- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medical Sciences
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor
- Position:
- Head teacher of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
Opening of the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute in 1939 it played a huge role in almost all branches of science in the Kyrgyz SSR. Among the first, in 1941, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology was organized. The period of its foundation coincided with the Great Patriotic War. The first head of the department was Honored Scientist A.L. Brudny. From 1959 to 1976, the department was headed by Y.D. Vasilenko. A large surgery introduced into the clinics of the republic is associated with his name. From 1976 to 1977, the department was headed by Associate Professor M.Кh. Ibragimov. His works on oncological diseases of ENT organs played a big role in the quality of care provided to the population. They paid close attention to the training of young specialists. From 1977 to 1997, the head of the department was MD, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic G. A. Feigin.
Since 1997, the department has been headed by the Honored Doctor of the Kyrgyz Republic, MD, Professor V. A. Nasyrov. There are 9 candidates of medical sciences working at the department. The staff of the department successfully conducts diagnostic, therapeutic, scientific, pedagogical and methodological work.
The department currently includes the following staff: Head of the Department, MD, Professor V.A. Nasyrov; Head teacher, CoMS, Acting Associate Professor N.B. Nurkeev; CoMS, Associate Professor G.S. Arzykulova, CoMS, Associate Professor T.M. Zakirov, CoMS, Associate Professor K.K. Narmatova, CoMS, acting Associate Professor A.Z. Turgumbekov, CoMS, Acting Associate Professor Ch.A. Zholdosheva; assistants – CoMS N.N. Bednyakova, CoMS E.S. Kulieva, CoMS Sh.I. Buvaev, N.V. Solodchenko, S.A. Bedelbaev, B.K. Karimova, K.K. Bakieva, E.K. Asankulov, K.Z. Birzhanova, S.A. Mamazhanova, A.B. Toktorov.
Under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Nasyrov, 6 graduate students are studying at the department, 4 of them are preparing for the defense of a candidate dissertation. The main directions of the scientific activity of the department are in the search for new effective methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of ENT organs, including oncological ones.
Along with the traditional scientific directions, the department has chosen a new scientific direction - the study of the influence of the environment on the state of the ENT organs of the inhabitants of our republic. In recent years, researchers in the highlands have developed an interest in the sensory organs that respond to hypoxia, in particular to the organs of hearing, taste, and smell. The result of this was the defended PhD dissertations of O.D. Kopteva and M.A. Madaminova, A.Z. Turgumbekov and K.K. Narmatova. For the first time in the world, a new form of pathology of ENT organs was identified - "highland voice". (O.D. Kopteva). In addition, a number of scientific papers related to the problem of the influence of highlands on ENT organs, in particular, the study of auditory and vestibular analyzers in persons working in the conditions of the highlands of the Kumtor mine conducted by Ph.D. A.Z. Turgumbekov, made it possible to identify a risk group for the development of occupational diseases (operators of heavy machinery, workers with over 5 years of experience and over the age of 40). The study of the taste analyzer in the conditions of the highlands, conducted by MD M.A. Madaminova. It has been shown that the effects of extreme factors on the human body, as well as directly through the peripheral taste receptors of the tongue, lead to a different level of functioning of the taste system, which in turn affects the metabolism, affecting the development of protective and adaptive reactions of the body in high-altitude conditions. Also, one of the aspects of scientific interest is the study of the morphofunctional state of the olfactory analyzer in high-altitude conditions. Violations of the sense of smell negatively affect the state of internal organs, the formation of the emotional sphere, the protective properties of the body. As a result of the conducted research, a modified original device was proposed for the examination of the functional state of the olfactory analyzer – a carousel-type olfactometer in combination with an EEG, which allows quantifying and objectively determining the functional state of the olfactory analyzer, the features of the olfactory analyzer reaction in humans during temporary stay and permanent life in high-altitude conditions have been studied, it has been established that in the pathogenesis of disorders of the functional state of the olfactory analyzer in high-altitude conditions, a significant role belongs to the pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses, which they often acquire a chronic course, due to the impact of the load of high-altitude factors on them (Ph.D. K.K. Narmatova). PhD dissertations were defended (I. M. Islamov, E. S. Kulieva), which showed that the course of rhinosinusitis and chronic purulent otitis media and their prognosis in children largely depend on the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system of a person. Defended a doctoral dissertation (M.M. Kadyrov) devoted to the study of the problem of the impact of surgical trauma on a person suffering from neoplasms of the head and neck. The significance of this work lies in the fact that the negative consequences of surgical trauma (the state of the psycho-emotional sphere, sensory organs and hemodynamics of the brain) have been studied. The developed algorithm for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with neoplasms of ENT organs made it possible to mitigate the process of postoperative rehabilitation of this heavy contingent of patients in a shorter time. Optimal methods of complex treatment of suppurative processes in the head, neck and mediastinum have been introduced (PhD D. Asimova). For the first time in clinical practice, on the basis of a preliminary animal experiment, a method of lymphotropic treatment of sinusitis using a highly effective immunomodulator "chitosan" was introduced (PhD T.M. Zakirov, PhD A.A. Ismailova). PhD Ch.A. Zholdosheva objectively studied the influence of environmental factors on the state of resistance of the nasal mucosa. PhD E.G. Kriventsova in her scientific work showed the role of gastrointestinal pathology in the pathogenesis of chronic pharyngitis. This made it possible to make progress in the treatment of these diseases in a much shorter period. PhD S.D. Juraeva for the first time in our country studied the clinical and laboratory features of the course of chronic laryngitis in residents of iodine-endemic zones of the Kyrgyz Republic and, taking them into account, developed and implemented differential methods of their treatment. For the first time in the practice of otorhinolaryngology in Kyrgyzstan, a method for the treatment of chronic dacryocystitis caused by pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses was proposed and implemented (PhD N.N. Bednyakova).
Teachers of the department regularly participate in International conferences, symposiums and congresses of otorhinolaryngologists.
On the basis of the National Hospital and the educational, medical and scientific medical center of KSMA, the staff of the department performs a wide range of surgical interventions, conservative treatment of patients is carried out. There is also a training process for clinical residents and students.
Every year, the staff of the department visits leading medical educational institutions, clinics of the CIS countries, near and far abroad for advanced training, as well as the development of modern methods of teaching students.
In March 2019, students of the scientific student circle in Otorhinolaryngology - Khalilova Karima, Kasymova Aigerim and Bondarenko Valeria, led by mentor, assistant of the Department N.V. Solodchenko visited the IV Russian Student Olympiad in Otorhinolaryngology in Perm, Russia. The students of the circle confidently performed in all competitions and presented KSMA at a high level.
After the Olympiad, a bilateral memorandum of cooperation was signed between the I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy and the academician E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical University.
In 2021, a prosthetic auricle was made for the first time in the medical center of KSMA. The author of the innovation for Central Asia was the Candidate of medical Sciences, otosurgeon Buvaev Shukhrat Ikramovich.
According to Sh.I. Buvaev: "Prosthetics of the ear can be a way out for people who, for some reason, have lost their auricle or have suffered from its absence since birth. In addition to the cosmetic function, ear prostheses are able to direct auditory waves into the ear canal, thereby improving hearing, or serve as a support for glasses and hearing aids. Made of high-quality medical silicone, the ear prosthesis looks no different from a healthy ear, completely repeats its configuration, has natural proportions and color, and tactile sensations resemble real human skin".
In October 2021, assistants B.K. Karimova and K.K. Bakieva at the Educational Center of the National Medical Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology of Russia, within the framework of the advanced training program, passed the training cycle "Current issues and new technologies in head and neck oncology", aimed at improving and obtaining a new the competence necessary for professional activity and professional development.
In 2022, clinical residents visited a special comprehensive boarding school for deaf children. We got acquainted with the specifics of teaching hearing-impaired children and the basics of their rehabilitation in society.
The staff of the department and clinical residents take an active part in the celebration of national holidays, such as – Nooruz, Ak Kalpak Day.
3rd year of the Faculty “General Medicine”:
• module "Respiratory system"
• module "Nervous system"
3rd year of the Faculty “Dentistry”:
• otorhinolaryngology
3rd year of the Faculty "General Medicine with English language of training":
• otorhinolaryngology
4th year of the faculties " General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "MPW":
• otorhinolaryngology
- National Hospital at the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic - Bishkek, Togolok Moldo str., 1a.
- Medical center of KSMA - Bishkek, Tynystanova str., 1.