Department of clinical rehabilitation and physiotherapy
Sttaff Department 
Smanova Janyl
Smanova Janyl
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assosiate Professor
Head of the Dept.
Anvarbekova Yrysbubu
Anvarbekova Yrysbubu
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
acting Assosiate Professor
Mambetaleiva Anara
Mambetaleiva Anara
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Osmonaliev Jetigen
Osmonaliev Jetigen
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Schmakova-Kraft Kristina
Schmakova-Kraft Kristina
Head teacher
Yugay Antonina
Yugay Antonina
Sopubekova Aikan
Sopubekova Aikan
Aibasheva Nazgul
Aibasheva Nazgul
Jumashova Nazgul
Jumashova Nazgul
Asanov Aibek
Asanov Aibek
Kurmanbekova Bayan
Kurmanbekova Bayan
Senior lab assistant

Brief history 

The department was established on the basis of the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy in 1957. The first head and director of the Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy was  Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent Babakhanov B. V., who identified the main ways of development of balneology and physiotherapy science in the Kyrgyzstan and justified the use of climate therapy in the resorts of Kyrgyzstan. The therapeutic factors of resorts, the influence of mineral water, electroplating on patients with gastrointestinal diseases were studied. Much attention was paid to the use of various forms of physical therapy in resorts and in the clinic, the features of the effect of physical exertion on the body in the conditions of the middle mountains were identified, a terrenkur was developed in the resorts of Kyrgyzstan.

From 1980 to 2000, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alymkulov D. A. During this period, the staff conducted research work on the problem of union significance: "Scientific foundations of the use of physical environmental factors for therapeutic and preventive purposes". Together with the Department of Infectious Diseases, a method of ultraviolet irradiation of autoblood in the complex of drug therapy in patients with brucellosis was developed.

From 2000 to 2020, the department was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alymkulov R. D. Under his leadership, the department staff continued research and educational work to optimize the use of physical factors in various diseases. Thus, a method for the treatment of iodine deficiency conditions by transdermal electrophoresis was developed and patented. A method of combined physio-kinesiological rehabilitation of women's fertility function in chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs has been developed. Clinical and experimental studies on the physiotherapy treatment of generalized periodontal disease were conducted. Textbooks on the subjects taught "Physiotherapy and Balneology" and "Physical therapy" have been published. Currently, medical and sociological aspects of traditional medicine in Kyrgyzstan are being studied.

Unfortunately, Professor R. D. Alymkulov died suddenly from a coronavirus infection in July 2020.

Since September 2020, the duties of the head of the department are performed by the Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent Smanova J. K.

  • General physiotherapy,
  • Private physiotherapy,
    Physiotherapy in dentistry,
    Medical rehabilitation,
    Classic therapeutic massage,
    Therapeutic physical culture and medical control,
    Sports medicine
Scientific achievements

In the period from 2017 to 2020, more than 15 articles were published abroad, 10 articles were published in the scientific publication Vestnik KSMA, a textbook "Preventive detoxification of the body of athletes" was published, patent No. 1701 KR 30.01.15 "Methods of improving the body" and a table "assessment of the level of auto-intoxication according to the 5-point system "was obtained.

Active work is being carried out on the creation and revision of training programs for students and clinical residents, methodological and scientific manuals, on the study of new methods of rehabilitation of various categories of patients, on the development of new topics for candidate and doctoral dissertations, and on the improvement of postgraduate qualifications of specialists.