency obstetric care in the republic through air ambulance. He made more than 12 000 complex obstetric and gynecological operations.
Professor Musuraliev M.S. during an operation as part of the training seminar “Typical operations in obstetrics and gynecology and features of the technology of surgical interventions in the provision of emergency obstetric care.”
From 2021 to the present, the head of the department is Almaz Makenzhan uulu, Doctor of Medical Sciences, healthcare award in the Kyrgyz Republic. He is an expert on the first (2020) and second (2021) study of the Confidential Audit of Perinatal Mortality in the Kyrgyz Republic. He is the lead investigator of the first National Study of Health Behavior of School Aged Children (HBSC), which was conducted in the Kyrgyz Republic in 2022. Provides emergency obstetric care in the republic through air ambulances since 2011.
Head of the department Makenzhan uulu Almaz and assistant of the department Makenzhanova M.M. during a caesarean section
The staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. M.S.Musuraliev
Assistants of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after. M.S. Musuraliev take part as the team with the Faculty “General Medicine 2” at the celebration of Nooruz.
Training is carried out according to an integrated long-term program in obstetrics and gynecology in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th years of the medical faculty of contract and budget training as part of the training of a general practitioner GP.
New multimedia lectures on obstetrics and gynecology are used with the introduction of the principles of safe motherhood, based on evidence-based medicine and the National Program. Practical classes are conducted with clinical practice. Assessment of academic performance in all courses of the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pediatric and Faculty of Medical and Preventive care are carried out according to the point-rating system approved by KSMA.
In the process of training at the department, in addition to the main textbooks, educational and methodological manuals for students in obstetrics and gynecology are used, created and published by the staff of the department under the editorship of prof. Musuraliev M.S.: “Obstetrics”, (1996, 332 pp.); “Gynecology”, (1998, 139 pp.); “Obstetrics and Gynecology” (Abstract book)” (2011, 122 pp.). Training manuals for doctors, clinical residents and interns: “Selected issues of obstetrics” (Part 1, 2nd edition, - B.: 2006 - 326 pp.; Part 2. 2nd edition, - B.: 2006. 352 p.); “Akusherlik termindik tushundurmo sozduk” (2011, 188 b.); “Practical skills used in obstetrics and gynecology (clinical skills training)” (2024, 144 p.).
Based on cooperation with Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore) under the program of International Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology of the JHPIEGO Corporation, the UN Population Fund Musuraliev M.S. and employees, together with the working group of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, developed training programs for students and doctors “Reproductive health and family planning” at the level of pre- and postgraduate training (1997), and also introduced into the practice of postgraduate training of obstetricians-gynecologists and in the training of doctors in family medicine in the Kyrgyz Republic. Educational manuals have been published: “Minilaparotomy and typical surgical interventions in obstetrics” (2004, 176 pp.); “Clinical teaching of practical skills” (2005, 346 pp.); “Providing family planning services in the postpartum and post-abortion periods” (2009, 168 pp.); "Minimally invasive organ-saving technology for coagulopathic massive obstetric hemorrhages" Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 2010, 36 p. (Musuraliev M.S., Kangeldieva A.A., Boshkoev Zh.B., Makenzhan uulu A., etc.); “Providing assistance in case of emergency obstetric conditions”, Methodological manual for medical workers in obstetric organizations, (2013, 252 pp.). The Catalog of Competencies (postgraduate level) in the specialty “Obstetrician-Gynecologist” was approved, developed by a working group consist of Musuraliyev M.S., Dzhetigenova S.A. Teppeeva T.Kh. Seitova R.D., Isakova Zh.K.
The staff of the department actively participated in the preparation of national clinical protocols, which were introduced into practical healthcare and into the educational process for students of the 4th, 5th, 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine, 4th, 5th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics, and clinical residents of 1-3 years of study.
List of national clinical protocols with the participation of department staff:
- Musuraliev M.S.: Prolonged and obstructive labor; Postpartum sepsis;
- Ryskulova B.A. Isakova Zh.K.: Iron deficiency anemia, screening, prevention and treatment;
- Makenzhan uulu A.: Anesthetic and resuscitation care for critical conditions in obstetrics; Prevention and treatment of postpartum hemorrhage; Caesarian section.
National Research Reports Published:
- Second report on the results of a confidential perinatal audit in pilot healthcare organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2021 (Makenzhan uulu A.).
Report of the First National Study of Health Behavior of School Aged Children (HBSC). 2022 (Makenzhan uulu A.)
The department teaches students in three languages: Russian, Kyrgyz and English. Disciplines:
3rd year Faculty of General Medicine:
- Reproductive system
3rd year Faculty of General Medicine on English language teaching:
- Reproductive system
4th year Faculty of General Medicine:
- Pathological obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Elective “Practical principles of management of pregnancy and childbirth in rare diseases of the kidneys, liver and brain”
- Practice “Hospital Physician Assistant”
4th year faculty "Medical and preventive care":
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Practice “Hospital Physician Assistant”
4th year Faculty of Pediatrics:
- Obstetrics
- Practice “Hospital Physician Assistant”
4th year Faculty of General Medicine on English language teaching:
- Pathological obstetrics
- Gynecology
- Elective “Practical principles of management of pregnancy and childbirth in rare diseases of the kidneys, liver and brain”
- Elective “The role of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) in family planning”
- Practice “Hospital Physician Assistant”
5th year Faculty of General Medicine:
- Elective “The role of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) in family planning”
5th year Faculty of Pediatrics:
- Gynecology
- Elective “The role of ART (assisted reproductive technologies) in family planning”
5th year Faculty of General Medicine on English language teaching:
- Polyclinic obstetrics and gynecology
- Practice “Assistant doctor at a family medicine center”
6th year Faculty of General Medicine:
- Polyclinic obstetrics and gynecology
- Simulation course
- Elective “Prevention of VTEC (venous thromboembolic complications)”
- Practice “Assistant doctor at a family medicine center”
Assistant Makenzhanova M.M. conducts a practical lesson on the topic “Family planning. Contraception" for 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine.
Assistant Amanbekova A.E. conducts a practical lesson on the topic “Examination methods in obstetrics” for 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine on English language teaching
The main direction of scientific research of the department is the study of women's reproductive health, obstetric and perinatal complications in mountain conditions, as well as gender aspects of protection and problems of fertility restoration, development of technology for organ-saving reconstructive operations. Prepared 6 doctors of science (Sharshenov A.K., 2001; Kakeev B.A., 2007; Beishembieva G.J., 2011; Khushvakhtova E.Kh., 2012, Makenzhan uulu A., 2016, Baygazakov A.T., 2017) and 13 candidates of sciences.
In total, there are more than 700 scientific works, including 24 monographs, manuals and textbooks for students and doctors on obstetrics and gynecology, 9 patents have been received.
To date, the department is carrying out 3 scientific works for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.
The department's employees closely cooperate with international organizations WHO, USAID, UNICEF, GIZ, UNFPA. With technical support from international organizations, seminars were held for healthcare organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The leaders of the student scientific course (SSC) are docent T. Kh. Teppeeva, assistant M. M. Makenzhanova. Students of the SSC of the department annually take an active part in scientific conferences, in the public life of the department and KSMA.
Docent of the Department Teppeeva T.Kh., assistant of the Department Makenzhanova M.M. and the student scientific course of the department at the SSC 2019 fair.
Docent of the Department Teppeeva T.Kh., assistant of the Department Makenzhanova M.M. and the student scientific course of the department at the SSC 2021 fair.
Head of the Department Doctor of Medical Sciences Makenzhan uulu A., docent of the department Teppeeva T.Kh., Karymshakova K.K., assistant of the department Sulaimanova N.R. and the student scientific course of the department at the SSC 2023 fair
At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after M.S. Musuraliev of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev conducts curatorial work on the basis of hostel for students № 1, 4, 8, 9. Employees of the department, according to the duty schedule, visit the hostel for students № 1, № 4, № 8 and № 9 assigned to the department. During duty, a tour of the rooms of the living students is carried out.
The department also conducts mentoring among groups of 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, assigned to teachers throughout the academic year. Each teacher carries out explanatory work among his students, is aware of not only their progress and difficulties arising in the educational process, but also other problems. During the academic year, teachers conduct curatorial hours on a variety of topics, visit orphanages, nursing homes, museums, theaters with groups, and participate in community cleanups. Every year the department holds a competition between curatorial groups “Zhigitke 70 onor azdyk kylat”.
Participants of the competition “Zhigitke 70 Onor Azdyk Kylat”. Curators: docent of the department Teppeeva T.Kh., Nasirdinova Zh.M., assistants of the department Makenzhanova M.M., Boljurova Zh.B.
Visit to the Bishkek city social institution for the elderly and people with disabilities. The students got acquainted with the living conditions of the patients and cleaned the courtyard of the institution.
Assistant Amanbekova A.E. conducts a curator class on the topic "Gambling" with students of the Faculty of General Medicine on English language teaching
- City Perinatal Center (CPC) – St. Suerkulov, 1a
- Kyrgyz Scientific Center for Human Reproduction (KSCHR) - 7th microdistrict, 14/1
- Chui Regional Maternity Hospital (CRMH) – St. Chapaev, 1a
- National Center for Oncology and Hematology (NCOH) – St. Akhunbaev, 92
- National Surgical Center named after M.M. Mamakeev (NSC), department of septic gynecology - St. 3rd line, 25
- City Gynecological Hospital - St. Logvinenko, 30
- Clinic of Reproductive Health and ART - St. Yunusaliev, 300
- FMC № 6 – St. Zhukeyev-Pudovkin, 75
- FMC № 8 – St. Sukhe-Bator, 1
- FMC № 18 – St. Kasym Tynystanov, 1