Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate Education
Contact info
Staff of the Department
Head of the Department
Usubaliev Meikin
Usubaliev Meikin
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
acting Professor
Head of the Department
Davletalieva Nurilya
Davletalieva Nurilya
Academic degree:
Doctor of Medicine
Academic title:
acting Professor
Associate professor
Dvorkin Mihail
Dvorkin Mihail
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Associate professor
Mamytbekova Zhanyl
Mamytbekova Zhanyl
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assosiate Professor
Matyushkov Pavel
Matyushkov Pavel
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
Assosiate Professor
Ryskulova Eleonora
Ryskulova Eleonora
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Academic title:
acting Assosiate Professor
Bedelbaev Marlen
Bedelbaev Marlen
Academic degree:
Candidate of Medicine
Mamadalieva Chinigul
Mamadalieva Chinigul
Zhumashova Cholpon
Zhumashova Cholpon
Jusupbekov Samat
Jusupbekov Samat
Jumalieva Mahabat
Jumalieva Mahabat
Stanbaeva Bermet
Stanbaeva Bermet
Klevtsova Maria
Klevtsova Maria
Senior Lab Assistant
Brief History


Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbaev

Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate Education

The Department of Family Medicine (FM) was established in 1999 on the basis of an assistant professor course of polyclinic therapy.

Assistant Professor Course of Polyclinic Therapy was created on August 28, 1991, under the leadership of Honored Physician of the Kyrgyz Republic, Associate Professor Aitkulova Alima Omuralievna, at the Department of Internal Medicine №1, headed by Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences, Professor M. M.  Mirrakhimov.

Subsequently, the course was reorganized into an independent Department of Family Medicine from October 1, 1999, headed by Dr. M.S., Professor T.S. Meimanaliev. A great contribution to the development of family medicine in Kyrgyzstan was made by Associate Professor Galiya Kasymkulovna Nanaeva.  G.K. Nanaeva took a short-term course in family medicine in the United States in Nevada. Under her leadership, new curricula for the family medicine course were introduced at the pre- and postgraduate levels, and training of future family medicine physicians in Kyrgyzstan began.

The creation of the Department of Family Medicine reflects the needs of the time in reforming the health care system, since it is the work of a polyclinic doctor that can influence the health of the population (reform programs "Manas", "Manas Taalimi"). 

Employees of the department at the stage of formation were trained at the Alma-Ata Institute of Advanced Medical Training (associate professor Aitkulova A.O.), the Moscow Medical Academy named after A. Sechenov (associate professor Dvorkin M.I.).

Subsequently, the annual specialization in family medicine was conducted on the basis Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training and through short-term internships at the Medical Faculty of Nevada, Florida (USA): associate professors G. K. Nanaeva, Dh. Z. Mamytbekova, M. I. Dvorkin, P.I. Matyushkov, assistants A.E. Mergenov, T.O. Abdullaev.

Davletalieva Nurilya Emilbekovna M.D., Ph.D., Acting Professor, actively participated in the development of programs of the Department of Family Medicine and Polyclinic Therapy.

During the existence of the Department of Family Medicine passed the following stages of reorganization:

1999 - 2005 years the department of polyclinic therapy and family medicine (Head of the department prof. Meimanaliev T. S.).

2005 - 2007 years. the Department of polyclinic therapy and family medicine (Head of the Department Associate Professor Matyushkov P. I.).

2007 - 2017 Department of general practice therapy with an assistant professor course of family medicine (Head of the department Prof. Kaliev R. R., head of the course Matyushkov P. I.).

2017 - 2018 Department of Family Medicine (Head of Department Prof. Brimkulov N. N.).

2018 - present Department of family medicine of pre- graduate education (Head of the Department, PhD, Acting Prof. Usubaliev M.B.).

General info

Purpose: To familiarize students with the conditions of work at the pre-hospital stage within a limited time in the outpatient department, at home, in emergency care; to master a large stock of knowledge for mixed reception (children, women, adults). 


- To master the basic principles of the organization of medical and preventive care to the population at the pre-hospital stage.

- To understand the peculiarities of organization and scope of work of general practitioner (family doctor).

- To acquaint students with modern diagnostic possibilities of polyclinic service and to teach their rational use.

- Develop skills of clinical thinking on early diagnostics in outpatient clinic of the most frequent diseases taking into account the peculiarities of their course, treatment, primary and secondary prevention, dispensary examinations, work capacity evaluation, sanatorium treatment.

- To teach how to provide emergency care at the pre-hospital stage in acute diseases and urgent conditions.

Main methods of teaching:

Teaching is conducted on the basis of 6 large centers of family medicine (FMC № 6, 4, 18, RDC named after I.K. Akhunbaev), at the ambulance station in the form of outreach duty and seminars, at the center of clinical skills (simulation module). The classes are carried out by experienced teachers, and 1/3 of time consists of theoretical teaching and 2/3 consists of practical management of patients on outpatient consultation, home visit, emergency duty. Patients are evaluated according to the syndromic principle, which is the only one valid in the outpatient clinic.

From the perspective of outpatient work students understand the main diseases, give criteria for their early diagnosis, examination of the severity of the disease, indications for inpatient treatment, principles of outpatient treatment depending on the phase of the disease (exacerbation, fading exacerbation, remission), assess gerontological aspect of the course and treatment of therapeutic diseases, sanatorium rehabilitation, principles of labor recommendations and restrictions, medical and social expertise to establish disability groups, principles of secondary prevention

The final session of the course is conducted by test method, taking into account the analysis, ECG, ECHO-CG, FKG, clinical and biochemical analyses. The course questions are included in the state exam.

Scientific activity

Directions of scientific research:

  1. Study of metabolic syndrome, its clinical and epidemiological aspects in the Kyrgyz Republic (Ass. Stanbaeva B. O.).
  2. Study of epidemiology and secondary prevention of acute myocardial infarction (Ass. Kushubakov D. K.).
  3. Study of prevalence, diagnostics and treatment of socially significant dermatoses, benign and malignant skin neoplasms (Dr. M.S. Usubaliev M. B.).

 During the years of existence of the department 8 methodical recommendations which reflect different sections of family medicine and polyclinic therapy were prepared. Annual international congresses of family doctors with participation of family doctors of CIS countries, foreign participants, representatives and heads of WONCA, conferences dedicated to the World Family Doctor's Day and tobacco addiction control, as well as street actions for tobacco control and prevention of addiction were held. Every year young assistants of the department take part in KSMA Science Days (conferences of young scientists).

Clinical activities

Department of Family Medicine staff members participate in examinations and consultations for patients of various genders and ages, including children and pregnant women and the elderly.    Departmental staff work in close contact with FMG doctors, providing consultative support as subspecialists and organizing clinical reviews of the most complex patients. Extensive diagnostic capabilities, level of equipment, and implementation of modern preventive technologies in everyday practice reduce the level of hospitalization and the need for ambulance calls.

International cooperation

The staff received one or two-year training in family medicine under the supervision of Western specialists, went for internship to family medicine clinics in Nevada, Florida (USA) within the framework of partnership of the American International Health Alliance, took part in various international projects, seminars, conferences and trainings.

At present time the staff of the department takes part in standardization of educational programs for students in family medicine under the auspices of international consultants of the Medical Faculty of the University of Geneva (Switzerland); the staff of the department takes part in reorganization of educational programs for students of the Medical Faculty. 

Assessment of the knowledge of 6-year students of the Faculty of Medicine is carried out using the OSCE method and clinical skills center (simulation module on FM and OT). 

The staffing composition of the Department of Family Medicine:

The staffing composition of the Department of Family Medicine pregraduate training includes 19 main employees: of them 1 doctor of medical sciences, acting professor; 4 associate professors (candidates of medical sciences); 14 assistants without a scientific degree; 1 senior laboratory assistant. The percentage of employees working at the main place of work is 90%, and employees working on a part-time basis - 10%.

 The high quality of education is ensured by the long experience and strong potential of the teaching staff of the department. On average in the department the length of pedagogical activity of employees in higher education institutions is 15.3 years. In order to maintain a high scientific and pedagogical level of the department staff annually pass courses of professional development, specialization, pre-certification cycles, thematic improvements, etc., including courses of pedagogical excellence and courses for the introduction in the educational process of innovative Internet technologies and distance learning.

 The teaching staff of the Department have specializations in "Family Medicine", "Therapy", "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Cardiology", "Pulmonology", "Pediatrics", "Rheumatology", "Endocrinology", "Surgery" and "Dermatovenerology". Employees of the department regularly attend cycles of thematic improvement and advanced training.

Head of the Department:

Usubaliev Meikin Beishenbaevich

Acting Professor of the Department of Family Medicine of Postgraduate Education

 I.K. Akhunbaev KSMA, doctor of medical sciences (VAK KR, 2015), associate professor on specialty «Medicine (Skin and venereal diseases)» (2017), "Excellent worker of public health" of MH KR.


KSMA, medical faculty, specialty doctor, 2001; clinical residency in general surgery at Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training, Department of General Surgery 2001-2003; primary specialization in dermatovenerology at KSMIRAT in 2007.

Main stages of labor activity:

KSMA n.a. I. K. Akhunbaev: full-time postgraduate course (2003-2006) at the Department of Faculty Surgery.

2006-2007 - Assistant of Department of Faculty Surgery.

2007-2014 - Surgeon (5 years) and then dermatologist (3 years) at FMC №15 (combined).

2009-2018 - Assistant, Associate Professor, Acting Professor in the Department of Dermatovenerology.

2018 - Acting Head of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate studies.

2019 - Head of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate studies.

Disciplines: Surgery, skin and venereal diseases, family medicine.

Scientific activities, scientific achievements:

Topic of doctoral dissertation: "Surgical tactics in echinococcosis of the liver and prevention of complications" (2006).

Topic of doctoral dissertation: "Clinical and epidemiological monitoring of dermatomycosis in the Kyrgyz Republic, improvement of treatment and prevention" (2014).

Under scientific supervision was defended one thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on "Clinical and epidemiological aspects of psoriasis in the Kyrgyz Republic, improvement of therapy and prevention". 

Publications: 62 scientific articles, 3 monographs, 10 textbooks, 2 inventions, 19 rationalization proposals.

Membership in Dissertation Councils: 1. Dissertation Council of KSMA and KRSU with the powers to hold defenses of dissertations in the following areas: doctor (candidate) degree of medical sciences on specialty urology, candidate of medical sciences on specialty skin and venereal diseases. 2. Dissertation Council under NPO "Preventive Medicine", KSMA, KRSU with the authority to conduct defenses of dissertations in the following specialties: doctor (candidate) degree of medical sciences in epidemiology, hygiene, infectious diseases.

Clinical base: FMC №18, Bishkek.


Dvorkin Mikhail Isakovich

Assistant Professor at the Department of Family Medicine for Pre-graduate Education, Candidate of Medical Sciences (1984). Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute (1970).  He worked as a cardiologist-resuscitator in the Emergency Department, Head of academic work of the Department.

Specialist in the fields of cardiology, rheumatology, immunology, functional diagnostics. "Excellent worker in Public Health", MH of the Kyrgyz Republic, Honored Physician of the Kyrgyz Republic.  In 1984, he defended his Candidate Thesis on "Clinic-Immunological Shifts in Myocardial Infarction" under the guidance of M.M. Mirrakhimov, Academician of Kyrgyz SSR Academy of Sciences and USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and Prof. M.I. Kitayev.

 He is an author of 65 scientific papers and methodical recommendations, 10 rationalization proposals, 2 certificates for inventions and co-author of monographs.

Clinical base of FMC № 6.


Mamytbekova Dzhanyl Zairovna

PhD (1986), assistant professor at the Department of Family Medicine for pregraduate education. She graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute (1978), completed her postgraduate studies at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center (1986). She worked as a junior researcher at the National Center of Cardiology and Therapy, as an assistant professor at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Medicine.

Specialized in internal medicine and specialized in cardiology, family medicine and functional diagnostics. She was awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic. She is the author of 32 scientific publications, 6 methodological recommendations for doctors and students.



Matyushkov Pavel Ivanovich

Candidate of Medical Sciences (1990), Associate Professor of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate Education. Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute (1985), clinical residency in balneology and physiotherapy (1987), full-time postgraduate study in internal medicine (1990), annual specialization in family medicine (1999). Specialist in internal medicine and family medicine. 2005-2007-2017 Head of the Department and the docent course of family Medicine.   Author of 30 scientific publications, 6 methodological recommendations for doctors and students. "Excellent student of healthcare" of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Clinical base of  FMC №6.


Mergenov Azamat Erkinovich

Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate Education. Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Institute in 1996, majoring in pediatrician. From 1996 to 1997, he completed an internship at the City Clinical Hospital No. 2. From 1997 to 1999, he studied in a residency in family medicine at KSMA.  Since 1999, he became an assistant at the Department of Family Medicine of KSMA. In 2014, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Clinical features of toxocarosis and the system of epidemiological surveillance in conditions of epizootological distress". Author of 33 scientific articles and methodological recommendations.

Clinical base of the RDC KGMA.


Stanbaeva Bermet Ozgonbaevna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate education (2018), graduated from KSMA (2016), Family Medicine Center №12 endocrinologist, worked as an ambulance doctor of the visiting team.

Сlinical base of the FMC №18.


Ryskulova Eleonora Bekmamatova

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate education (2011), graduated from Osh University, Faculty of Medicine (2009), residency in family medicine of Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training (2011). Worked as an ambulance doctor (linear brigade), a district therapist. Clinical base of FMC №18.


Mamadalieva Chynygul Saidillaevna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate education (2017), graduated from KRSU (2011), in 2011-2013 completed a clinical residency in the specialty "Endocrinology" in KRSU.  She worked as an endocrinologist at FMC №7.


Zhumashova Cholpon Mayrambekovna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate education (2016), graduated from KSMA (2014), residency in family medicine (2016). Deals with the problems of iron deficiency anemia in young children in Kyrgyzstan. Clinical base of FMC №6.


Djusupbekov Samat Djusupbekovich

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine of Pre-graduate Education sicne 2018

Graduated with honors from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I. K. Akhunbaev (2014).

Clinical residency in general surgery at Kyrgyz State Medical Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training (2014-2016).

Assistant of the Department of Pathological Physiology (2016-2017).

Head of the educational part of the Department of Pathological Physiology (2017-2018).

Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Higher Nursing Education and Pharmacy (2018-2020).

Author of 9 scientific papers and methodological recommendations.


Makhabat Eralievna Zhumalieva

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for Pre-graduate Education (2018).

She graduated from the Medical Faculty of Osh State University (2004). She worked as a cardiologist in FMC №1, a doctor of day hospital, a cardiologist, a therapist, a leader of family medicine group №2 of FMC №18. Specialist in cardiology, family medicine.

Clinical base of FMC №18.


Dzhumabekov Adilet Nurdinovich

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022.

Graduated from KSMA in 2014, clinical residency at the Bishkek Scientific Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics in 2016, specialty traumatologist - orthopedist, worked as a trauma surgeon in the General Medical Practice Center

of Kemin district since 2016, served as deputy director for medical work, from 2020 to 2021 worked as an assistant to the department at the International University of Kyrgyzstan. The clinical base: clinical skills center of KSMA.


Kushubekov Dastan Kasymovich

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022.

Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy named after I.K. Akhunbaev in 2019. I.K. Akhunbaev in 2019, Faculty of Medicine №1.

Clinical residency in the specialty "Cardiovascular surgery" at the N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

He worked as a trainee physician at a covid hospital in 2020 during the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). Winner of the Mendeleev scholarship (2017). Author of 6 scientific papers. Postgraduate student in the department since 2022.

Clinical base - Center of clinical skills of KSMA.


Kudainazarova Aizhan Janybekovna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022. Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy in 2019. In 2019 she entered residency at the KSMA Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, additionally she took a year residency in general practice in Bishkek: National Surgical Center, City Perinatal Center, Center for Family Medicine №19. From 2020-2022 she did residency at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ¹ 1 in Bishkek: National Surgical Center, "KMED" Clinic, State Hospital, Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Department of Urogynecology, Department of Septic Gynecology NSC. From December 2021 to August 2022 she worked as a doctor on a visiting obstetric-gynecological team.

Clinical base: RDC.


Alimbekova Perizat Alimbekovna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022.

Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (2020). Completed her residency in July 2022 in family medicine. She worked as an emergency physician in the emergency room of the Yssyk-Ata general practice center. Currently, she is a family physician in the Alamudun family medicine group of the Chui district FMC.

Clinical base: RDC.


Ataeva Asel Ergeshbaevna

The assistant of chair of family medicine of pregraduate education since 2022.

She graduated KSMA, medical faculty (September 1996 - June 2002) residency: KSMA, specialty - phthisiatrician. Worked at: polyclinic No. 15, district therapist (December 2005 - June 2006); municipal health care institution Belinskaya Central District Hospital, Belinsky, Russia - head of the outpatient clinic, general practitioner (July 2006 - April 2009); polyclinic 115 North-West Administrative District of Moscow, Russia - district therapist (May 2009 - August 2013).

Clinical base of the RDC.


Azhibaeva Leili Gulbaevna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022.

Graduated from KSMA, residency in family medicine in 2019-2020 worked in the Issyk-Kol territorial hospital as a therapist.

In 2020-2021 she worked in FMC 6 as a family physician and concurrently in the call center 118. In 2021-2022 she worked as a therapist at the State Institution Clinical Hospital of the Office of the President and Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Clinical base: RDC.


Saparova Mirgul Bakhtyiarovna

Assistant of the Department of Family Medicine for undergraduate education since 2022. Graduated from the Kyrgyz State Medical Academy (2020). Entered KSMA residency in 2020 at the Department of Postgraduate Education, specialty "Family Medicine". She underwent 2 years of residency in Bishkek: Chui Hospital, State Institution Clinical Hospital of the Office of the President and Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. In 2020 participated in the Republican conference of residents "Winds of change COVID-19 and Primary Health Care" on the topic: "Postgraduate education reform and prospects of development of family medicine. In 2022 won the competition "Best Resident of the Year" for Family Doctors Day. Clinical base: RDC.


Klevtsova Maria Nikolaevna

Senior Laboratorian of the Department of Family Medicine for pregraduate education (since 2014).

Graduated from the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University named after B.N. Yeltsin: Faculty of International Relations, specialty "World Economy"; speaks Turkish and English languages.

Our everyday life

PhD, associate professors Dvorkin M.I., Mamytbekova D.Zh.; acting Professor Davletalieva N.E.; PhD, Associate Professor Matyushkov P.I. for the development of programs on "Family Medicine" for 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Foreign citizens.

Associate Professor P.I. Matyushkov conducts a practical lesson with students of the 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine.

Visit of American partners from the University of South Florida to the Department of Family Medicine within the framework of the project for training clinical residents in family medicine.

Associate Professor Mamytbekova D.Z. conducts a practical lesson with students of the 6th year of the Faculty of Medicine.