Department of Physics, Mathematics, Informatics and Computer Technologies
Department staff
Karasheva Nurzhamal Tashmatovna
Karasheva Nurzhamal Tashmatovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Pedagogics
Academic title:
acting Associate Professor
Head of Department
Dzhorobekov Bayizbek Dzhorobekovich
Dzhorobekov Bayizbek Dzhorobekovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Biology
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Sultanova Firuza Rustamovna
Sultanova Firuza Rustamovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Head Teacher of the Department
Saparbayev Akmatbek Archalievich
Saparbayev Akmatbek Archalievich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Abdybalieva Kanyshay Abdybalievna
Abdybalieva Kanyshay Abdybalievna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Pedagogics
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Saparalieva Altynai Nadyrbekivna
Saparalieva Altynai Nadyrbekivna
Academic degree:
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Amanbaeva Gulnara Mukhtarovna
Amanbaeva Gulnara Mukhtarovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Asanbekova Damira Daiyrbekovna
Asanbekova Damira Daiyrbekovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Pedagogics
Kolpochbaeva Marziya Bayyshovna
Kolpochbaeva Marziya Bayyshovna
Senior teacher
Mamytova Tolkun Kenzhekulovna
Mamytova Tolkun Kenzhekulovna
Senior Teacher
Ismailova Aigul Tazhibaevna
Ismailova Aigul Tazhibaevna
Urusova Elmira Beishenovna
Urusova Elmira Beishenovna
Aidarova Zhyldyz Torogeldievna
Aidarova Zhyldyz Torogeldievna
Alymbaeva Zarina Toktosunovna
Alymbaeva Zarina Toktosunovna
Turgunbaeva Tabura Sharabanovna
Turgunbaeva Tabura Sharabanovna
Askarova Cholpon Talantovna
Askarova Cholpon Talantovna
Kadirbekova Begimai Emilevna
Kadirbekova Begimai Emilevna
Senior Lab Assistant
Shadimanova Miraida Alisherovna
Shadimanova Miraida Alisherovna
Lab assistant
Brief history

The history of the department begins in 1939. The first head of the department of physics was assistant professor P.F.  Titov. From 1943 to 1995, the department was headed by candidates of sciences, assistant professors L.A. Shinyansky, V.S. Lugovoy, Z. M. Abdulina, T. R. Ryskanov, and M.A. Asanov. In 1996, the department of physics was transformed into the department of medbiophysics and higher mathematics which from 1996 to 2000 was headed by assistant professor Mamaev O.M.

In the period from 1939 to 2005, scientific research work was carried out in the following areas: biochemiluminescence (M.A. Asanov, T.B. Atanaev, T.K. Azimbayev, T.I. Sologubova); effects of a magnetic field on biosystems (Ryskanov T.R., Usenbekov T.U., Abdukarimova N.A., Uraliev K.U.); the use of statistical classification methods for the study of the adaptive properties of a person in the high mountains (Djorobekov B.D.).

In 1994, in order to teach the basics of computer science and computer technology used in medicine at the department was organized an assistant professor course in medinformatics and automated control systems. The head of the course was appointed assistant professor Djorobekov B.D. In 1997, the course was transformed into a department. The tasks of the department included providing high-quality training of medical students in the field of information technology, the organization and development of modern forms of information support for the educational process of the university. From 1997 to 2003, the Department of Medical Informatics and Automated Control Systems was headed by candidate of medical sciences, assistant professor Schastlivyi O. Ya. In 2003, the Department of Medical Informatics and Automated Control Systems was renamed into the Department of Informatics and Computer Technologies and the head of the department was candidate of physics and mathematics sciences Urusova T.E. During this period, the staff of the department carried out a large scientific and methodological work in the field of informatization of the educational process, methods of teaching of informatics. In 2009, in connection with innovations in higher education and science, and new requirements for the quality of the educational process in medical universities in the Kyrgyz Republic, the department of Medical Informatics and Automated Management Systems was transformed into the department of Physics, Mathematics, Computer Sciences and Computer Technology. From 2004 to 2015, the department was headed by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant Professor Dzhorobekov Bayizbek Dzhorobekovich. Since 2015, the department is headed by candidate of pedagogical sciences Karasheva N.T.


The subjects of physics, higher mathematics and computer science are taught as cross-cutting disciplines in the 1 course of all faculties. Physics is taught at the medical faculty as part of the interdisciplinary modules «Human, society and health», «From molecule to cell», «From cell to organ» and «Nervous system». Discipline «Biostatistics» is taught to students of the 2 course of the faculty of the Higher Nursing and introduces students to the basics of statistical analysis of the results of biomedical research. The discipline «Medical Informatics» is taught to students of the 4th year of the Faculty of Dentistry and has a narrower specialized direction. In the framework of the special course «Statistical processing of biomedical information», postgraduate students master the work with the software for statistical processing of biomedical information that they need in scientific research.

In addition to the main disciplines, the department conducts classes in elective courses for first-year students of the faculty of the Medical Prophylaxis: «Medical Information Systems» and «Nanotechnologies in preventive medicine and public health», the pediatric faculty: «Information and Communication Technologies in Medicine» and «Nanotechnologies in Pediatrics» Faculty of Dentistry: «Information and Communication Technologies in Dentistry» and «Solid State Physics», Faculty of Pharmacy: «Information and Communication Technologies in Pharmacy» and «Biophysical bases of modeling of pharmaceutical processes», as well as for students of the Faculty of Higher Nursing of the 2 course «Medical Information Systems» and «Nanotechnology in medicine and health care».

General information

Employees of the department perform educational and methodical work to improve lectures, seminars and laboratory - practical classes, develop and publish methodological manuals for practical exercises in physics, higher mathematics, computer science, medical computer science, develop test questions for monitoring students' knowledge in all disciplines, publish scientific and methodical articles, participate in scientific conferences and seminars. Currently, the department is equipped with 4 modern computer classes with Internet access. For carrying out practical laboratory studies on medbiophysics there are classrooms equipped with instruments: electrocardiograph, spectrophotometer, low-frequency and high-frequency therapy devices Amplipuls, UHF-therapy, ultrasound-therapy, electrostimulator, gas laser, and etc.

Scientific activity 

Currently, the research work of the department is conducted in three main areas:

  • the didactic bases for the formation of an information technology culture of future doctors in the medical education system;
  • improving the learning process of medical and biological physics in a higher medical insitution;
  • didactic-psychological foundations of teaching medical and biological physics.

The department maintains scientific relations with the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn, Kyrgyz Technical University named after I. Razzakov, International University of Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B. Yeltsin.