The International Association for Health Professions Education AMEE

AMEE is a worldwide organization whose members are located in more than 90 countries on five continents, and whose activities cover the education sector of medical professions. AMEE is an international Association for Medical Education, founded in 1972 to carry out communication among medical teachers from different countries, as well as to assist in the development of national associations for medical education in Europe.

AMEE promotes advanced education in the medical professions internationally at all levels of study, from entry-level disciplines to master's programs and doctoral studies. Together with other organizations, they support teachers and institutions in their current educational activities, advising them on new developments, achievements and methodologies.

Amee provides additional necessary training in a number of areas critical to achieving the highest quality medical education. These programs are conducted in the form of face-to-face courses and master classes or in the form of online sessions that correspond to the teachers' busy schedules. Some of these programs are held at our annual conference, while others are held from time to time throughout the year.

Members of the AMEE community conduct regular webinars throughout the year on various topics that range from important practical issues to academic research and points of view. Each webinar is recorded and stored in our webinar archive, to which participants have full access. The archive, containing more than 200 hours of content, contains a huge amount of information and ideas to explore.

All interested persons can study the AMEE training programs on their website 
To participate in the events of AMEE, you must send your contact details indicating the department and position to the email address