- Academic degree:
- Doctor of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Professor
- Position:
- Head of department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor
- Position:
- Head teacher of the department

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Academic title:
- Assoсiate Professor

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine

- Academic degree:
- Candidate of Medicine
- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant

- Position:
- Assistant
In the crucial years of the Great Patriotic War, when the country strained all its forces to combat fascist aggression, the Department of Pediatric Diseases of the Kyrgyz Medical Institute was established (now the Academician D.K. Kudayarov Department of Hospital Pediatrics with a neonatology course of the I.K. Akhunbayev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy).
In 1942, Leningrad professor L.O. Finkelstein, who was evacuated to Kyrgyzstan, created a unit whose task was to train specialists in children's healthcare. Low bow to the pediatricians, who in harsh times took care of the health of the post-war generation! L.O. Finkelstein, A.T. Balmagia, B.G. Merson – who remembers these names now? Not even photos of these people have been preserved. However, it was they, representatives of the Leningrad scientific school, who stood at the origins of the national pediatric service of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Professor L.O. Finkelstein was the head of the Department of Pediatric Diseases from 1942 to 1945, Associate Professor A.T. Balmagia – from 1945 to 1949, Associate Professor B.G. Merson – from 1950 to 1951.
In 1952, at the invitation of the medical Institute, a prominent pediatrician Boris Fabianovich Shagan (1893-1982), widely known not only in the Soviet Union, but also far beyond its borders, arrived from Leningrad. Having headed the Department of Pediatric Diseases, he takes a number of initiatives aimed at improving pediatric education and healthcare in the republic.
The priority of B.F. Shagan's pedagogical activity was the training of qualified practical and scientific personnel. In 1956, at his suggestion, a pediatric faculty was established at the medical institute. With the active participation of Boris Fabianovich, in 1961, the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Welfare of Motherhood and Childhood was organized on the basis of the Republican Children's Hospital (since 1974 – the Kyrgyz Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics).
The range of B.F. Shagan scientific interests was extremely wide: under his leadership, the staff of the department successfully developed and solved the problems of physical development of children in Kyrgyzstan, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatic fever, blood diseases, prophylaxis and treatment of neonatal diseases, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. The works of B.F. Shagan and his collaborators R.Y. Tashmatova, K.P. Ni, I.F. Alekseenko, K.K. Kozhonazarov, A.S. Ismailova, R.K. Sabirova, B.A. Asambayeva, T.T. Topchubekov, G.V. Avdeeva was allowed to clarify the state of the cardiovascular system and protein metabolism in children with rheumatic fever, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis; to reveal important aspects of the pathogenesis of typhoid fever, dyspepsia; to develop reliable criteria for the objective determination of children's health. All this ultimately contributed to a decrease in the morbidity and mortality of children in the republic.
Thanks to the efforts of B.F. Shagan, Kyrgyzstan is creating its own scientific pediatric school. Under his leadership, 5 doctoral and 34 PhD theses were defended. Boris Fabianovich's students are such well-known pediatricians in the republic as A.A. Ilyin (PhD, 1960), I.P. Mankina (PhD, 1960), R.Y. Tashmatova (PhD, 1960), P.P. Afanasenko (PhD, 1964), K.P. Ni (PhD, 1965), B.A. Asanbayeva (PhD, 1965), Sh.I. Erkinbayev (PhD, 1965), D.K. Kudayarov (PhD, 1966), T.I. Lvova (PhD, 1965), T.I. Pokrovskaya (MD, 1968), O.M. Mirshakirov (PhD, 1968), I.F. Alekseenko (Ph.D., 1968), Yu.I. Manuylenko (Ph.D., 1968), Z.A. Druchevskaya (Ph.D., 1968), V.A. Valunkova (Ph.D., 1968), N.B. Dyadyuchenko (Ph.D., 1969), K.K. Kozhonazarov (K.M.Sc., 1969), N.G. Bragina (Ph.D., 1969), A.S. Markov (Ph.D., 1969), M.J. Dzhunusov (Ph.D., 1970), S.J. Bokombaeva (Ph.D., 1970), R.K. Sabirova (Ph.D., 1970), A.S. Ismailova (PhD, 1970), G.V. Avdeeva (PhD, 1971), A.V. Lukashevich (PhD, 1971), V.S. Chikhalova (PhD, 1970), M.S. Tulchinskaya (PhD, 1970) and others.
B.F. Shagan has been the permanent chairman of the Kyrgyz Society of Pediatric Doctors for many years. For his great achievements in the field of science and children's healthcare, he was awarded the titles of Honored Doctor and Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz SSR. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.
In accordance with the priorities of the republican health care, the expansion of children's medical institutions and an increase in the need for qualified pediatric personnel in 1962, two departments were organized at the medical Institute from the Department of Pediatric Diseases - the Department of Pediatrics of the Pediatrics Faculty (head Professor B.F. Shagan) and the Department of Pediatrics of the Medical Faculty, headed by one of the most talented students of Boris Fabianovich T.I. Pokrovskaya.
In 1970, four independent departments were organized on the basis of the Department of Pediatrics of the Pediatrics Faculty:
- Department of Hospital Pediatrics (Head of the Department, MD, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz SSR, Professor B.F. Shagan);
- Department of Propaedeutic and Faculty Pediatrics (Head of the Department, Professor T.I. Pokrovskaya);
- Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (Head of the Department, Professor N.M. Zlatkovskaya);
- Department of Pediatric Surgery (Head of the Department, Professor V.S. Kononov).
The Department of Pediatrics of the Medical Faculty of was headed by Associate Professor P.P. Afanasenko.
After B.F. Shagan left for a well-deserved rest in 1972, the Department of Hospital Pediatrics was headed by his student, associate Professor R.Y. Tashmatova. Friendly Rabiyga Yusupovna, in the best traditions of her predecessor, created an atmosphere of kindness and mutual understanding at the department.
On the basis of the unit, a course of advanced training of doctors in pediatrics of the KSMI is organized (Alekseenko I.F., Avdeeva G.V., Aymanbetova K.J.). During this period, the department conducted scientific research on the problems of rheumatic fever in children and pediatric gastroenterology, since 1981 – on the problem of "Physiology and pathology of adolescents".
In 1985, Professor Georgy Alekseevich Komarov became the head of the department. Under his leadership, the staff of the department (L.M. Naritsyna, L.Ya. Bragina, Yu.V. Boyarkin, V.N. Sozaeva) conduct a multifaceted study of nonspecific bronchopulmonary and allergic diseases in children in Kyrgyzstan.
From 1987 to the present, the department has been headed by Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, laureate of the State Prize, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Duyshe Kudayarov Kudayarovich. As one of the organizers of not only medical scientific research, but also the pediatric service of Kyrgyzstan, D.K. Kudayarov has been in practical leadership work for many years, including 15 years as Deputy Director for Science (1977-1992), 12 years as director of the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics (1992-2004). In connection with the reorganization of this scientific institution since 2004 and to this day, he continues to work as the Honorary Director of the National Center of Welfare of Motherhood and Childhood of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
As a well-known scientist and specialist in pediatrics, recognized as one of the leading pediatric scientists in the Independent States Commonwealth countries, D.K. Kudayarov has achieved scientific and practical results in the field of pediatric hematology, pathology and physiology of newborn children. The main scientific works of academician D.K. Kudayarov are devoted to the study of age-related aspects of the formation, diagnosis, treatment and prоphylaxis of anemia in children in various climate-geographic zones of the republic. In pediatric practice, new methods of treating iron deficiency anemia have been proposed and tested using biolact enriched with microelements and vitamins, erythropoietin plasma in combination with iron preparations.
Under the guidance of Duyshe Kudayarovich, 16 doctoral and 42 PhD theses were defended. His students are such well-known pediatricians and healthcare organizers in the republic as A.A. Muratov, R.M. Kadyrova, T.O. Omurbekov, K.A. Uzakbayev, T.S. Bulashev, G.I. Ryzhikova, V.P. Alekseev, B.T. Tulebekov, S.T. Tabakalova, A.A. Kucherbaev, E.Yu. Ovcharenko, S.T. Kyshtobayeva, S.B. Toktosunova, A.M. Aymanbetova, R.K. Motusheva and others.
D.K. Kudayarov is the author of more than 300 scientific papers, 16 monographs, 17 inventions and patents, 48 manuals and recommendations. His monographs have served as a reference book for pediatricians in Kyrgyzstan for two decades. For the development and implementation of the Biolact baby food product in collaboration with other scientists, he was deservedly awarded the State Prize of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of science and technology (1992).
D.K. Kudayarov was elected a NAS KR corresponding member in 1989, and a full member (academician) in 2000. Duyshe Kudayarovich is actively involved in the work of the Academy of Sciences, he was repeatedly elected a member of the bureau and chairman of various commissions, vigorously solved the problems of his specialty "Pediatrics". In 2008, he was elected Vice-President and Chairman of the Department of Chemical Technology, Biomedical and Agricultural Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The merits of D.K. Kudayarov are appreciated by the Government of the republic and the people. He was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor" (1970), the Certificate of Honor of the Kyrgyz SSR (1972), the badge "Excellent Health Worker of the USSR", the badge "Excellent Trade union worker of the USSR" (1975), the medal "Veteran of Labor" (1986), the Order "Friendship of Peoples" (1986), the orders "Manas" III degree (2003), II degree (2010), I degree (2020). In 2002, he was awarded the International Rukhaniyat Prize.
In September 2019, at the request of the staff, the Department of Hospital Pediatrics with a neonatology course was named after its long-term head, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Duyshe Kudayarovich Kudayarov.
Currently, the department employs 18 full-time staff, including 1 academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 9 candidates of medical Sciences, 7 of whom are associate professors and 8 assistants. The position of senior laboratory assistant is occupied by Esenbek kyzy A.
The Department of Hospital Pediatrics is the ancestor of the departments of pediatric profile of KSMA, where all the best traditions of higher education are preserved. The tasks of the department are not only high–quality training of specialists, but also their upbringing in the spirit of humanism and understanding that healthy children are the future of the nation.
The purpose is to deepen knowledge of pediatrics, develop students' independent clinical thinking and skills to work with scientific and reference literature, improve clinical skills, and master the methods of work of children's medical institutions.
The tasks are to study the peculiarities of the course of diseases in individual children, atypical, complicated and rare forms of diseases; to perform differential diagnosis and individualized therapy of diseases; to educate students with a sense of love for pediatrics and professional pride; to get acquainted with the ethical and deontological norms of a doctor's work with children.
In 2022, the department celebrated its 80th anniversary and held an international scientific and practical conference "Actual questions of pediatrics".
At the department, when organizing the educational process, great importance is attached to working with patients, which is the main method of mastering the practical skills of students. The teachers of the department involved in the educational process successfully combine teaching, medical and scientific work, have certificates of a specialist doctor, the highest qualification categories and provide medical advice in medical and prophylactic institutions of the republic.
Today, the Department of Hospital Pediatrics with a neonatology course retains the dynamic atmosphere of teamwork laid down by the previous generation of teachers, where both young and mature specialists work together, which allows us to confidently provide high-quality training for graduates and qualified pediatricians.
The staff of the department solves a wide range of scientific problems. A number of employees of the department devoted their scientific research to hematology of childhood (D.K. Kudayarov, B.A. Asanbayeva, I.F. Alekseenko, A.S. Ismailova, S.G. Sokolinskaya, K.A. Kudaibergenova, Ch.D. Mambetova, Zh.Sh. Mustapaeva, A.Z. Ismailova). The works of R.Y. Tashmatova, R.K. Sabirova, A.P. Popova, B.A. Musurkulova, A.A. Muratov, A.J. Bolotbekova, M.K. Koshukeeva made a significant contribution to the development of pediatric cardiorheumatology. Over the years, the staff of the department has developed problems of pediatric allergology (L.M. Naritsyna, V.N. Sazaeva, A.S. Moldogazieva,N.E. Dzhanuzakova), hepatology (T.T. Mamyrbayeva), frequently ill children (R.D. Alymkulov, G.B. Mambetkulova), neonatology (Z.S. Sadyrbayeva, N.V. Vychigzhanina).
In recent years, the department has performed scientific research on the following themes: "The role of hormonal status in the adaptation of premature infants with prenatal hypotrophy", "Clinical and epidemiological aspects of cardiac arrhythmia in children in Kyrgyzstan", "Clinical and functional characteristics of cardiac pathology in children at the present stage". Over the past 5 years, the staff of the department has prepared and published 120 scientific reports and defended the PhD dissertations of A.Z. Ismailova on the theme: "Micronutrient insufficiency among children of the first five years of life in the Kyrgyz Republic" (2021) and Koshukeeva M.K. on the theme: "Medical and social aspects of the development of pathology of the cardiovascular system in school-age children of Bishkek" (2022). In 2024 Koshukeeva M.K., Muratov A.A. (the heir is Kabylova E.T.), Kudayarov D.K., Musurkulova B.A., Bolotbekova A.J. received a certificate for the object of copyright "Diagnosis of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in school-age children".
To date, the staff of the department carries out research work in the fields of cardiology, neonatology and pulmonology.
The staff of the department participates in the work of dissertation councils, performs peer reviewing and expertise of dissertations.
The training at the department is carried out in three languages: Russian, Kyrgyz, English.
The educational process in pediatrics is performed at the faculties of "General Medicine", "Pediatrics" and at the Faculty of General medicine for Foreign Citizens. Students are trained in the following disciplines: "Heart and vascular diseases" (4th year of the Faculty of GM, 3rd year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Respiratory diseases" (4th year of the Faculty of GM, 3rd year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Rheumatic diseases" (4th year of the Faculty of GM, 3rd year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Diseases of the blood system and hematopoiesis organs" (5th year of the Faculty of GM, 4th year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Neonatology" (5th year of the Faculty of GM, 4th year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Polyclinic pediatrics" (6th year of the Faculty of GM, 5th year of the Faculty of GM for FC), "Simulation training" (6th year of the Faculty of GM), "Pediatric Cardiology (4th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics) "Pediatric Hematology" (5th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics), "Pediatric Rheumatology (5th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics), "Neonatology" (5th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics) "Childhood diseases" (6th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics), "Polyclinic Pediatrics" (6th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics), "Pediatric Allergology and Immunology" (6th year of the Faculty of Pediatrics), elective disciplines at the faculties of GM, GM for FC, Pediatrics. Also, the staff of the department performs medical-educational practice in the 6th year of the faculties of GM and Pediatrics, in the 5th and 4th courses of GM for FC, in the 1st year of the Faculty of Pediatrics.
In addition to the pre-graduate, the department actively performs postgraduate training of interns in the following specialties: "General Practitioner", "General Pediatrician" and clinical residents by specialty: "Pediatric Hematology", "Pediatric Cardiorheumatology", "Pediatric Allergology", "Neonatology", "Pediatrics".
The teachers of the department carry out lectures, practical classes, simulation training, organization of independent work of students, acceptance of rework-outs and consultations, guidance and mentoring of interns and residents, admission of current, state final exams and certifications, organization and performing of medical educational practices, work with young assistants.
In accordance with the requirements of the time, modern teaching technologies are used at the department, to which methodological support has been adapted. The main educational and methodological works prepared in recent years:
- textbook "Polyclinic pediatrics", 2021. 452 p.,
- study guide for students "Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in children", 2023, 118 p.,
- study guide for students "Rheumatological diseases in children", 2023, 67 p.,
- study guide for students "Respiratory system diseases in children", 2023, 80 p.,
- textbook "Blood diseases in children", 2024.265 p.
A total of 16 textbooks and teaching aids have been published over the past 15 years.
The teachers of the department develop and revise training programs, test tasks, clinical tasks, participate in the work of educational and methodological profile committees, in the preparation of self-assessment reports for compliance with the accreditation standards of international program accreditation.
Curatorial work is carried out according to the annual plan of curatorial work with students of the Faculties of Pediatrics and General Medicine with English language of education.
As part of this work, a conversation with students on actual medical and non-medical themes is actively performed. There are not only mentoring among students, but also meetings with them on various topics.
Charity events are regularly held together with students and residents in orphanages with the provision of consultative and financial support.
The staff of the department, according to the duty schedule, visit the hostel No. 9 assigned to the department. During the duty, a tour of the rooms of the students living is carried out.
Traditionally, the department performs medical and consultative work on the basis of the National Center of Welfare of Motherhood and Childhood, as well as in medical and prophylactic institutions of the republic. Assistants supervise patients in departments and receive patients in the consulting and diagnostic department, associate professors advise inpatient and outpatient patients, as well as on sanitation and telemedicine.
Teachers of the department participate in consultations, clinical and pathoanatomical conferences, review the medical histories of deceased children.
The staff of the department is involved by the Ministry of Health to work in expert commissions and international projects on pediatric aspects of healthcare in Kyrgyzstan.
In order to develop, stimulate and expand the scientific potential of students, form their research skills, deepen and consolidate the knowledge gained in the learning process, the department organized a student scientific circle "Hospital Pediatrics" in sections: neonatology, hematology, cardiorheumatology, pulmonology, allergology.
Students participate in domestic and foreign scientific conferences and take prizes.
Young scientists made presentations at domestic and foreign scientific conferences and won prizes:
- diploma of the III degree for the report "Analysis of risk factors in children with pathology of the cardiovascular system" at the First All-Russian Pediatric Forum of Students and Young Scientists with international participation, 2019, Moscow, Russia (Koshukeeva M.K.)
- diploma of the first degree for the report "Juvenile dermatomyositis, first diagnosed in a child after a coronavirus infection" at the "Days of Science of KSMAA-2021", 2021, Bishkek (Kassymbek kyzy);
- diploma of the I degree for the report "Clinical and epidemiological aspects of congenital heart defects with enrichment of the small circle of blood circulation in children" at the "Days of Science of KSMAA-2022", 2022, Bishkek (Achilova A.);
- diploma of the II degree for the report "Nonspecific aortoarteritis (Takayasu disease) a girl of 15 years old" at the VIII conference of students and young scientists "Pediatric readings" dedicated to the memory of the great scientists of pediatricians A.A. Koltypin, D.D. Lebedev, P.A. Ponomareva, N.S. Kislyak, 2022, Moscow, Russia (Toktosunova A.);
- diploma of the III degree for the report "Risk factors and clinical manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus in children" at the "Days of Science of KSMAA-2023", 2023, Bishkek (Mammadgasanova A.);
- diploma of the first degree for the report "Analysis of folic acid deficiency in children in outpatient settings" at the "Days of Science of KSMAA-2023", 2023, Bishkek (Karshygaeva Zh.).
Over the past 5 years, the following employees have received awards: the Order of Manas of the first degree (D.K. Kudayarov, 2020), a letter of thanks from the KSMA (A.Zh. Bolotbekova, 2020), a letter of thanks from the KSMA (A.S. Moldogazieva, 2021), the medal "For Services to the KSMA" (B.A. Musurkulova, 2022), Certificate of Honor of the KSMA (Yu.V. Boryakin, 2022), Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic (A.K. Bakaeva, 2023), badge "Excellent Health Worker" (A.Zh. Bolotbekova, 2023).
- National Center of Welfare of Motherhood and Childhood of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Family Medicine Centers №1, №7, №8, №9, Bishkek city
- Center of Emergency Medicine, Bishkek city
- Child Rehabilitation and Family Support Center, Bishkek city
- Сenter of general medical practice of Sokuluk district