- pediatr@kgma.kg
- +996 (312) 565826
- 92, Akhunbaev Street, Main Bulding, Room No.120
- License:
- LD170000297
![Terekhova Oksana Igorevna](/images/preview/09.24/img14_10.09.24.jpeg)
- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Dean
- pediatr@kgma.kg
- +996 (312) 565826
- 92, Akhunbaev Street, Main Bulding, Room No.120
![Subanbekov Ermek Myrzabekovich](/images/preview/09.24/img16_10.09.24.jpeg)
- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- acting Associate Professor
- Position:
- Deputy Dean
- 0 312 56 58 26
- 92, Akhunbaev Street, Main Bulding, Room No.120
![Muratbekova Aykokul Muratbekovna](/images/preview/04.24/img51_25.04.24.jpeg)
- Position:
- Secretary
- pediatr@kgma.kg
- +996 (312) 565826
- 92, Akhunbaev Street, Main Bulding, Room No.120
The Pediatric Faculty at the KSMA was opened in 1956, over the years of the Faculty's existence, more than 7300 pediatricians have been trained.
Basic purpose
The Pediatric Faculty prepares highly qualified pediatric specialists with deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of common childhood diseases.
The term of study is 6 years. The graduates of the faculty are awarded the qualification of a doctor in the specialty "Pediatrics". The training of specialists at the faculty is provided by a highly professional teaching staff. Students are trained at 60 departments of the KSMA.
Keeping the traditions and experience laid down by our teachers, today the departments of pediatric disciplines are a scientific-methodological and medical-consulting center for the treatment and prevention of childhood diseases.
The staff of the department is actively involved in the elimination of epidemics, the provision of urgent assistance, the introduction of new scientific developments in medical institutions. All departments of the faculty are equipped with modern diagnostic and medical complexes, which allows providing medical care to the population at the highest level.
The block of pediatric disciplines is taught at the departments of propaedeutics of childhood diseases, faculty pediatrics, children's infectious diseases, and children's surgery.
The Department of Children's Diseases was organized in 1942. In 1962, two departments of pediatrics were formed: the pediatric faculty and the medical faculty. The head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Pediatric Faculty was entrusted to Professor B.F. Shagan, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of General Medicine - Associate Professor Pokrovskaya T.I. In 1970, the Department of Pediatrics was divided into independent departments: the Department of Hospital Pediatrics headed by Professor Shagan B.F. (1979-1974), Associate Professor R.Yu. Tashmatova. (1974-1985), Department of Faculty Pediatrics with a course of propedeutics of childhood diseases, headed by Professor T.I. Pokrovskaya.
Department of Children's Infections, Heads - Professor Zlatkovskaya N.M., Associate Professor Penner Y.D., Doctor of Medical Sciences Kadyrova R.M., Doctor of Medical Sciences Dzholbunova Z.K. (since 2017)
Department of Pediatric Surgery, headed by Professor V.S. Kononov (1970-1997), professor Abdurakhmanov (from 1997-2002), candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Sultanalieva A.S. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Omurbekov T.O.In 1983, there was a reprofiling of pediatric departments: Department of Pediatrics №1 Head Professor T.I. Pokrovskaya, Department of Pediatrics № 2 Heads - Associate Professor R.Yu. Tashmatova, Professor G.A. Komarov (1985-1987), professor D.K. Kudayarov (from 1987 to the present), Department of Propedeutics of Childhood Diseases, Head - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Chernysheva E.A.
Department of Hospital Pediatrics
Head Department Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Scientist, Laureate of the State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Medical Sciences professor Kudayarov D.K. The personnel potential is represented by highly qualified specialists in the composition of the doctor of medical sciences - 2 employees, candidates of medical sciences - 8 employees.
Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kudayarov D.K.
As a well-known scientist in pediatrics, recognized as one of the leading scientists in the CIS countries in this field, D.K. Kudayarov has achieved scientific and practical results in the field of pediatric hematology, pathology and physiology of newborn children. The main scientific works of academician D.K. Kudayarov are devoted to the study of age-related aspects of the formation, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anemia in children in different climatic and geographical zones of the republic.
The merits of D.K. Kudayarov were appreciated by the government of the republic and the people. He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor", the Certificate of Honor of the Kirghiz SSR, the badge "Excellence in Public Health of the USSR", the badge "Excellent Worker of Trade Union Work of the USSR", the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the medal "Veteran of Labor", the orders "Manas" III degree, and II degree. He was also awarded the Rukhaniyat International Prize
Department of Faculty Pediatrics
Head Department of Faculty Pediatrics, Excellence in Healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic, Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Alymbaev E.Sh. The personnel potential of the department is represented by highly qualified pediatric specialists, a doctor of medical sciences, 6 candidates of medical sciences. The main areas of scientific activity: topical issues of pediatrics in the sections of gastroenterology, nephrology, endocrinology and diseases of young children.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alymbaev E.Sh.
In September 2018, a pediatrics department was opened on the basis of the KSMA medical center. This department provides emergency and outpatient care for the child population. The department works around the clock and seven days a week. A fairly wide range of research methods - EchoCG, ECG, ultrasound, vascular Doppler and EEG. Specialists of various directions work - a pediatrician, a pediatric anesthesiologist-resuscitator, an infectious disease specialist, a pediatric cardiologist, a pediatric neurologist, a pediatric gastroenterologist, a pediatric pulmonologist, a otolaryngologist, a pediatric orthopedist. On the basis of the department, residents of 1 and 2 years of study are trained.
Department of Pediatric Surgery
In 1972, the Department of Pediatric Surgery was opened, which was headed by a talented scientist surgeon and teacher, Professor V.S. Kononov . Under his leadership, large regional centers for pediatric surgery were created, where they began to provide specialized assistance to children in emergency thoracic surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, and urology. At present, the head of the department - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Omurbekov T.O. The personnel scientific potential of the department is represented by highly qualified employees, scientific and pedagogical activities are carried out by the doctor of medical sciences, 7 candidates of medical sciences, discipline assistants taught at the department: pediatric surgery, pediatric traumatology, pediatric urology, pediatric resuscitation and intensive care.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Omurbekov T.O.
Department of Children's infectious Diseases
Children's infectious diseases have always been one of the main branches of pediatrics. In 1971, an independent department of children's infectious diseases was organized. For 49 years, the department has trained over 100 clinical residents and interns who are successfully working in various parts of our country and abroad.
Currently, the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases conducts research work on the topic: "Topical issues of children's infectious diseases", continues cooperation with international organizations on the problems of children's infectious diseases.
Keeping the traditions and experience laid down by our teachers, today the Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is a scientific, methodological and treatment-advisory center for the problem of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in children. The staff of the department is actively involved in the elimination of epidemics, the provision of urgent assistance in all regions of the republic, the introduction of new scientific developments in medical institutions.
Department of Propedeutics of Childhood Diseases
Head chair - candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Chernysheva E.A. The personnel potential of the department is represented by highly qualified pediatric specialists, 5 candidates of medical sciences work.
The research work of the department is carried out on topical issues of childhood diseases, in particular, the peculiarities of the course of pneumonia in children at the present stage.
Deans of the pediatric faculty in different years worked: Brudastov A, N., Associate professor Alymkulov E.A., associate professor Asambaev A.A., professor Zarechnova N.N., professor Batyrkhanov Sh.K., professor Bakasov S.S., professor Abilov B.A., associate professor B.A. Musurkulova B.A., associate professor Mambetova M.K., professor Sharshembiev J. A.
At this time, the dean of the pediatric faculty is candidate of Medical Sciences, Terekhova Oksana Igorevna.
Currently there are 660 students study at the faculty of Pediatrics. The high quality training of specialists on the Faculty is provided by high professional teaching staff. The training of studnets is held on 58 departments of the KSMA. The block of pediatric ddeisciplines are studied at departments of Propedeutic of Children Diseases, Faculty Pediatrics, Hosital Pediatry, Children Infectious Illnesses and Children Surgery.
Qualification awarded: Doctor at the specialty "Pediatrics"
General term of training: 6 years on the base of secondary education.
Form of training: grant and contract
Type of training: full time
1st year students of the 2nd group Rachmatov Syimyk and Baratova Kamilla participated in the international online Olimpiad ISM university under the hashtag #STAYHOME.Recived I and II places.
Faculty students take an active part in a scientific conference for young scientists.
The diploma of the II degree was awarded to students of our faculty Olimpiad in normal phisiology.
I degree diplomas were awarded in the interfaculty national games didicated to the holiday of the nooruz and the 80th annivasary of the KSMA named after I.K.Akhunbaeva .Sport type "Arkan tartysh"
Kadyrbekova Erkinay,student of the faculty of the Pediatrics,was awarded a presidental scholarship.
Faculty students during the pandemic volunteered to actively participate in activities to combat Covid-19.
Sending to IssykKyl for rehabilitation.