Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy
Contact Information
Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy
Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy
Staff of the department
Head of the department
Abaeva Tamara Suranalievna
Abaeva Tamara Suranalievna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Head of department
Uzgenova Chynara Altynbekovna
Uzgenova Chynara Altynbekovna
Head of Studies, Senior teacher
Sharshenbiev Zholdosh Asangazievich
Sharshenbiev Zholdosh Asangazievich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Toktogulov Orozaaly Dzhunusalievich
Toktogulov Orozaaly Dzhunusalievich
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
Omurbaev Almaz Sagyndykovich
Omurbaev Almaz Sagyndykovich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Abirova Rakhat Esenalievna
Abirova Rakhat Esenalievna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Satybaldiev Masalbek Abdyldaevich
Satybaldiev Masalbek Abdyldaevich
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Muratova Zhanara Kochkorovna
Muratova Zhanara Kochkorovna
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assoсiate Professor
Tamaeva Kuliysa Ashyrbekovna
Tamaeva Kuliysa Ashyrbekovna
Senior teacher
Zhanganaeva Mira Tobokelovna
Zhanganaeva Mira Tobokelovna
Senior teacher
Malyanchinova Sofia Kamilievna
Malyanchinova Sofia Kamilievna
Tokhtyev Ilhamzhan Tairovich
Tokhtyev Ilhamzhan Tairovich
Imanalieva Gulmira Bayakunovna
Imanalieva Gulmira Bayakunovna
Abdykerimova  Aida Sarymsakovna
Abdykerimova Aida Sarymsakovna
Syrbaev Chingiz Dzhumatayevich
Syrbaev Chingiz Dzhumataevich
Chekirbaeva Nursuluu Ermekbaevna
Chekirbaeva Nursuluu Ermekbaevna
Zhunusov Daniyar Zhunusovich
Zhunusov Daniyar Zhunusovich
Salieva Nurayim Bektenalievna
Salieva Nurayim Bektenalievna
Osmonbaeva Nurbakyt Myrsabekovna
Osmonbaeva Nurbakyt Myrsabekovna
Zhoomartov Ulugbek Akramovich
Zhoomartov Ulugbek Akramovich
Sabyrbekova Jyldyz Kanybekovna
Sabyrbekova Jyldyz Kanybekovna
Senior laboratory assistant
Didenko Natalya Mikhailovna
Didenko Natalya Mikhailovna
Lab assistant
Bortolomey Tatyana Viktorovna
Bortolomey Tatyana Viktorovna
Lab assistant
Nasykulova Anipa Adambekovna
Nasykulova Anipa Adambekovna
Lab assistant
Sultanalieva Gulnaz Mukanbetovna
Sultanalieva Gulnaz Mukanbetovna
Plastination Museum Specialist
Brief history

The organizer of the Department of Normal Anatomy is Professor I. G. Marderstein. The main directions of scientific research of the department were age morphology, in particular, the study of the vascular system and the human skull was carried out.

Professor I.G. Marderstein

From 1951 to 1954 the department was headed by prof. B.V. Parin, whose field of scientific interests was topographic and anatomical.

Professor B.V. Parin

From 1955 to 1958 the department was headed by associate professor A.I. Sherov, who continued the work started by prof. I.G. Marderstein. In particular, A.I. Sherov worked on the topic "Age features of the blood supply to the loop layer of the human brain."

Associate professor A.I. Sherov

From 1958 to 1960 Honored Doctor of the RSFSR prof. M.S. Znamensky combined the head of the Department of Normal Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Under his leadership, the problem "Vascular surgery in experiment" was developed.

Professor M.S. Znamensky

1960-1965 the head and scientific leaders of the department was prof. I.N. Lavrov. The scientific activity of the department during this period was focused on identifying morphological structures and compensatory adaptations of the peripheral nervous system.

From 1966 to 1977 the department was headed by prof. A.L. Leites. The staff of the department systematically carried out experimental studies of the morphology of the adaptive and compensatory plastic properties of the blood vessels of the internal organs.

1977 to 1988 the department was headed by associate professor A.A. Ashirbaev, who continued to develop those begun under prof. A.L. Leitese scientific direction “Adaptive-plastic capabilities of a number of internal organs in the case of roundabout blood flow against the background of modeling of pathological conditions.

Associate Professor A.A. Ashirbaev

From 1988 to 1992 Head of the department prof. S.A. Abdykerimov. During this period, the staff of the department began to study the lymphatic system in conditions of age norm and pathology.

Professor. S.A. Abdykerimov

1993 to 1998 and from 2002 to 2014. Head of the Department of Candidate of Medical Sciences associate professor A.S. Omurbaev. Scientific topics of the department during this period: "Research of the structure of extraorganic lymphatic pathways".

From 1998 to 2000 he headed the department prof. T.M. Tulekeyev. The main direction of the department's scientific activity is the study of the dynamics of age-related changes in the lymphoid tissue of a number of internal organs and their adaptive-plastic properties in different climatic conditions.

From 2000 to 2002, Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor V.Kh. Gabitov combined the head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy with the Department of Operative Surgery.

From 2015 to the present, the department is headed by Ph.D. Associate Professor T.S.Abaeva.

Scientific activity

Scientific topics of the department:

  1. "Investigation of the macro-and microscopic anatomy of the human lymphatic pathways in the conditions of the age norm."
  2. "Investigation of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system of humans and animals on the age aspect".

The Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy was awarded the "DIPLOMA" for the 2nd place in the annual fair of student scientific circles 2018 of the KSMA.

Scientific and practical conference ISM and MUK 2018

I International Round Table and I International Olympiad in orphology and Lymphology. Almaty 2016.

Olympiad in morphology and experimental surgery (Associate Professor Abaeva T.S. and Associate Professor Satybaldiev M.A. and students of KSMA and KRSU). Novosibirsk 2017.

The first international surgery Olympiad. Surgery Olympiad. 2017, Novosibirsk. Associate professors: Abaeva T.S. and Satybaldiev M.A.

Days of Science. Online conference with participants from Switzerland. 2017.

III- International morphological scientific-practical competition-conference of students and young scientists "Morphological sciences - the fundamental basis of medicine", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Professor T.D. Nikitina. The best scientific work of a young scientist. Section “Human Anatomy. Topographic anatomy. Operative Surgery "December 13, 2018.

International activity

The department actively cooperates with the departments: Russia since 2016 (Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk), Kazakhstan since 2016 (Almaty, Kaz.GMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov), (Aktobe. 2018. ZKMU named after Marat Ospanov), Uzbekistan since 2018 (AGMI). Agreements have been drawn up between universities on educational, methodological and scientific work.

KSMA them. I.K.Akhunbaeva - associate professor Abaeva T.S., KRSU named after Elsina - associate professor A.A. Beisembaev, senior teacher. A.V. Gabaidulin Kazakhstan: KazNGU named after S.Zh. Asfendiyarov - senior teacher Abildaev D.A. Russia: NSMU - associate professor Elyasin P.A.

Plastination Museum of KSMA. Guests from Pakistan and ISM

West Kazakhstan State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov. According to the program, the visiting professor is the head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy of the KSMA named after IK Akhunbaeva Abaeva Tamara Suranalievna lectures for foreign citizens. Aktobe city. 2018

Drawing up an agreement with Uzbekistan (Vice-Rector Zhumalieva G.A., Kakharov Z.A., Head of the Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy, Dean of Foreign Citizens Abaeva T.S., Associate Professor Satybaldiev M.A.) .2018



Report on participation in the Olympiads May 2020.

  1.  Andijan State Institute, Department of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy held the International Student Online Olympiad under the hashtag STAY HOME, which was held from 04.05.20 to 16.05.20. in 4 stages online. The Olympiad was attended by students from 6 universities: KSMA, AGMI, MVSM, KRSU, AZMI, Osh State University. KSMA was attended by 39 students, of which 12 from English. language learning. Each university was given 1,2,3 places. Among students from English. training: 1st place - Abhishek Kumar 13 gr. 3 to LD, 2nd place - Indu Priya 29 gr 3k LD, 3rd place - Brizhbhan Singh Yadav 39 gr 3c LD.
  2. Also 1st place - Erkinova Milana 22gr 1k LD and Kadyrova Aisalkyn 23gr 1k LD, 2nd place - Bahautdinova Saera 1gr 2k ped and Niyazalieva Aidana 5gr 1k stom, 3rd place - Kadyrova Nazik 22gr 1k LD and Uzbekov Erzhan 3gr 2k ped.
  3. KSMA, Department of Normal and Topographic Anatomy and MCA group held the First Online Olympiad in Anatomy for students of higher and secondary medical institutions of Kyrgyzstan on 25.05.20. online. Students of universities took part in the Olympiad: NSMU, KSMA, OSHGU, KRSU, Osh Medical College, Karakol Medical College, Osh Sema Cambridge. The following students won prizes: 1st place - Salieva Kylymgul 3k LD KSMA, 2nd place - Asangazieva Nargiza 3k LD NSMU, 3rd place - Akenov Suyunbek KSMA, 4th place - Tazhimatov Islam 2k KRSU, 5th place - Akbalaeva Aidana 6k LD KSMA, 5th place - Alieva Herod 2k LD Osh State University. Cash prizes were established: 1st place with 2000 soms, 2nd place with 1400 soms, 3rd place with 800 soms, 4th place with 500 soms, 5 places with 300 soms each.

State language day

State language day


Participated: General medicine 1st  course 29-group

Group mentor Abaeva T.S

General medicine 1st  course 26-group

Group mentor Tohtiev I.T

General medicine 1st  course 31-group

Group mentor Abirova R.E


The following teachers completed advanced training in "Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education": </ p

  1. assoc. Abaeva T.S.
  2. Assoc. Omurbaev A.S.
  3. 3.assoc. Abirova R.E.
  4. 4.assoc. Satybaldiev M.A.
  5. Art avenue Tamaeva K.A.
  6. Art. Zhanganaeva M.T.
  7. teacher Smailov K.S.
  8. Vector Imanalieva G.B.
  9. Vector Malyanchinova S.K.
  10. Rev. Uzgenova Ch.A.

in the amount of 144 hours from 02/03/2020 to 02/28/2020. Bishkek city. KSMA

Assoc. Abaeva T.S. completed advanced training of the FSBEI HE KSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia from May 21, 2020 to May 23, 2020. on the additional professional program “Modern aspects of the anatomy of the nervous system”. (in the amount of 18 hours)

Educational and methodical works

  1. Textbook "Lymphatic system". KSMA. - Bishkek, 2019. - 21 p. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Omurbaev AS Abirova RE Satybaldiev MA Zhanganaeva MT Smailov KS Abdykerimova AS Syrbaev Ch.D. Tokhtiev IT
  2. Methodical manual for foreign students in English "Endocrine system" KSMA. - Bishkek, 2020. - 22 p. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Duishenova K.Sh.Zhanganaeva MT
  3. Methodical manual for foreign students in English "The Heart" KGMA. - Bishkek, 2020. - 34 p. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Zhanganaeva MT
  4. Methodical manual for foreign students in English "The male reproductive system" KSMA. - Bishkek, 2020. - 15 p. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Zhanganaeva MT Omuralieva NK Asan k.J. Beishebai k.G.
  5. Methodical manual for foreign students in English "The perineum" KSMA KSMA. - Bishkek, 2020. - 11 p. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Zhanganaeva MT Omuralieva NK Asan k.J. Beishebai k.G.
  6. Methodical manual for foreign students in English "The female reproductive system" KSMA. - Bishkek, 2020. - 18 p.
  7. Responsible developers: Abaeva TS Zhanganaeva MT Omuralieva NK Asan k.J. Beishebai k.G.
  8. "Collection of lectures on anatomy" in 4 Braille volumes in 10 sets. KSMA Bishkek -2019
  9. Responsible developers: Tamaeva KA