Manufacturing practice

Волонтерская практика первого курса

WOLNTER PRACTICE 1st year faculty «General Medicine» №2

First-year KSMA volunteer students have made their little contribution in the fight against COVID-19. Over the weekend, they held a campaign in large shopping centers, markets of Sokuluk and Lebedinovka to disseminate information about counseling and outpatient support at home to residents of Sokuluk and Alamedin districts. A trained team of medical workers, within the framework of the project of the international humanitarian organization «Medecins Sans Frontieres», can go to a patient's home on suspicion of COVID, conduct an examination, and issue appropriate medications depending on the state of health. As the participants of the action, students of the medical faculty, noted, it was interesting to communicate with people, to convey to them information that might help them save their lives. The hearts of young health promoters were filled with pride when ordinary residents thanked them for their informational help.

#volunteers_KGMA # together we will win COVID # volunteer practice2020


Volunteer practice of the first year of the 1st medical and pediatric faculty of KSMA

The path to the profession of a doctor begins with mercy. Mercy and compassion are indispensable qualities of a physician. Volunteer practice helps to develop both professional and human qualities, laying the foundation for the medical art, instilling universal human values. First-year students of the 1st medical and pediatric faculty of KSMA prove by their deeds their readiness to come to the rescue, to support those in need. During this difficult time, within the framework of the month of the elderly, announced @ National Red Crescent Society, they decided to provide food aid to 20 single elderly citizens of Bishkek in the amount of 13,247 soms.


#Red Crescent of Kyrgyzstan

# voluntarily people

#Senior citizens

Video from volunteer practice





6-year industrial practice, Faculty of General Medicine «Assistant
to an ambulance doctor»

Первая помощь при закрытом переломе

Методы остановки артериального кровотечения

Промывание желудка

Практика 2-курса с английским обучением






Certification in the dummy center

Dental Faculty Certification