- detskaya.hirurgia@gmail.com
- +996 (312) 54-46-43
- 8A Baytik Baatyr str., Bishkek city

- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the Department

- Academic degree:
- PhD
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- PhD
- Academic title:
- Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- PhD
- Academic title:
- acting Assosiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- PhD
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Head teacher of the department

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
Brief history of the department. In 1972, the Department of Pediatric Surgery was opened, headed by a talented scientist, surgeon and teacher, Professor Viktor Kononov.
From 2001 to 2003 department was headed by Professor Hasan Abdurakhmanov
2003-2012 - the Head of the department was Professor Kubanychbek Adamaliev
2012 - present time the Head of the department again is Professor Talant Omurbekov
-Conducting practical classes in groups of 3-6 courses, according to the calendar plan.
-Giving lectures according to the calendar plan.
-Organization of independent work of students under the supervision of an assistant.
-Reception of work and consultations according to schedule
-Admission of transfer and final state exams
-Working with young assistants
-Advanced training for teachers (ФПК), speaking at conferences and congresses.
-Propaedeutics of childhood surgical diseases (3rd year “Pediatrics”, 5th semester, test)
-Surgical diseases in children (4th year “Pediatrics” 7-8 semester, test)
-Surgery of newborns (5th year “Pediatrics” 9-10 semester, test, exam)
-Outpatient pediatric surgery (6th year “Pediatrics”, credit)
-Surgical diseases in children (4th year “English Language Education ”, 7th semester, test)
-Surgical diseases in children (5th year “English Language Education ” 10th semester, test, exam)
-Pediatric surgery (5th year “General Medicine”, 9-10 semester)
-Polyclinic pediatric surgery (6th year “General Medicine” 11-12 semester, exam)
-Pediatric traumatology, orthopedics and Military field surgery
(5th year “Pediatrics”, 9th semester, credit)
-Pediatric traumatology, orthopedics and Military field surgery (5th year "General Medicine" 9th -10th semester credit)
-Pediatric resuscitation and anesthesiology (6th year “Pediatrics” 11semester, test)
-The department has organized a student research group on Pediatric Surgery in 2022. An intra-university Olympiad dedicated to Professor V.S. Kononov.
Academician I. K. Akhunbayev, Professor B. F. Shagan, A. A. Ilyin, M. S. Znamensky, associate professors E. A. Kruglova, A. S. Markov, E. A. Alymkulov, A. Ya. Kagarlitsii, Ph.D. Mykyev K. M., Prof. made a significant contribution to the development of pediatric surgery in Kyrgyzstan and the training of scientific and practical personnel. Adamaliev K. A., Abdrakhmanov H. I., doctors of the highest category Satybaldiev V. I., Nasirdinov M. N., Omurov K. O., G.F. Galtseva, K.M.N. Asanbekov I.A., K.M.N. Chernobrovkin V.I. Only in the last 10 years 4 monographs, 2 collections of scientific papers, 26 methodological recommendations have been published, received 7 patents for inventions, published more than 150 articles on topical issues of pediatric surgery, including in foreign publications. In 2002, 2 doctoral dissertations were defended (Omurbekov T. O. and Uzakbayev K. A.) and 13 dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. 4 scientific and practical conferences were held with the participation of specialists from abroad.
In the National Center for maternal and child health and City children's clinical hospital of emergency medical care: Department of neurosurgery; Department of traumatology; Department of first surgery; Department of second surgery; Department of urology; Department of proctology; Thoracic Department; Department of resuscitation and intensive care; Department of pathology of newborns
- +996 312 490 663
- 190, Akhunbaev str.
- +996 312 544 643
- 8a, Baitik Baatyr str.
Acting Associate Professor of the department Zhoroev Minbai Niimatovich together with staff and residents
The Department of Pediatric Surgery at the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the 3rd Children's Clinical Hospital. Together with the head of the department, MD, Professor Omurbekov Talent Oroskulovich and the staff