- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Head of Office
- Position:
- Senior specialist in medical work
- Position:
- Senior specialist in scientific work
- aizada2061996@gmail.com
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, main building, room №206
- Position:
- Expert on intellectual property and scientific and technical innovations
- a.berdaliev@patent.kg
- 92 Akhunbaev Street, main building, room №204
Postgraduate studies institute were founded in 1943. (Council of People's Commissars of the Kirghiz SSR Provision No. 851 “About the organization of postgraduate and residency training at the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute”).
With the connection of urgent need to train scientific and pedagogical personnel of young specialists, especially of local indigenous people, through graduate school and clinical residency among the students of the Kyrgyz Medical Institute, which has 3 faculties with a total of 1,600 students, the Council of People's Commissars of the Kyrgyz SSR decides:
I. Organize postgraduate studies at the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute in the amount of 12 places for the theoretical departments:
Anatomy - 2
Biochemistry - 1
Physiologists - 1
Microbiology - 2
Pathphysiology - 1
Pathanatomy - 1
Operative surgery - 1
Hygiene - 1
Pharmacology - 1
Forensic medicine – 1
Doctoral studies were founded in 1951.
Department of scientific and medical work was founded in 2007, is a structural unit of the Academy, carrying out the functions of organizing research activities and training highly qualified personnel, renamed in 2011 for the department of scientific, innovative and clinical work (DSIandCW).
Main activities of DSIandCW:
1. Coordination of research work of departments and Central Research Laboratory (ISTC)
2. Postgraduate and doctoral studies
3. Conducting STC, Scientific Council on Science
4. Dissertation advice
5. NOMUS manual
6. Commission for verification of primary documentation
7. Bioethics Commission
8. Organization of scientific conferences
9. Medical work of clinical departments
Tasks of DSIandCW:
1. Create a flexible structure for organizing scientific research and technical developments that is adequate to the state of society and the state.
2. Planning, maintaining and implementing the results of theoretical research and practical problems relevant to healthcare in the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. To promote the growth of scientific and methodological qualifications of teaching staff, researchers, doctoral students and graduate students.
4. Promote the protection of intellectual property.
5. Promote the introduction of scientific and technical innovations.
6. Ensure consistency of planning, reporting and implementation.
7. Promote coordination and integration of research work with scientific institutions, universities and health care institutions.
8. Contribute to the improvement of the educational process by introducing the results of research into it, attracting students to participate in research.
9. Create a system for tracking and coordinating program research, creating a database for monitoring scientific research work.
10. Create conditions for the constant development and free realization of the creative potential of scientists.
11. Provide methodological guidance and accept research reports.
from February 6, 1979 to 1997 head of DepartmentPostgraduate Studies, Doctoral Studies, Residency Altyn Satarovna Satarova
Head of graduate school 1999-2007 Head of the Department of Scientific and Medical Work, Ph.D. Usonkulova Gulzat Baktyyarovna 2007-2010
Department employees. 2009
Head of the scientific department and medical work, after head of the scientific-innovative and clinical work, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor Isakova Zhyldyz Kazybaevna 2010-2016
Department employees. 2014
Head of the Scientific-Innovative Department and Clinical Work Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Mamatov Niyazbek Nurlanbekovich 2016-2021
Department employees. 2019
Head of the Scientific-Innovative Department and Clinical Work Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Imankulova Asel Sansyzbaevna 2021-2023
Head of the Scientific-Innovative Department and Clinical Work Candidate of Medical Sciences Baitelieva Altynay Karypbaevna From 2023 Until now
Employees of the scientific department, innovative and clinical work 2024
- Coordinating research work of the departments and Central research laboratory
- Postgraduate and doctoral studies
- Holding of Scientific and Techical Conference, Scientific Council for Science
- Dissertation board
- Management of the Scientific Ыociety of Young Scientists and Students
- Commission for the verification of the primary documentation
- The Bioethics Commission
- Journal "Bulletin of I. K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy"
- Organization of scientific conferences
- Medical work of clinical departments
- Improving the management of research activities.
- Formation of new scientific directions in the field of biomedical Sciences.
- Maintenance of material and technical base of scientific researches at the modern level.
- Improvement of the system of training of highly qualified personnel.
- Restructuring of the structure and content of training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in accordance with the needs of science.
- Ensuring the unity of educational and scientific processes and effective use of the scientific potential of the Academy to improve the quality of training of scientific and pedagogical staff.
- Implementation of the principle of continuity of scientific work of research students to research candidate and doctoral levels in the training of highly qualified personnel.
- Organization of publishing work of the Academy: preparation of materials for collections of scientific papers on the profile of the Academy, methodological documents, their scientific editing, the formation of a database for the control of research.
- Interaction of clinical departments and health facilities.
- To create a flexible structure for the organization of scientific research and technical developments, adequate to the state of society and the country.
- Planning, management and implementation of research results on theoretical and practical problems relevant to the health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
- To promote the growth of scientific and methodological qualification of the teaching staff, researchers, doctoral students and postgraduates.
- Ensure unity of planning, reporting and implementation.
- Promote coordination and integration of research with scientific institutions, universities and health care institutions.
- To contribute to the improvement of the educational process by introducing the results of research, attracting students to participate in research.
- Create a system of tracking and coordination of program research, the formation of a database for monitoring research work.
- To create conditions for the continuous development and free exercise of the creative capabilities of scientists.
- To provide guidance and accept reports on research.