- License:
- LD170000297

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Dean
- esengeldi_zholdoshbekov@mail.ru
- +996 312 54 58 57
- 92 Akhunbaev str., Main building, office number 27

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Biology
- Position:
- Deputy Dean for 1, 2, 3 years
- bekturganova1981@inbox.ru
- +996 312 54 58 87
- 92 Akhunbaev str., Main building, office number 27

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Deputy Dean for 4, 5, 6 years
- talant2848@mail.ru
- +996 312 54 58 57
- 92 Akhunbaev str., Main building, office number 27

- Position:
- Secretary
- lech1-maral@mail.ru
- +996 312 54 58 57
- 92 Akhunbaev str., Main building, office number 27
On April 16, 1939, a resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the Kyrgyz SSR on the opening of a medical institute. The first point of this important document read: “To open the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute in the city of Frunze from September 1, 1939, with an enrollment of 200 people for the first year.” From the same time, one of the leading faculties of KSMI began to function - medical. The dean's office of the Faculty of Medicine was headed by such famous professors as Tilis Yu.A., Lyamtsev V.T., Zurdinov A.Z., Mamytov M.M., Mambetaliev B.S., Nasyrov V.A., Kenzhaev M.G. and others.
Lyamtcev V. T.
Zurdinov A. Z.
Mamytov M. M.
Nasyrov V. A.
Kengaev M. G.
Since 2012, the dean’s office of the faculty has been divided into dean’s offices of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 and No. 2.
From September 2016 to the present, the dean of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.Zholdoshbekov.
Zholdoshbekov E.Zh.
The following academicians graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of KSMA at different times: NAS KR Akhunbaev I.K., Ryskulova K.R., Altymyshev A.A., Mamakeev M.M., Mirrakhimov M.M., Kudayarov D.K. Raimzhanov A.R., Dzhumabekov S.A.; Corresponding Members of the NAS KR Ibraimov A.M., Tynaliev M.T., Adambekov D.A., Zurdinov A.Z., Omorov R.A. etc.
The medical faculty of KSMA trains specialists in the program of General Practitioner. A General Practitioner is a doctor who has the skills of a narrow specialist. A type of General Practitioner is a family doctor. There are very high requirements to the level of his professional training. It is the General practitioner who, with his multidisciplinary knowledge, is able to make a preliminary diagnosis. What research should be done in the first place, to which specialist and when to send the patient - these are questions that are in his competence. The General practitioner sees the whole picture. He gives a full consultation in the treatment. All this reduces the time of the patient's stay in a medical institution and increases the availability of medical care. Thus, the task of a General practitioner is to provide primary medical care, which includes:
* prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the most common diseases;
* emergency and emergency medical care;
* performing medical manipulations.
After graduating from this program, the graduate can undergo postgraduate training as a General practitioner, or choose to train in narrow specialties, such as: therapist, surgeon, neuropathologist, obstetrician - gynecologist, traumatologist, otolaryngologist, oculist, oncologist, dermatologist, infectious diseases and doctors of other specialties.
Standard period of study: 6 years on the basis of secondary education
The term of clinical residency: for GP-2 years for narrow specialties-3 years.
Form of training: budget and contract
Type of training: full-time
Tuition fee: for 1-6 years - 55000 KGS (for residents of Kyrgyz Republic)
Student of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 Niyazbekov Adylkhan Kubatovich, participating in the event “Science Days dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy” took 1st place in the section “Clinical issues of motherhood and childhood”
From December 7 to 8, 2023, the “First International Practical Olympiad in Surgical Disciplines” was held in the city of Shymkent, in which students of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 took part.
At the event, students received group and individual awards.
On May 16-17, the 2nd International Olympiad in fundamental and morphological disciplines was held, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of KSMA. Mirlanova Zhanat took part in it and was awarded a 1st degree diploma in topographic anatomy.
On May 17-18, 2024, at the last V All-Russian Student Olympiad with international participation "BIOCHIMIC-2024" in Ufa, 4th year students of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 of the Unions Kairat and Kushunova Aikanysh defended the honor of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1, where, according to the results were awarded diplomas of the 1st degree (Soyuzov K.) and 2nd degree (Kushunova A.)
On April 8-14, 2024, in the XXXII Moscow International Student Surgical Olympiad named after Academician M.I. Perelman, students of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 Vakhidov Ali, Pirmatov Zhangazy, Kochkonov Azamat reached the finals and, taking an active part, defended the honor of the faculty in Moscow.
At the end of the past year, Kabakbay Zhakshylykov, a student of the KSMA named after I.K Akhunbaev of the Faculty of General Medicine #1, received a Presidential scholarship from the hands of the head of state. We sincerely congratulate our scholarship recipient!
On December 15-16, 2023, the IV International Student Olympiad “Samarkand - 2020” was held at the Samarkand State Medical University - a competition in fundamental and clinical disciplines of medical science, held in an internal-remote format.
Over 670 people took part in the IV International Olympiad of Medical University Students “Samarkand-2020” in an offline format, 4141 students in an online format from 84 medical universities in a dozen countries, including Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Ukraine. Rectors and more than 80 leading professors of foreign and republican medical universities also took part.
Participants of the IV International Olympiad of Medical Universities “Samarkand-2020” competed in two stages, by testing and demonstrating practical skills. 670 students participating in the traditional way tested their skills on 7th generation robot simulators that meet the requirements of world standards and practical knowledge. Olympiad traditionally held in three languages - Uzbek, Russian and English.
Among 42 teams, eight students participating in the Olympiad from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev competed for the title of the best of the best in their field. They represented two teams: the “Diamonds” dental team and the “Sanzhyra” hospital team. Here are them names:
Section “Anesthesiology and Resuscitation”, Tynybek uluu Shamil, 4th year, 5th group, LD1, Diploma 3rd place, (scientific supervisor - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of anesthesiology and intensive care before and after graduate training Guldzhan Usenovna Tolbashieva)
Section “Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases”, Artem Anishchenkov, 4th year, 7th group, LD1, Diploma nomination “Absolute Champion” (scientific supervisor-assistant of the Department of Faculty Therapy named after M.E. Volsky - M.M. Mirrakhimova Alibaeva Nazira Tilekbaevna),
I would like to thank our respected rector, I.O. Kudaibergenova, the vice-rector’s office for material assistance and moral support during the preparation for the Olympics. It should be noted the well-coordinated work of the organizing committee of the Olympics, the warm welcome and comprehensive support of SamSMU.
Students participating in the IV International Olympiad of Medical University Students “Samarkand-2020” are distinguished by determination, perseverance and hard work, as well as a desire to engage in creative activities. The Olympiad showed how great the interest of young people is in acquiring knowledge and participating in intellectual competitions.
A sports competition dedicated to the memory of Adinay Myrzabekova took place on November 23, 2023 at the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev.
In the sports competition, the girls team took 1st place and the boys team took 2nd place in volleyball.
On October 24, 2023, a football tournament among students for the “Rector’s Cup” ended at the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev, where students of the Faculty of General Medicine 1 took first place
A team of students from the KSMA Faculty of General Medicine, on May 19-20, took part in the IV All-Russian Olympiad for Students “Biochemist-2023”, held at the Department of Biological Chemistry at the Bashkir State Medical University.
The "Dopamine Paradise" team received 1st place in the "Best University" competition, and also received an award in the "Breaking Borders" nomination. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department. biochemistry with a course of general and bioorgonic chemistry named after. A.J. Dzhumalieva, Makhmudova Zhyldyz Akhmatova. Team list: Aidarov E.A., Bekmurzaev A.B., Tolonbaeva E.Y., Usonov Ya.U. - 3rd year students, Faculty of General Medicine No. 1
A.B. Bekmurzaev won in the “Best Essay” nomination. - student of the 2nd group, 3rd year, Faculty of General Medicine No. 1. Essay topic: "Biochemical changes in anorexia"
Students of the Faculty of General Medicine 1, team "PATHOLOGI" participated in the International Student Olympiad - 2023 "Zhuzden zhuirik - Primus inter pares - First among equals" Astana on May 4-5, (among teams from Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan)
1st place team in the pathological anatomy section
3rd place in the competition "Best Business Card"
Anishchenkov Artem 3rd year 7gr
Tynybek uulu Shamil 3 course 5g
Kubatbekova Elina 3rd year 10g
Zhakshylykov Kabakbay 4 course 14g
The team leader was assistant of the department of pathological anatomy Valentina Gennadievna Serykh
Students of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 Tynybek uulu Shamil 3rd year 5th grade
Kubatbekova Elina 3rd year 10g
Anishchenkov Artem 3rd year 10g
Zhakshylykov Kabakbay 4th year 14gr received 1st place in the international Olympiad
"Zhuzden zhurik Primus inter pares. First among equals." May 4-5 took place in the city of Astana, at the NJSC "Astana Medical University"
We took part in the “pathological anatomy” section, where we received 1st place, and the team’s video business card was awarded a 3rd degree diploma in the “Best Business Card” competition
On May 19-20, the 77th International Scientific and Practical Conference was held in Samarkand
students and young scientists of medical universities “Achievements of fundamental, applied medicine and pharmacy”
Tynybek uulu Shamil
On December 16, 2022, the ceremony of awarding the best students of the state universities with presidential scholarships is took place. 3 students of the KSMA Faculty of “General Medicine" No. 1 were awarded:
Sarieva Bermet Oktombekovna – 4th year student
Kyrgyzov Oktamzhan Farkhadzhanovich – 5th year student
Ilyichova Alina Ilyichovna – 5th year student
Congratulations to the fellows!
A sports contest dedicated to the memory of Adinay Myrzabekova was held on November 14, 2022 at the KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev.
In the Spartakiad dedicated to the memory of Adinay Myrzabekova on November 14, 2022, the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1 took first place in volleyball and second place in tennis.
Yevtushenko Radion, a 1st year student of the Faculty of General Medicine No. 1, took second place at the festival "Artistic Reading of Kyrgyz Literary Works".
On October 17, 2022, the football tournament among students for the "Rector's Cup" ended at the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA,
where students of the Faculty of "General Medicine 1" took first place.
Inter-Faculty sports events 2021:
-The Rectors Cup in football- 1 plaсe
Рractical work:
Bishkek retirement house
Children's rehabilitation center. Bishkek city
Orlovka orphanage
Orphanage. from. Voenno-Antonovka
On October 24, 2023, the football tournament among students for the "Rector's Cup" ended at the I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA, where students of the Faculty of "General Medicine 1" took the first place
During a crisis situation associated with interethnic tension, regarding foreign students of the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy,
student citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic provided all possible assistance to the victims.
Cleaning day, Spring 2024
2nd year students together with the Dean of General Medicine No. 1 and the Department of Biochemistry with a course of general and bioorganic chemistry named after. Dzhumalieva A.D. visited the republican specialized center for the rehabilitation of children and families, with the aim of providing primary social and medical assistance to children in need.
Participation of medical students No. 1 in the “Immortal Regiment” campaign
March 2023
Students of KSMA held career guidance meetings with schoolchildren. Students of General Medicine 1, led by Deputy Dean Azamat Kylchykbaev, visited Novopokrovskaya secondary school No. 3. During the meeting, university students held open meetings with schoolchildren for career guidance. The students received information about the university, medical professions, conditions for admission, etc.
2022-2023 academic year.
The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases with course of Endocrinology and the Department of Family Medicine of Undergraduate Education visited the museum