Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan - Bright Kyrgyzstan
Kyung Hee University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation, Republic of Korea

Project “The Community-based Child Health Promotion Project for Immigrant Villages in Kyrgyzstan” – “Bright Kyrgyzstan”

The project implementation period: 01.01.2017 – 31.12.2019 (3 years)

Funding organization: Korea international cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Implementing organization: KHU consortium (Kyung Hee University in the Republic of Korea) and GKNF (Global Korean Nursing Foundation)

Geography: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek residential areas "AK-Orgo" and " AK-Ordo»

Field of activity: children's Health (health Care)

Service provider:

Service provider in this project are the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Department of Health in Bishkek, the medical staff of polyclinic No. 2 and No. 4 lived array of "AK-RG", "AK-Ordo", Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF) and Kyung Hee University Republic of Korea with the support of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

Web site:https://www.facebook.com/brightkyrgyzstan/

Main components, objective and methods of project implementation

  1. A) Developing the capacity of health professionals to provide quality health care to children in pilot residential areas includes:
  1. B) Increasing public participation and parent awareness of children's health

Executive and Advisory committees will be established within the framework of this project.The members of the Advisory Committee are: representatives of RCHM and BHMC, FMC №12 GFD №2 and № 4, principals of schools № 77 and №84, representatives of Bishkek medical College, Leninsky district administration of Bishkek city hall, MTА№ 3 and UNICEFF.

The Executive Committee consists of: the Deputy Director of Pediatrics of CSM№ 12, managers and pediatricians of GFD№ 4 and №2, and activists (CHW, specialist of MTA№3, specialist of FMC №12.

Monitoring of the project: the Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee

Public participation: Formation (development) of leadership among parents by creating a group of Public Health Workers (activists - CHW). Groups of activists are made up of mothers of these residential areas, which are selected according to the recommendations of the state social service

  1. C) Support for child health promotion services
  2. D) Resource Allocation

Action plan

Project partner



On May 19, 2017, a Memorandum of understanding was signed betweenI.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical AcademyandKyung Hee University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation

For the Project Implementation of the “The Community-based Child Health Promotion Project for Immigrant Villages in Kyrgyzstan.”

On July 19, 2017, an interim briefing on the project was held. as a result, it was decided to include 7 people in the Advisory Committee, including the Vice-rector for International Relations and Strategic Development, G. A. Djumalievа.

On July 20, 2017, a seminar on the topic: The state of nursing education in Korea and Kyrgyzstan, where both sides shared their knowledge and experience in nursing education. The workshop participants were University professors Kyung Hee, Genbook, Koshin, as well as the medical staff of polyclinic No. 2 and № 4 lived array of "AK-Orgo", "AK-Ordo", Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF), doctors of FMC No 12, pediatricians GFD№ 4 and № 2, and activists, representatives of the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

KSMA provided 2 presentations:

1) the Status of nursing education in the Kyrgyz Republic-assistant of the Nursing Department Akimbayev E. M.

2) Curriculum of nursing education in KSMA and KR-head the NursingDepartmentBeishenbieva G. Dj.

The results of the seminar:

1) Teachers of the Department of nursing of KSMA will teach nurses of AK-Ordo and AK-Orgo residential complexes,

2) students of the Nursing faculty will participate in sanitary and educational work with children and parents of AK-Ordo and AK-Orgo housing estates,

3) KSMA teachers will participate in research work with professors from Kyung Hee University and other universities in Korea, prepare joint publications,

4) The NursingDepartment will work together to develop a course on iron deficiency anemia. Responsible persons from the Department were appointed: Aidarova M. K., Suvorova L. V., Akimbayev E. M.,

On July 21, 2017, a tour in KSMA was held for students of Nursing from Korean universities, in particular from the Universities of Kyung Hee, Zhenbuk, Koshin in the number of 32 students. They visited the main building, the Museum of plastination and the center for clinical training and industrial practice.

On October 05, 2017, teachers of I.K. Akhunbaev Kyrgyz State Medical Academy held a seminar on retraining of medical staff of clinics belonging to the state health service no.4 (FMC no. 12) (AK - Ordo and AK-Orgo Clinics). The seminar was organized By the Department of international relations. Presentations were made by the head of the Department of General and clinical epidemiology Toigonbaeva V. S. and senior lecturer of the Department of faculty Pediatrics Shishkina V. G. on the topic: “The Epidemiological situation of parasitic diseases and tactics of their prevention at the primary level".

Kyung Hee University announced a competition for research on child health for KSMA teachers. From professors KSMA received 3 applications for the research topic, such as: Iodine deficiency in children of school age in Bishkek; The effect of nutrition on physical development of children of preschool age residing in the district of new buildings in AK-Orgo; Epidemiological evaluation of risk factors for the formation of Sick Children in housing estates AK Ordo and AK-Orgo, Bishkek (FMC No. 12); Soon all the data 3 projects were funded.

In the same year, Kyung Hee University invited teachers of the KSMA Nursing Department to participate in a seminar on the proposed topic “Strengthening communication of a foster nurse with parents on healthy lifestyle issues". The seminar was held for senior students of the faculty of Nursing  from December 11-15, 2017.


On December 27, 2017, a meeting was held with the project coordinator, Mrs. Shin Hyun-Suk, where they discussed the progress of teachers ' research and outlined the next plans for the future. Teachers of the Nursing Department were invited to participate in a seminar on research analysis of child rearing (game analysis). On December 28, a seminar was held for teachers of this study.


On January 31, 2018, a meeting of the project's Advisory Board was held, where we were offered reports from the medical staff of FMC No.12 and project managers.

In September 2018, a Professor of nursing education is scheduled to arrive to give lectures to students of the faculty of "Nursing".

On July 11, 2018, the international conference "Children's Health and Nursing Education"was held on the basis of KSMA. In the framework of which teachers who participated in research projects presented their research results. The development of a practical course "Nursing in regional society" for students of the faculty of Nursing was discussed. The purpose of the course is to teach students to get acquainted with the work of nurses working in residential communities and learn to communicate with patients.

On July 12, 2018, the project's interim report for the first half of 2018 was conducted. The head of the international relations Department, T. B. Yusupova, participated from KSMA and presented a brief report on the work done by KSMA in the framework of the project.

In September 2018, another competition was announced for a call of research applications from KSMA teachers. So, the following joint studies were submitted and approved for 2018-2019: Development of a methodological guide for nurses of the AK-Ordo and AK-Ordo FMCs, as well as for teachers of the Department of Nursing; Raising children's awareness of food safety issues; and Assessment of eating behavior in children living in the residential areas of AK-Ordo and AK-Orgo.

In December 2018, the Nursing Department was held a seminar for students of the faculty of Nursing 4-5 courses on the theme “The Role of specialist nursing in the promotion of the principles of family planning", the author of the seminar, ass. of the Department ToktorbaevaE.A. and ass.the Department Akinbayev E. M.

On December 07, 2018, students of the Nursing conducted training classes in schools on the territory of AK-Orgo and AK-Ordo residential complexes on hygiene "Dirty hands-a source of danger".


On January 29, 2019, was helda joint workshop on cooperation between the KSMA-Kyung Hee, the final results of joint research for 2017-2018 were heard and the results of preparation for publication, as well as the process of preparation for new research were discussed.

On January 30, 2019, a regular meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Zharkyn Kyrgyzstan project was held, where further project plans were discussed, as well as ideas and constructive proposals for mutual cooperation for study and consideration by project specialists.


On April 22, 2019, a meeting was held with the project team and project participants from KSMA, where the implementation of the current goals and objectives of the project was discussed.

On April 24, 2019, the project Manager, Professor Shin Hyun-Suk, held a workshop on research methodology for teachers involved in collaborative research and consultation on the research process.

In may 2019 the teachers of Nursing Department held another training seminar for the students of the faculty of Nursing of the4-5 courses on "The Organization of the communicative process by nurses with parents on vaccination," the authors of the seminar, the head teacher of the Nursing Department Babalieyeva Z. B. and assistant of the Nursing Department Akynbaev E. M.

On July 10, 2019, a joint international conference on children's Health and nursing education was organized. The participants of the conference were researchers from KSMA, researchers from Kyung Hee University, volunteers from Korea, as well as guests from international organizations UNICEF, save the children, the Aga Khan development Network, the Eldic center for family medicine, GIZ, and the initiative of RozaOtunbayeva.

On July 11, 2019, students of the faculty of Nursing held an introductory meeting with students from Korea in the form of a picnic in the ATA-Turk Park and on July 12 showed the buildings of KSMA and told about the history of KSMA.

July 12, 2019 held an interim briefing was attended by head of the International Relations Department of KSMA Yusupova T. B., assistants in the Nursing Department Kurmanalieva Z. B. and E. M. Akimbayev

On 15 and 16 July 2019, the students of the faculty of Nursing,2,3,4 courses, participated in the health fair as volunteers, which took place in residential areas in AK-Ordo GFD No. 29 and AK-Orgo, GFD No. 27.

The list of Nursing students, 2, 3 and 4 courses, groups 1 and 2: AskarbekkyzyDinara, JumarMadina, Shamilov'sAltynai, MyktybekovAyzat, AbdullayevBegimay, KydyrbekkyzyAlisat,KadyrovJyldyz, Bekmirzaeva of Kazibek, KaripovaBegimay, MuradilovWulkan, ToktarbekovaTumar. They were assigned to professors and some to students.

While volunteering at the health fair, we got acquainted with the work of professors and nurses. We also met Korean students and exchanged information about nursing education. Together with students from Korea, we carried out:

- at the entrance, they directed and suggested what to do for the participants of the fair;

- handing out coupons;

- performed reception and registration;

- explained to children and parents about safety and showed the correct use of Souvenirs;

- participated in their distribution;

-and also controlled the correctness of filling out the questionnaire;

- participated in games for children (activities for children's health)

-for children over 5 years of age, tests were taken and the results were noted in the patient's chart;

- measured the height and weight of children;

- actively helped professors and students of the project;


On November 15, 2019, the final report of the project "ZharkynKyrgyzstan" was held in the Republican Center for Health Promotion of the Ministry of health of the Kyrgyz Republic. The report was attended by service providers, the representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, employees of software from the Ministry of health, representatives of the Department of Health, Bishkek, the representatives of Lenin district administration, the medical staff of polyclinic No. 2 and No. 4 lived array of "AK-Orgo", "AK-Ordo", Global Korean Nursing Foundation (GKNF), representatives of KSMA in the face head of the international relations Department T.B. Yusupova, assistant in the Nursing Department Beyshekeeva Z. B., and E. M. Akimbaeva, representatives of Kyung Hee University Republic of Korea and project staff, the Chairman of the Secretariat of the Global Korean nurses Foundation (GKNF) Mrs. Park Jung-Enk.

During the event, L. K. Dzhaylobayeva, Deputy Director of FMC No. 12, Made an introductory speech, N. A. Altymysheva, Director of Republican Center for Health Promotion, presented a report on the project by the project Manager, Mrs. Shin Hyun-Suk, and assistant of the Nursing Department E. M. Akimbayev, presented a report on the work done by KSMA.

This was followed by a meeting of the Advisory Board, which discussed the sustainability of the project and further possibilities for continuing work. Ms. Shin promised to find additional funds to continue the work of the project and include the remaining FMC of the Leninsky district of Bishkek in its work. KSMA employees expressed their desire to work in the project's tasks in the future.