Сertificate of registration (Ministry of justice)
Charter of the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy
Resolution No. 517 of the Council of people's Commissars of the Kyrgyz SSR of April 16, 1939
Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on the transformation of KSMI into KSMA
Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on naming after I.K. Akhunbaev
License no. LS190005212 dated 2019
License No. LD180000334 dated 2018, "General Medicine" program, 5 years
License no. LS190001204 dated 2019, "Medical school"
License No. LS190004995 dated 2019, Lyceum of KSMA
License no. LS190004636 dated 2019, Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Education
License no.LE170000305 dated 2017, Center for Raising of Qualification (Courses)
License no. LE150002456 dated 2015, Center for Raising of Qualification (Courses)
License no. LS190004420 dated 2019, Center for Raising of Qualification (Courses)
License No. LE160002496 dated 2016, the Center for the study of foreign languages
Дополнение №1 к лицензии №02019-0001, Профессиональные образовательные программы
Certificate no. VU190000269, On passing independent program accreditation (pre-graduate education)
Certificate no. VU190000278, On passing independent program accreditation (postgraduate education)
Certificate no. VK200000307,On independent program accreditation (Medical school)
Certificate no. VI200000049, Of independent institutional accreditation
Cвидетельство международной институциональной аккредитации IAAR 2021 КГМА им. И.К.Ахунбаева
Cвидетельство международной первичной программной аккредитации IAAR 2021 Лечебное дело
Cвидетельство международной программной аккредитации IAAR 2021 560001 Лечебное дело
Cвидетельство международной программной аккредитации IAAR 2021 560004 Стоматология
Сертификат №VA230000041 от 15.05.2023 г. о прохождении международной программной аккредитации