JICA: “Continuing education and development of the state exam for pharmacists in the Kyrgyz Republic”

Project: "Study of private sector support in achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the field of continuing education and development of state certification for pharmacists in the Kyrgyz Republic"

Project period: 2019- 2024 (5 years)

Description and objectives: The research is aimed at improving the professional level of pharmacists in the field of NCDs, by providing continuing education for active pharmacists in the Kyrgyz Republic. In addition, the study will assist the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic in the development of professional standards and the introduction of state certification of pharmacists in order to improve the skills of pharmacists and other medical professionals in the country.


  1. To determine the role tasks in organizational structures and the Working Group on the Development of Professional Standards at the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  2. Collect information about Professional Standards implemented by development partners.
  3. Create a plan of Professional Standards for pharmacists, corresponding to medical conditions in the Kyrgyz Republic.
  4. The Working Group reviews the draft Professional Standards, makes amendments and submits the final version of the draft Professional Standards to the Ministry.

Funding organization: Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA

Grant Holder: Yakuzemi Information Education Center, Japan

The project is carried out under the auspices of the JICA project "Support in achieving sustainable development goals in the field of business (support for small and medium-sized businesses)". The content of the project was agreed with the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Project phases:


In preparation for the implementation of the project, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between KSMA and the Yakuzemi Center for Informative Education.

A number of meetings were held between representatives of the KSMA and representatives of the CIE Yakuzemi in order to discuss cooperation in the field of pharmaceutical education and certification of pharmacists in Kyrgyzstan.

Discussions were held between representatives of both sides on the content of the pilot test exam: the list of disciplines included in the testing, the compliance of the tests submitted by Yakuzemi with the educational programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy of medical universities of the Kyrgyz Republic, and their possible adaptation for students of pharmaceutical faculties of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic.

To work on the substantive part of the test tasks, their selection for pilot testing, a working group of teachers from the departments of KSMA was created. The working group conducted an academic review of the submitted test questions in order to adapt them to the educational programs of the Faculty of Pharmacy of KSMA.As a result, a database of 300 tests was created.

04.11.2019 by Order No. 1113 of 04.11.19, 5th year students took part in a pilot computer testing. During the day, according to the schedule, each student answered 100 tests in three sections "Physics, Chemistry", "Pharmacology, Pathology", "Biochemistry, Pharmacy". As a result, each student answered 300 tests.

Preliminary test results were presented in a report to the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KSMU, Prof. Alymbaev E.Sh. and the participants of the working group. It was noted that approaches to training, the formation of test questions differ in KSMAA and in universities in Japan. Intentions were expressed on the part of the administration of KSMU about the possibility of further cooperation on the introduction of similar independent testing among graduates of other faculties of KSMU. The teachers of the departments also noted the desire for further cooperation in terms of mastering the methodology of drawing up test tasks, the exchange of educational programs, educational literature.

On November 22, 2019, a meeting with JICA representatives was held at the JICA office (Bishkek) to discuss the report on the pilot test exam for 5th-year students of the Faculty of Pharmacy of KSMU, a joint project of the Ministry of Health, JICA and the Yakuzemi Center for Informative Education "Continuing Education and development of the state exam for pharmacists in the Kyrgyz Republic" and proposals for the second component of this project (postgraduate education). At the meeting, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic proposed directions for further cooperation, including the development of professional standards in the healthcare system.

Issues of further cooperation are under consideration by the JICA project.

In December 2019, representatives of the Center for Informative Education Yakuzemi Matsuno Yoshinori and Nakajima Daiske took part in the round table "Reforms of pharmaceutical education in the Kyrgyz Republic", organized at the initiative of the coordinator and Chairman of UMPC "Pharmacy" when discussing the draft of a new state educational standard in the specialty "Pharmacy" and expressed their intention to take an active part in this direction.

List of teachers who were part of the working group on academic verification of test assignments (June-October 2019):

  1. Makhmudova Zh.A., D.B.N., Head of the Department of Biochemistry with the course of General and Bioorganic Chemistry named after A.D.Dzhumaliev;
  2. Tyurekanova N.E., Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamental and Clinical Physiology. academician S.B.Daniyarov;
  3. Dauletbekov N.D., head teacher of the faculty of basic and clinical pharmacology named after academician M.T.Nanaeva;
  4. Sadykova A.K., Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Medicines;
  5. Sharsheeva G.K., head teacher of the Department of Propaedeutics of internal diseases;
  6. Dootalieva S.Ch., Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacy Management and Economics, Technology of Medicines named after prof. E.S.Matyev