- j_kgma@mail.ru
- 0 (312) 54-46-10
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, main building, room № 213

- Position:
- Head of Office

- Position:
- Specialist
The Editorial and Publishing Department (EPD) is an independent structural subdivision of the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy. It was established in 2022. Specialists of the department provide quality control of published literature, its printing performance, organizes the transfer of all journal issues to the academy library and transfer of mandatory copies to the National Book Chamber of the Kyrgyz Republic.
EPD carries out production and release of peer-reviewed scientific-medical journal "Vestnik of KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaev" (2009-2023), and from 2024 "Eurasian Health Journal". The journal is a multidisciplinary edition, on the pages of which original scientific works on all sections of medicine are published. The authors of scientific papers are not only the staff of KSMA, but also the medical community of the Kyrgyz Republic, CIS countries and foreign countries.
The main objectives of EPD are organization and implementation of editorial and publishing activity of the Academy, promotion of quality improvement of specialists training in accordance with the specialization of KSMA, integration of the published scientific-medical journal into the international scientific space.
The main tasks of the EPD are:
- promotion of scientific support of medical institutions and scientific institutes activity;
- strengthening the interaction of KSMA with other educational and research institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, and other ministries and departments on scientific direction;
- reflection and dissemination of the results of research activities;
- propaganda of the main achievements of science;
- formation of open scientific polemics, contributing to the improvement of the quality of scientific research;
- promotion of operative publication of results of scientific researches of young scientists, post-graduate students.