- Position:
- Head of the Office
- kadry@kgma.kg
- +996 (312) 54 58 50
- 92, Akhunbaev str., room #221

- Position:
- Senior inspector

- Position:
- Senior inspector
- kadry@kgma.kg
- +996 (312) 54 58 50
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, room #221

- Position:
- Inspector
- kadry@kgma.kg
- +996 312 54 58 50
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, room #221
The purpose of the HR department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals of the I.K.Akhunbayev KSMA by providing qualified personnel and creating an effective system for using the potential of KSMA employees.
Recruitment is carried out using specially developed strategies: providing information about vacancies in the media and the employment service, applying selection methods, procedures for the adaptation of specialists and subsequent professional development.
In order to implement the KSMA Mission, the main tasks of the HR department are:
- Organization of staffing of KSMA structural divisions;
- Ensuring control over the implementation of the requirements of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic regulating work with personnel in the KSMA;
- Ensuring the protection of personal data of KSMA employees;
- Study and analysis of the state of labor discipline in KSMA, development and practical implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at preventing disciplinary misconduct, increasing the personal responsibility of KSMA employees for the assigned area of work, compliance with internal regulations, conscientious performance of official duties;
- Ensuring the replacement of positions of the teaching staff on a competitive basis and elections;
The work of the Department is organized on the basis of planning, a combination of unity of command in solving issues of official activity and collegiality in their discussion, personal responsibility of each employee for the state of affairs at the assigned site and the execution of individual assignments.
On personnel issues, the HR department constantly interacts with all structural divisions of the KSMA.
The Department of Human Resourses, Legal Work and Office Management was established in 2007 by decision of the Academic Council in order to improve the organizational structure of the administrative and managerial staff of the Academy and control over document management. The first head of the Department was Yulia Alexandrovna Getmanskaya.
Since 2014, the Department of Human Resourses, Legal Work and Office Management has been headed by Ismailov Anvar Ismailovich.
By Order of the Rector dated October 14, 2014 No. 95, the department was headed by Erezhepov Absabir
From January 04, 2018 to July 25, 2018, the Human Resourses Sector was headed by Kutlubayeva Albina Rafikovna.
From 2022 to the present, the HR department is headed by Molutbekova Aigerim Zhyrgalbekovna
The Department of Human Resourses, Legal Work and Office Management consisted from Sector of Human Resourses, Sector of Students Personnel, Sector of Legal Work and Sector of Office Management.
With the aim to improve the organizational structure, sectors of legal work and human resourses were combined into the Department of Legal Work and Human Resourses by the Rector's Order No. 186 from July 12, 2018.
In order to improve the quality of the management system and the effectiveness of the educational process in KSMA, by Order of the Rector No. 347, dated October 4, 2022, the Department of Legal and Human Resourses was reorganized into two structural divisions - the Department of Human Resourses and the Legal Department.
The purpose of the HR department is to contribute to the achievement of the goals and mission of the I.K. Akhunbayev KSMA by providing qualified personnel and creating an effective system for using the potential of KSMA employees, as well as the formation of corporate culture.
Today, the HR department is equipped with modern office equipment, specialized programs such as AVN, E-Kyzmat and NISUR. The use of automated technologies has significantly improved the efficiency of the personnel service, allowing you to keep records of employees, issue orders, monitor the provision of vacations, process a variety of analytical information and solve many other tasks in a timely manner. Work is also carried out in the electronic document management system (hereinafter referred to as EDMS).